Pick one

pick one

Last one.
>he doesn't have a high-end pc with multiple TBs of storage

Red button. 10/10 viddy games and I get five years of beer.

dark blue button sounds pretty good, but it doesn't state how long the sequels take to make

Red. There's plenty of shit in my backlog to make it through the drought and there are other hobbies.

last one

where's the button that makes every SJW get shot into the sun?

The barely visible one without text?

i've already pressed the secret button without knowing what it says

fuck the other ones they're stupid


Red is the correct choice. Quality over quantity and I have other hobbies anyway.

blue is clearly the best, as over time every genre will be full of games that are amazing, and it doesn't say anything about an arbitrary number of times a game can get sequels. if the ability to make new IPs disappeared its not like anyone would ever stop making sequels since its all they can do

A new challenger approaches!

Red. There are more genres than what first comes to mind and if the games really are 10/10 games there will be things to talk about for years even after you finish them.

I probably dont even need to press it as it will happen on its own.

The Blue button does not imply that sequels will be made though, only that if they are then they will be better by an undetermined amount in areas that aren't stated either.

First button.

No game ever had a good sequel.

If sequels are all that can be made, then they will be made. It's not like the game industry would just let itself die by choosing not to make sequels when that is their only option. Ergo, after some amount of time basically all major IPs will be very good games, because no one is going to stop making an IP that is popular when you cant even make new IPs

Warcraft 3 > Warcraft 2 > Warcraft 1

I have more than enough games in my backlog

blue button is the only option. new IPs only ever turn good when they get a refined sequel, if all that exists are sequels that are guaranteed to be refined we'd wind up with a fucking incredibly catalog of games.

Green, how is that even a fucking question.

The last two are the only real options.
The last one would take forever to get new games after their initial launch in real life but doesn't specify if it's only temporary.
The second one completely forgets how many IPs exist currently.
You mean I can have another good Toejam and Earl?
Another good super smash tv?
It's getting harder and harder to make a completely new IP without heavily borrowing from the past.
Take game you like and imagine it instead under some other existing ip.
A complete earthbound game with undertale gameplay would be pretty good in my books.

purple since i'm not poor

>picking the option that only exists for spite and is purely a negative with no actual positive

Nobody is forcing you to buy AAA games, all that does is deprive it from people who do.

Turquoise > Blue > Red > Yellow > Grey > Purple > Green

Turquoise is the only option with no drawbacks, as it's merely saying "this game will exist", not that other games or studios will be replaced or go away, so obviously that.

Yellow. There hasn't been anything remotely unique in gaming for the last few years except for a handful of indie games. New IP's over rehashes any day.

secret button

you sure about that?

the fuck?

>All non indie studios will die for good along with their vidya
Why would ANYONE pick this? There are plenty of good AAA and AA studios.
t. indie dev

Yellow. I want new shit.

This. You can still reuse mechanics or whatever and just make it a new IP.

>removing cancer
>not good
Let's see, even from the most recent events - AAA fucked up, government now will try to regulate vidya. Not to mention the amount of pandering to normalfags and casuals that is going on in AAA, all the way from difficulty to themes. Also AAA is too safe, sequels everywhere that improve and change next to nothing, preferring to swap a few locals and boom, brand new game. I know there are genuinely good new games that are original in almost everything, but they are so few and far between I might as well disregard them.