For the next Zelda game, what can they do to make shrines a bit more interesting?
For the next Zelda game, what can they do to make shrines a bit more interesting?
if the next zelda is another ubisoft open world meme game I'll kill myself
>I can play this game for free right now and I don't even want to.
also how about not having 90% of the map be empty fields and mountains
People give F:NV shit for feeling empty but conveniently ignore the ages you have to travel (especially without a horse) to the actual gameplay in BotW
Also more enemiy variety please
Also don't make the weapon durability such a frustrating system, it completely kills the special feeling of any weapon you find
Also don't make such a shit final boss the next time
Also who thought it was a good idea to include MULTIPLE hugefuck mazes that are filled with mostly identical, empty corridors?
Don't make me have to stop for every goddamn Korok seed I find, THERE'S FUCKING HUNDREDS OF THEM, I think I got the point after the 20th fucking time.
Get rid of shrines and make big caverns and dungeons
how about making the combat not shit and the durability not tedious and annoying?
it was awarded GOTY when it should have gone to the garbage because there were no good games in 2017 just like 2016
By not having them
I wanna say "less shrines, bigger shrines" but then the empty world will feel even emptier.
I just want item progression back.
whoah bro you sure you wanna post that, bro?
That's a pretty controversial opinion bro
-Reduce the number down to maybe a dozen
-Make them longer, memorable and more unique
-Give them unique visual themes, music, and puzzle elements
-Make every single one have a shrine quest associated with opening them
-Keep them optional and hide them better, it should feel like a reward when you find one not a chore.
-Give each one a unique boss encounter at the end to top it off preferably one that matches the theme
wasn't trying to be controversial I was telling you what I believe to be fact. Tell me the name of 1 game you're playing right now that was released in these last 2 years and can be considered nostalgia material in 10 years.
i liked shrines
Koroks on the other hand...
I think i completed the game with 20 koroks imagine my face when someone told me there was 900 of them
Have 1/4'th as many.
Make them three/four times as long.
Have different music and visuals for them.
Basically just make them mini-dungeons.
are you retarded? there won't be more shrines. that was exclusive to BOTW due to the setting with the sheikah
Isn't the Korok mask DLC-only as well?
I feel really bad for compulsive completionists who felt the need to scour every inch of the map and go through the same fucking cutscene nine hundred fucking times
Then just design a smaller and more condensed world. You don't really need a world map with large open fields everywhere. Just because a game is open world doesn't mean you need large swaths of flat terrain.
literally SEETHING. stay worked nigger
>thinking the next Zelda game won't be "BotW 2: new and improved" after this game's success
It's like you don't even know Nintendo
So basically, regular Zelda dungeons.
my question wasn't hard to answer in you had a game in mind but since you don't you resort to shitposting
>Don't make me have to stop for every goddamn Korok seed I find, THERE'S FUCKING HUNDREDS OF THEM, I think I got the point after the 20th fucking time.
reminder that completionist syndrome is a disease. kill yourself soyboy
then you need to come up with another way to earn heart pieces and stamina upgrades.
By not having shrines and going back to mini dungeons like Ice Cavern and Ghost Pirate Ship. Also bring back grottos to explore, something the top down/handheld games and Wind Waker had plenty of.
>there won't be more shrines
youre right, but the reason is because they were about as interesting as watching snails fuck
It'll probably be Majora's Mask 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Why not tie them to dungeon and boss progression like literally every other Zelda game rather than go "hurrr, we removed all the content, now our game has no content, how will be distribute power-ups?"
this answer is so blindingly obvious that it really illuminates just how fucking retarded nintendo and its ardent-defenders have become
Except optional, so they're rewarding to find and explore rather than obligated drudgery.
>being this retarded
That's not how Nintendo makes games you retarded faggot specially because the next Zelda game won't even take place in Hyrule
I'm not a completionist, you fucking moron. I never had any intention to collect all the seeds.
The Korok seeds are NECESSARY for upgrading your inventory space in order to have a less frustrating experience with the game. You HAVE to collect them if you want to have any significant number of items.
And collecting them is annoying.
this would be a terrible fucking game. yall are delusional. breath of the wild REINVENTED the open world genre. everyones going to copy this style now, including nintendo for the sequel
this. you can tell nintendo was desperately swinging in the wind, aping fucking asscreed of all things after skyward sword was panned by everyone
but power-ups are distributed?
So you tie them to dungeons and boss progression.
3 dungeons, then break in story and another 7 dungeons right.
Ocarina of Time over and over again, right.
The hammer is in the temple with the boss that is weak to the hammer.
The spinner is in the temple with the boss that is weak to the spinner.
