So which Fire Emblem girl will you bust your first 2018 nut to, lads?

So which Fire Emblem girl will you bust your first 2018 nut to, lads?

The best one.

Maybe tiddy ninja.

I'm partaking in /nofap2018/ I wont be misled by 1000 year old dragons.

There's only one for me.

good taste, I can't wait for her to get into FEW2 with a laguz lance as her personal weapon

>Not the superior dragon waifu
Jill is a cute, but she pales in comparison to Altena


Lucina most likely

yeah Altenna is more cute, but they could do more with Jill's personality, Altenna just had her reunion with Finn, and her confrontration with Trabant, and Aereone.
Plus Jill is far more useful in either game than Altenna is

Considering you get Jill pretty early, and Altena 2 chapters from the end, that's not surprising. If Altena had more time in the spotlight, she probably would have been far better

Yeah, it's too bad she couldn't really do anything in FE5 either due to southern Thracia being the one peaceful country outside the empire's control

My dude

The same girl as always

FE barely has any doujins, so no one

She better get actual supports next time around if she comes back as recruitable, rather than just the MU


Go to bed Tygerr

It doesn't have a ton of doujins but there's a decent amount of good singles/sets on pixiv and the boorus.

You just posted her OP.

>wanting Anna with anyone but yourself

Same, but IS doesn't seem to care too much about her. The fucks that made Warriors could give her a normal amount of support convos and had the voiced, so IS could at least have them in text, right?
>not wanting more exposition for a character you like
>self inserting

>tfw no good lewds of maribelle, panne, tanith, or sigrun

Aniki's. They are for loving and lewd and giving you cute sons and families.

minus Panne that's some pretty great taste, also Maribelle has a few, and Tanith & Sigrun have one between them

I dunno, but it's going to be a loli for sure

>no Forrest lewds

just wished they give you Anna earlier, pretty much getting her is an endgoal considering all the bullshit to unlock her

Between hero weapons and armour destruction I would say she's probably easier than ever to unlock