What was these things in the hunter's dream?

What was these things in the hunter's dream?
Also why the fog disappears after you kill Rom?
And then why the house is on fire?

Time and space is consulted in this strange land.
Probably great hollows to the multiple DS universe and timelines. Or the stitches keeping the sky and cosmos as one.

Or both?

to me they look like little castles on the top, but they could be more Hunter's Dream locations like the one the player character is standing on in that picture
his is just lower for some reason

dont be retarded desu

I don't know i just wish Sup Forums would have found an "
unofficial" explanation after all this time.

random pillars raising from the ground is a Lovecraftian thing


Ok so Sup Forums makes 54684 threads about Bloodborne being "kino", etc. every day but can't even explain what the fuck is going on in the main hub of the game???

wtf I hate Sup Forums now

always thought it was other hunters dream locations like the one you're in. Does bloodborne subscribe to the same logic as the souls series where other players are canonically existing in other realities?

Not as far as I remember.

More like why in the ever loving fuck is there a badly shopped jpeg of a moon in the dream when the rest of the game looks absolutely flawless?

it's all a bunch of bullshit meant to resemble a story
if you read any interview with miyazaki, you can tell that the game is just an amalgamation of random shit that's put together to resemble something cohesive

Each hunter (player) has their own hunter's dream to return to. The pillars all have their own dolls and workshops at the top of them.

But your hunter's dream is littered with the gravestones of hunters who have passed through it.

It looks cool

Maybe the Moon Presence just thought they looked cool.

House is on fire because Gerhman set it on fire. There's cut audio in the game's file of Gerhman burning the Hunter's Dream.

Those pillars are there because the game devs couldn't get the game to load without them.

>The Old One from Demon's Souls is a Great One
Bloodborne is so fucking cool dude

That always of the last area in Demon's Souls and the artwork around it.

Yes, with the bell system


They're the continuation of the ones you see in Dark Souls 1


They are all connected OP

Holy fuck I just realized you never see the tips of the trees

Souls/Bloodborne connections are so fucking cool