>Still not Anthony Burch
Best way to start off the year
Other urls found in this thread:
At least you are not Randy, Anthony
what's wrong with being a cuck?
Guys, I think I'm turning into Anthony Burch. What do I do?
>shoes on inside
Thanks, this cheered me up.
ask your dad.
>Not Anthony Burch
>Not Randy Pitchford
>tony burch and his stupid sister have solid positions their "industry" to survive even a year long voice actor strike.
>im a sandwich artist who cannot afford to move away from my parents house
At least you didn't persuade your wife into cheating on you like he did.
>tfw no ashly gf
Did they...?
Truely the OG numale
Jontron is a trap now?
>thread theme
would you rather be anthony burch or randy pitchford?
Randy's pretty wealthy, isn't he?
Randy at least has money
Randy he's rich.
Would you rather be Dobson or Spoony?