How would you turn the most recent dream you had into a video game?

How would you turn the most recent dream you had into a video game?

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I forget my dreams within the first quarter-hour after waking up, it's impossible to retain anything from them unless I jump to write it all down asap.

post the one thats got the old man shopped as the end

>most recent dream was about my mom having to give up her middle name so I could have sex with a girl with big boobs

>fantasy rpg where people draw their magical power from their family and personal names
>the more names someone has the more powerful they are
>you can take other people's names or give yours up in trades for power or items/services
>names basically equal spells, so you can build decks of names/spells

my last dream was about exam from mechanical engineering when i suppose to write about strange non-existing species of carp, the question was about its gills precisely

so yea, you give me idea

If you write them down quickly you remember them more in the future. Do it enough and you eventually recognize the patterns while you sleep and can lucid dream and feel the feeling of gf for a time

>had a dream about a festival date with childhood friend
Literally any romance VN

I don’t dream.

It just goes black and then I wake up.

>sat next to girls I liked in school
>lindybeige and I were on a roof and he said he could see his house from here
>went for comfy winter walk
>got into fight with dad
>found a used condom and jammed that shit in my pocket
open world sandbox walking simulator

go to bed earlier you nerd.

I'm not joking here: you only remember dreams if you wake up during, or shortly after a REM phase. if you sleep irregularily, you're more likely to forget your dreams. you still have them though, you just forget about them when you wake up.

>badly need a piss
>find a bathroom
>it's busy
>find a door in that bathroom that leads to another smaller, darker bathroom
>it's still too busy
>find yet another door that leads to a bathroom that isn't lit at all with broken glass all over the floor
>try to piss
>suddenly the bathroom starts filling up with old men
At this point I start charging rage power or some shit and it becomes a hack and slash. Game ends when I find a pot to piss in.

I want to pluck the flower

It would be extremely painful

i found a chihuahua and loved it but it didn't love me and bit me whenvener i tried to pet it but i pet it anyway and just found it funny
at one point i had my finger in its mouth and was saying something like "goodgoodgoodgoood" and then i woke up and all my friends who were sleeping around me made fun of me because i started moving my finger while saying "goodgoodgoodgood" and then i woke up for real because i had to leave my friend's house

there's no feasible way to make this shit into a videogame

>Lucid dreaming
Big mistake you dumb virgin, do not do it.

>most recent dream was literally about catching runaway black slaves, with nets and shit, in a pre-modern landscape

Might be an awkward pitch.

She's a slutty girl.

Marine life researcher simulator

Not for you, virgin

so blade runner, except black slaves are replicants.

>hunted by a hot blonde secret agent in a slutty suit through a system of bunkers connected to safehouses that look like average family homes
>walk in on her in the bathroom of a safehouse being devoured by a creature in the bathtub drain that apparently lives through the pipes of the bunker system
>try to save her

I guess it would play somewhat like the last Alien game.

for anyone with some money

this is my fetish

>in a hotel room with a girl i like from uni
>we're getting intimate, but i flee the room because i don't want her to find out i have a small dick and i spend the rest of the dream avoiding
A stealth game where you're running from people you enjoy being around.

>I can't silence my new phone that's ringing in the middle of class and the teacher (who's Cletus from the Simpsons) is getting angry
>I'm working as part time teacher in a fancy Spanish school where everyone speaks English but I've some kind of ulterior motive
Point and click, I guess

>You can only buy pizza from the pharmacy with a prescription.
>The prescription is written by the current president of Finland, Sauli Niinistö
>He doesn't want me to have pizza.
>Writes me a prescription for weed instead.
>Get high with Sauli.
>Trump shows up and brings pizza.
>Sauli is too high to confront Trump about this and we all eat pizza.

I don't think this would make a good video game.




>Old lady down the block gets pressed into paying protection money to some thug
>I spend an hour looking at obscure and odd weapons to see what I should bring
>Wait under her staircase into the garden with an opinel for hours
>Wake up
Some kind of adventure game or stealth game maybe?

Forgot to mention that I instictively knew to confront him even though I think I could have just called the cops

>put shotgun to the roof of my mouth and pull the trigger
I have no idea.

Don't know, but it'd involve some really adversarial coop.

