Cold gamer thread

how are my fellow poorfags coping with the cold? is anyone else seriously considering just quitting playing vidya until the spring?
>hands too cold to use a controller
>fingers too numb to use kb&m
any tips for coping with this awful time of year? currently got my hat and scarf on but it doesn't help with getting my hands vidya ready

>richfags not welcome

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It's summer, why would it be cold?

maybe you should close your windows and turn on a space heater

It's 71 degrees here in Miami.

Invest in a good throw blanket OP

Just heat up a nice big jug of tea or milk and wrap your hand around it. Avoid coffee. Problem isn't so much cold hands but cold feet and they're a bitch to heat up.

don't know what you talking about mate. anyway can't stay long, going to that barbie at the beach

>Tfw cold hands and feet year round apart from the height of summer

Stupid fucking circulation.

I dropped my space heater and when I turn it on, its crackling noises are a little different. It sounds like water. Am I going to die?

Shit man that's how you make mustard gas

fingerless gloves

Where the fuck do you live? Siberia?
Here it's around -10 Celsius outside, but a cozy +22 inside.

Call the space marines, your space heater has an alien inside.

Try pressure wraps or insulated skintight gloves, like what divers use?

>turn on a space heater
I will do that before I go to bed but I can't afford to leave it running 24/7 just to play games

>Avoid coffee

>-10 Celsius outside, but a cozy +22 inside
>t. underage
your rich mommy and daddy have the heating switched on so their autistic manchild doesn't cry it's too cold
why is that?

I’m the opposite. Unless it’s 25f or lower I’m sitting in the house in shorts and no shirt still sweating.

Unless it leaks, it should be okay (I think). Keep an eye on it though, and don't have it running while you sleep.

I meant to ask, why avoid coffee?

Ask somewhere that isn't here. You aren't going to get any serious replies.

Running on firewood here, it's pretty comfy.

>live in a dormitory
>heating is too weak in my room so the dorm told me to use a space heater if i want to
>26 °C all winter long at no cost to me

If you spend appreciable time playing vidya but dont have the money to heat your room or yourself,
you might need to look at your priorities

I have heater but for some reason my hands are cold, I never knew why this happened but it has happened since I was 12/13 years old

I bought an oil-filled radiator this year it's the best. My old ceramic heater's fan gave out and almost burned my house down.

Sounds like something is fucked with the fan machinery

>your rich mommy and daddy have the heating switched on so their autistic manchild doesn't cry it's too cold
Jesus! How poor are you dude? I'm a lower middle-class working dude, and still can afford to heat my fucking house.

fucking rich fags always have to brag, can't even let a man seek advice on how to cope with the cold
>just work 100 hours a week bro
>just have rich parents like me bro works for me
>just keep the heating at a nice 25C bro
>just earn 100,000 a year bro didn't your family abuse nepotism to get you a comfy job

>not just wearing warm clothing and covering up with blankets to save money for more vidya

Get a load of this soyboy.

Coffee is bad for your circulation.

Whatever man. I prefer not sitting with a coat and gloves on inside, like some autistic NEET eskimo.

I just turn my monitor towards the bed and take the gamepad under the blankets. It's as comfy as it gets.
You can also try to play games with mouse & keyboard but not something that needs good precision or reflexes.

only women complain about being cold

>oooh it’s so cold! I’m such a baby! I better get me a double fudge ass cream latte with extra soy milk to warm up!


I am constantly cold, I frequently sit around in my jacket, however my hands are fine, they remain warm, so I remain gaming.

is this a third worlder thread? its been sub zero temperatures all week where i live and i can still play video games fine.

>That projection
I almost feel for you, dude. Enjoy the cold.

Heated blanket. Best thing ever.

if you are such a poorfag, get an IR bulb and point it at yourself, you'll be warm very quick.

take the casing off of your computer tower and it can warm your feet up


That’s racist

>leaving your tower on the ground
Get a load of this console soyboy

>tfw live in northern euro
>freezing outside
>shitty student housing has piss poor heating and there's a fucking draft in my room
>just got back home after the holidays and my room's like a freezer

>tfw water cooled tower gets only like 70f.

Yeah, or that tea lights + clay pot heating trick.
Just don't fall asleep with that shit burning.

How do you add extra soy to a latte, tardo? It’s already filled to the top.

its spanish for black you fag

Scandi or slav?

Remember that testosterone is a worker and generates heat inside a male body this is so we can work in the cold and keep the women warm. Any male complaining about the cold probably has low T from being a soy chugging faggot and one of the many reasons you fuckers are virgins.


the desk of my computer is the only counter space I have

ITT: children don't know the concept of house insulation and assume all houses are equally cold during winter without heating.