Then Ganondorf and over.
Why do they have to be optional though? That's the problem with shitty open-world games, you cut out actual content and then replace it with some shitty side-objective that you are going to do anyway since you need to get the reward.
Now that open world is out of they way, what other dumb meme will nintendo force upon zelda now? Zombie survival zelda?
the reason there's 900 of them is so you get a healthy amount no matter where the fuck you go. you're not expected to EVER hunt them down. a normal play through will provide you with a 1:1 ratio of shrines to korok seeds, which is more than enough for inventory upgrades
>That's not how Nintendo makes games
it is though. They throw shit at a wall and see what sticks. BotW stuck. People are begging for a sequel. They're passing on 100% free money if they decide to drastically change direction.
Your sister's cunt
please stop reminding me that zelda used to be a good series
add some mini dungeons. are you fucking autistic or something?
The same thing they did to masks, kinstones, motion controls, musical instruments and learning songs, ocean travel, train travel, time travel, scheduled side quests, touch screen controls, multiplayer, console+handheld cross multiplayer, and every other gimmick they stopped using after one or two games. Ignore it and move on. Do you also want to know what the next Pokemon games will do to improve island trials?
>still being retarded specially after Adventure of Link and Majora's Mask
Stay deluded, faggot.
Expect they don’t do this. That’s one thing I respect about Nintendo. Instead of making a easy sequel, they risk it (ex. Majoras Mask, Sunshine, Etc)
Of course I don’t think you were born yet.
You mean like the Shrines with Wind puzzles, Magnesis puzzles, Stasis puzzles, Frost puzzles and the like? And I would love more weapons again instead of just melee weapon and bow.
We already got sailing the seas and train driving, I want pirate airships next.
>People give F:NV shit for feeling empty
Opinion disregarded.
BOTW is like the only good 3D Zelda
Do they have to be shrines? In the old games they were mini-dungeons or just random caves.
Make less of them and make them longer.
Grottos are just unfinished shrines. Anyone wanting grottos back is an absolute retard
It's literally true though.
>Instead of making a easy sequel, they risk it
you know, Nintendo is very well known with their huge risk-taking with their 2d marios, and especially bold was the 3D Mario, Galaxy, which was followed by the bolder, risk-taking Mario Galaxy 2 which was DEFINITELY not just "Galaxy with improvements"
That doesn't make those people right though.
The next Zelda won't even have shrines
The game is literally called Mario Galaxy More internally on the disc
Not him but you only need about 100 of them to carry a reasonable amount of items, and even them some get by fine without any inventory upgrades. That said, korok seeds could've been much better.
>wanting bite sized side dungeons and caverns to explore not tied to progression or story is retarded
>Zelda is a series lauded for its exploration and discovery
You might wanna look in the mirror.
>I feel really bad for compulsive completionists
they bring it upon themselves
It does because they're right and you're wrong. That's all there is to that.
remove them completely and go back to big dungeons
>why have varied areas when you can have generic rooms with same-ish puzzles
When was the last time you played a zelda game? Most grottos have literally, unironically, nothing in them besides some enemies and maybe a bottle or heart-piece or similarly mediocre optional reward. It's extremely rare to get any kind of puzzle and none of them have a dungeon in them as far as I recall. Grottos are shit.
Not to mention Majora's Mask, which was certainly not OOT with a time limit and mask transformations, no sir!
Trips of truth.
Two reasons
First being the experience of finding something cool is far more enjoyable if you weren't guided there by the plot. You just stumbled upon this strange building solved the puzzle and were rewarded with an entire dungeon. You weren't told by Impa to go to this place and do the thing to get the thing so you can do that other thing who marked all of this on your map and put it in your journal in an order list so you don't get lost and telepathically contacts you every time you get off track. Second being it allows the player to decide what kind of content he wants to consume and when especially on replays. If I'm playing the game again and I absolutely loved that 7th dungeon in a handhold Zelda I've got 6 other dungeons and probably a dozen or so long expository cut scenes and minigames to trudge my way through before I can get there where in an open game where that choice is up to me I can have the extra challenge of going straight to the 7th dungeon right out the gate. Allowing the player to take on Ganon's castle at any time and making all the dungeons technically optional was the best damn decision they ever made. Now if only they made the four introductory shrines on the great plateau optional at least on a second play through.
As much as I hated the Ocean King Temple, I like the idea of revisiting temples with powered up Link to find new areas or get further through. It means you can have a smaller number of temples but still a lot of content.
Skyward Sword kind of did this but only minimally.
Every zelda game is developed from the ground' s up. Next main zelda will be linear shit again.