Literally Desert Bus

My last dream was about living in a very very dark village and going to murder a family because their fireworks sparks burned my neck. Setting would make it a 10/10 horror game desu

>visiting family or friend, doesn't really matter who
>about to leave and go home
>have to pack up all my belongings before then
>constantly keep finding more of my items like spare socks and t-shirts
>spend hours just looking for my stuff and packing them
>feel stuck because I'm never finished packing
>gf is constantly telling me to hurry up or we'll miss the train
>we'll never miss the train because I'm stuck on this one ever repeating loop in time
The most frustrating shit ever. This is a recurring dream and basically the reason why I bring as little stuff as possible on holidays or vacations.

jesus dude

>Chilling in apartment complex with my bros
>Smell something rancid
>Assume its next door
>Doors unlocked, shout in
>No answer
>Go in anyways
>neighbors apartment is abandoned
>used to be a goth girl living there
>Get to bathroom
>A child(Males) corpse rotting with his right arm missing, his skin is black with pitch or someshit in the bath
>Kid wasn't dead
>Looks up from Bath and asks for help
>Eh, sure?
>For some reason don't call police, take him to my apartment with bros and clean him up
>He becomes oddly attached to me but has memory loss
>Raise the little shit like a son along with my friends
>Stil missing his arm
>hot goth chick knocks on my apartment door one day
>Asks if we seen her son
>she sees kid and freaks out
>kid doesn't recognise her at all but has always wanted a mom again
>Kid gets angry that the mom left him, had to chill out the situation
>Ask goth girl(mom)wtf was going on
>Apparently she was using some stupid voodoo ritual to compress the kid out of time till a later date when she could look after him. Like a temporary abortion.

We fucked up the process and the kid lost his memory since his mind went first.

I woke up shortly after that but damn it was weird. I guess it could make a VN or some shit.

I cant remember much of it but it was some kinda of race through the country with lots of deadly passages, such as having to climb a mountain which is actually a massive hive and inside of it and giant mosquitos but they only get out in night and shit like this. Something incredible happened in it though, basically there were also some relaxing passages such as a stage where you just walk through really tall mountains and for some reason my brain painted the panorama perfectly. When I woke up I immediately though that these mountains in my dream were the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life

I guess this could work right?

Why not?

>keep having dreams where I resume drinking

>tfw had a dream where I went to sleep

I had a dream where all of my limbs were ripped off except for my left arm and I was crossing the street in a city...

Please please please don't do it. Out of everyone I exorcise, 8/10 are lucid dream victims. There's a reason why you don't control your dreams. You DON'T BELONG THERE.

>I exorcise
You're a really credible person now.

Okay man. Go for it. Don't blame me when you feel that cold "air".

I had a dream where i was in someone elses house by myself and there was no furniture except for the chairs, its gone home 2 i guess

>gay twink merbois fucking each other, one was a fish and the other an orca so when the orca one cums inside the other's cloaca the fish cums all over his long orca dick providing lubrication

Who are the other 2?

In my dream I explored a college campus by grinding on the rails like Sonic the Hedgehog and avoiding visual contact with every pothead student that stopped looking human while eating a soggy greasy and cold slice of pizza

That's good gaming material, right?

speaking of fembois
>went to some dumpy campus-like place so I could fuck a famous furry femboi, place is filled with dudebros playing pool, smoking
>the leader who was playing a SNES mini guides me in to a room
>at that point my brain showed me what was gonna happen and that it was not worth it going on a trip for gay sex with a furry femboi
>they locked me in a room where some ghost entity and some other guy starting putting spells on me, painting my toe nails (10 fucks will turn him to normal)
>the dream ended shortly after I began giving up the idea of getting the fuck out of dodge, getting it over with, and maybe not being so bad as a huge erection started forming in my pants
>dream ends with pic related entering the room
I can still hear his voice


blue board


I've been having some really thematic dreams recently. The last one I remember, me and my gf lived in a Nazi police state, and we were trying to escape the Gestapo, as I have Jewish ancestry.

We got stopped by two men, who knew of my kikeness, but my gf beat them to it when she ran to a nearby Gestapo officer and told him the two men were secretly gay lovers. Then I woke up.

Could be a cool game in there somewhere.

The main part I remember of my last dream was my mother driving like a madwoman in a truck that had windows tinted to make everything A E S T H E T I C. I guess a synthwave first-person GTA clone would work.


Oh, and I kept waking up and going back to sleep, but I never actually woke up. Every dream I had was actually a dream within a dream. Add an Inception layer to the game too.

The dream was lucid, too, so I kept trying to have sex with cute women. It didn't actually work though.

I don't remember it too well, but last dream I checked into a hotel room that had a centipede infestation and I couldn't leave for some reason. I remember going around the room and seeing all kinds of them crawling in dark spaces. They looked more like millipede-like alien bugs and not centipedes. I called the police at one point and they told me it was normal.

I guess you could turn it into an escape room game that has a bunch of bug bros in it.

>dream about installing the most popular game on steam
>2d kirby-like plataformer with rpg elements and shitty sprites made with mspaint
>this music plays
>top in sales on steam, metascore 10/10 for some reason
>pic related (how I remember it)
>woke up and realize it doesn't exist

Would you buy it?

>Can't remember my dreams at all
>Most nights it's like they never happened

Fuck this

Seems nice enough. I'd pay like 5 bucks for it,more if it's really good

i'd buy it