Houses in cold countries are ironically hotter and require less electric heating in the winter since they are designed that way with proper insulation materials and such, a house like that in a hot country would become a furnace in the summer.

Hes able to afford to turn up his heat. You can't.

I’ve never had a latte I don’t know what’s in them, I’m not some soyboy like yourself. I drink my coffee black.


>hands feel fine most of the time
>as soon as it gets tense in a multiplayer game i lose all sensation in both hands and feet
Can't stand multiplayer games for this reason.

>t. richfag with expensive modern house with expensive top tier insulation
fuck off

FX-8350 and a R9-290. I'm ok.

what's their performance like?
my space heater is super comfy but at this point i'm worried that the constant noise, however quiet it is, will start impairing my hearing

I can turn up my heat if I wanted, I don’t want to cause my body runs like a mans body.

In fact my heat is on just enough to keep my pipes from freezing.

>tfw used to do that
>panic after realizing its only hot because the cpu fan wasn't working

wtf I love Negros now?!

I have a 290 too, I'm mining electroneum for heat right now

Norfag here. Have you tried the trick I mentioned here?
Just need some tea lights and a couple of clay pots. It burns for hours, and it gets really hot, really fast. But as I also mentioned, it can be a bit risky.

Let me tell you a secret.

If you hands are cold, it's almost always your body reacting in such a way as to keep your core body temperature warm enough. Basically your entire chest area is too cold and circulation to your limbs is reduced to prevent your body from losing too much heat through them.

Instead of trying to warm up your hands, warm up our chest area.

Why are you complaining about your house being cold if youre a man?

>equally cold during winter without heating
it's not winter if you don't need heating
mediterranean """winter""" is just a boring, dry and gray few weeks before spring

Thanks Ra's al Ghul!

>tfw don't feel the cold.

I’m not. It’s the other user faggot is the one that’s cold.

>constant noise

No problem batman.

But it's actually real. It's just how your body reacts to the cold.

I have a Vega 64 and an overclocked Ryzen CPU so my computer produces enough heat to keep me warm.

Everything you're experiencing right now, in my early 20's that motivate me to work, get money. Not feel like shit. This was 2008... unwad your panties and stop being a pussy.

I can play console games or pc games with a controller because I can keep it under a blanket
but its not practical with m+k

>early 20s
kys underage and don't try to lecture me on paying the bills

this is the only time of the year when I can play my ps3 for more than a hour without the loud ass fan going off. playing through cold steel 2 as a consequence

I may be underage (28) but at least I don't just roll over belly up and give up without an attempt.

>don't try to lecture me on paying the bills
If you can't even afford to heat your home, then clearly he's got a right to lecture you, fucking retard.

even more pathetic
don't you have a "le 25+ gaymers" thread to shitpost in and pretend you know shit about life while still being an agelet?

>is anyone else seriously considering just quitting playing vidya until the spring?
Hell no, overclocking season just started!

I'm not the one bitching about a basic necessity. I'm not the one who is basically in a logic loop. You've demonstrated in a few short words that you're ALL these things.

What kind of 3rd world shithole you guys live?

>making fun of someone for their age, of all things
damn, your life must be great

Go back home old man

south africa


take you virtue signalling ass back to >>>/reddit/

Stop being a pussy, maybe? Grow some thick skin, here it was -5°C yesterday and that didn't prevent me to play vidya.

Try this user:

Us coldbros gotta stick together.

Stay hydrated and drink lotsa water. Invest in thin gloves for gaming but stick those $1 heat packs in 'em. Try some deep breathing exercises along with that video too.

o b s e s s e d

>Binaural memes
Take that shit to /x/ you kooky cunt.

>0f -20f wind chill here in MA
Had to work overnight in that shit and hated every moment even worse was walking to and from work. But now I am on my "weekend" to play games.

You don't have to listen to shit you dumb fuck, shit was obviously an observation, not advice.

wtf i'm gay now

Do you not have heating?

-5 is literally nothing

Ah. Im not fully awake yet.

i have stock photo related, probably the exact model. I wear socks. cozy fingerless gloves are nice. wear socks.

Only took like 90 posts before some good advice is finally shared. Thanks bro, listening to it now and already feeling my aura warming up 100% legit

No one like French Canada so hard for me to feel sympathetic.

>blanket over body, in the style of 'le comfy gamer'
>controller inside of blanket tent thing
>body heat keeps hands toasty
It's not hard, user