>Every zelda game is developed from the ground' s up.
what, just like Majora?
Just like Spirit tracks and Phantom hourglass?
you don't know what you're talking about
>wanting bite sized side dungeons
Those are called shrines. What you want are shrines, not grottos. Grottos are basically just tiny holes with enemies and a heart piece inside.
Please livestream your suicide
>ITT autists trying to nitpick a once-in-a-generation GOTY that changed how video games will be made in the future
thank god none of you are game designers. every idea in here is terrible
All of that sounds fucking awful though.
>hurrr don't do the dungeons
>walk around and find the exact copy/ pasted landmarks around the map like shrines and stables
>cater to the absolute bottom of the barrel fanbase with an incredibly cheaply made game that replaces actual content and gameplay with "nice to look at aesthetics"
>major gameplay mechanics are now nitpicks
If you seriously think the weapon durability and empty world made BotW a better game, you seriously need to get outside your Nintendo
delusion hugbox
>All of that sounds fucking awful though.
Confirmed for not played the game. Not the same user btw, but you're an utter moron
Where did I say anything even resembling either of those? Are you even reading these posts?
I hear this meme a lot but how did BotW change anything compared to Ubisoft Non-linear Open-World Game #37?
Botw is one of the densest open world games around, it is not in any way empty. At worst, it's repetitive.
not make shrines at all. should be a bunch of entrances to a massive underground labrynth, where you need to find hidden entrances on the overworld to progress
unironically this.
Keep telling yourself that as you walk 10 minutes from shrine to shrine
>ooh but they put mushrooms for you to pick along the way!
wow, how exciting.
It's a standard formula open world game. Make a stupidly fucking big empty map and scatter little bits of content around. You could rebrand it as a new ubisoft game and no one could tell the difference.
Unless said underground labyrinth has multiple themes in itself, I think that would get older faster than the shrines.
I've played and beaten just about all of them. The entire idea behind grottos is the little rewards and there's nothing wrong with that. They're mini deviations you could tackle if you wanted to.
>What you want are shrines, not grottos
No I do want grottos. Shrines should be all be the size and length of Ice Cavern and a lot less in number.
>EA: “You know, I can't speak to what other people, other companies will do in their own games, but I think for me, especially just in terms of the Zelda series, the incredible freedom that this game offers you and how well that's been received…to me, it means that freedom, that level of freedom is something that needs to be maintained in Zelda games going forward. My eyes have been opened to how important that is.
And then Aonuma pondered something he hadn't before. Maybe Zelda wasn't linear hand-holding and puzzles. Maybe Zelda, in fact, was a little bit more.
And what happened next? Why, in Hyrule they say... that Aonuma's small brain grew THREE sizes that day.
There's plenty of shrines, riddles, quests, creatures, travelling NPCs, secrets, etc. in the game. I wouldn't call it dense as a whole, but it's certainly a lot more involved than most other open world games.
I played it, the best part of the game were the divine beasts and Hyrule Castle.
Got bored after 10 Korok seeds and had to force myself to do the shrines so I could get the Master Sword. Hunting for meat was fun.
Go fuck yourself, your open world "hurrr freedom" meme is shit.
include a total of 4 of them and make everything else a differently themed underground dungeon with say 8 or 9 of them including ganon's layer i say underground so you dont end up with large swaths of land being nothing but dungeon roof
The shrines are so densely packed in there and you move so quickly especially if you're gliding around you'd be hard pressed to find an area where you can travel for five minutes without finding a shrine let alone ten. You're delusional.
>The entire idea behind grottos is the little rewards and there's nothing wrong with that.
Except that botw literally already has places with little rewards, with chests hidden in little caverns and in lakes etc. thoughout. Replacing shrines with grottos would objectively be a step down as you'd be replacing minidungeons with puzzles with tiny holes with a few enemies or so.
So you never actually played it. Gotcha.
You would have a point of BOTW's dungeons weren't like 10 minutes long.
>I played it
Bullshit, you wouldn't have said "sounds" if you had played it, that makes no sense.
What was the reason for the shrines to exist? When are you told this? I honestly don't remember.
>you have do all the shitty collectible shit to truly play the game
Ah, so it's a godawful embarassment of a Zelda game that has to force you to explore with shitty collectibles, gotcha.
Hopefully BOTW's sequel will be an actual game and not some shitty sandbox simulator with no content besides 120 small rooms and 900 stupid pieces of shit.
You're getting less convincing with each post you make.
so that means we'll get more sandboxes filled with shitty "mini games" that rarely change in complexity and can't built upon each other because everything needs to be able to be solved from the start?
Sounds fucking terrible.