>>I heard you're good at FPS on let's 1v1
>i-i can't right now b-because:
>I don't have my config with me
>This monitor is 60hz
>This mouse tracks poorly
>This mouse mat sucks
>This keyboard isn't mechanical
>Framerate isn't locked at 300fps
>This monitor doesn't have gsync the tearing hurts my eyes
>I need my gaming chair
>I need a desk at the right height
>>I heard you're good at FPS on let's 1v1

Annon are you okay?

Alright, tell us what subreddit you were banned from before pissing your pants here.

>I heard you're good at FPS on let's 1v1
>sorry my console online subscription expired

A thread died for this

>I heard you're good at FPS on let's 1v1
>I'm not, were playing with gamepads, moron.

you forgot a line
>let me renew it so i can get free games monthly and discounts on tons of digital games

no, I'm afraid I didn't


>I heard you're good at FPS on let's 1v1
>one player gets host and gets an unfair advantage with 0 ping because consoles can't into servers

>not just pirating and getting games for free

l m a o

>paying for discounts
>paying for free shovelware games

>reposting your garbage thread word for word a few days later

Not sure what kind of discussion you're hoping for since it's obvious you're a PC gamer

>discounts on tons of digital games

What are Steam sales?

>I heard you're good at FPS
>No I'm not

>paying for free games

>has a good PC
>buys games

So now consolebabbies mock PC gamers for having the freedom to customize their experience?

>fps with a console

i cant ever because i dont play multiplayer games at all


>playing fps on console

>free games

>renew it so i can get free
>renew it so i can get free
>renew it so i can get free
>renew it so i can get free
>renew it so i can get free
>renew it so i can get free

>>I heard you're good at FPS lets 1v1
>I can't because my monitor is 1080p 60hz
>I need a better mouse
>Sorry user my mouse pad sucks
>My keyboard isn't good user
>I don't have good gaming headphones user to hear you
>>I heard you're good at FPS lets 1v1

>>I heard you're good at FPS on let's 1v1
in what game, overwatch?

>That OP image

>playing FPS on a console
People don't actually do this, right?

>>I heard you're good at FPS games user lets 1v1!
>I didn't get a 144 hz monitor for Christmas sorry user
>>I heard you're good at FPS games user lets 1v1

Post the pro league one.

go back to twitch underage b&s

Do console kids really have honor duels over video games like some kinda tribe of savages?

These threads are the first I've ever heard of the concept even. If you meet somebody good at shooters thats a friend that can help you avoid the hell on earth known as the solo queue.

A guy got killed because of a $1.50 PC FPS duel.

>leave pc cucks to me

>I heard you're good at FPS on let's 1v1
>Hold on, I haven't got my hole technology!

PC slave
>My dick is bigger than yours!
Console slave
>No my dick is bigger!
>This continues for several years

>I heard you're good at FPS
You heard wrong, pal


What if they have an xbawks one ecks and you don't?

>I'm asking for a friend...

this cant be real.

>tfw no one ever wants to fucking 1v1 knives only you rn

>pay for thing
>get "free" thing
That's not how it works.

Ironic how you have to be from there aswell to get the references

>console "pro" league

the fist bump always gets me

>free games
>paying a subscription fee for free games
I don’t even know how to reason with this.

I just want to die every time I see this

that has to be fake

Don't be so skeptical user.

I remember analog stick sucking compared to mouse but holy fucking Christ it can't be this pathetic, you are telling me I can beat pros when I havent played a single FPS in a year?
where do you get these?

Found these in a few siege threads and some others in /r6g/.

>that sweeping with the smg
jesus fucking christ

I have just recently gotten a decent PC but I feel like a cripple trying to play without a controller.
What do?

You're just renting

Git gud with K&MB.

start with some single player FPSs

Console siege webms are a goldmine.

it's just a matter of overcoming it, you've probably been using a controller for a while so it will feel strange, but gradually you'll learn key placements. I'd also recommend turning your mouse sensitivity up if you feel it's too slow, I have a friend who's in the same boat as you but is gradually getting through it. It will feel like shit for a while, but when you come out on top you'll feel better for it.
