How does Sup Forums feel about Messages from Developers?
How does Sup Forums feel about Messages from Developers?
You literally can't make this shit up.
It's Skygoblin. Also, I enjoyed The Journey Down. Good games.
...Oh, then I guess you literally can make that shit up.
This can't be real, r-right, guys?
Developers should stay out of video games.
Why do all American devs look the same?
>Why do all American devs look the same?
>posts image of British dev team
>That beard, for fuck sake, remove it if you don't know how to shave it properly
>the numale face
This is kind of scary.
What is it with japanese christmas cakes and making lewd loli content all the time?
>soylent grin
Who the hell was obsessed enough to make this shit?
Soyboy detected
Anonymous. Don't act like you're too cool for memes when you're on Sup Forums on January 1st.
some neet with a loot of free time
Really takes about a minute to add a pic to the collage. It only takes one autist to get it started.
I don't even know why that shit bothers me, but it does.
Who goes around posting screencaps of people being cucks?
Who goes around making collages of their grins?
Who searches through twitter timelines for this shit?
And why?
yes, but it takes several time to find the source material
I dunno. Op posted the pic of the soy, another posted the collage. I took a screenshot on my phone and added the pic to the collage all while chilling in the shower. It's funny to me to see it grow. Sounds like you boys might be over due for a shave and some contacts desu.
You're being pretty defensive, mate. I wasn't even replying to you. I was replying to
They aren't American, retard
You can tell by the fact that they are white
Who are you quoting
I got a (you). I was just helping you understand the mentality per your request. I don't feel a needed to defend myself on an anonymous board.
Then why do you continue to do so? I detect insecurity.
For real.
>Jigglypuff aint chubby
>Washing my face
>Get curious
>Do the soylent grin in the mirror
>Mouth as open as possible
>Include a dumb thumbs up for good measure
>Lose all self-respect forever
Don't fucking do it, bros. It doesn't matter how big a chad you are or how toned your body is. Once you do it, it consumes you and claims your soul. I bought two crates of soylent and have begun reading Das Kapital since.
>that nu-mouth
what the fuck are you saying
Fuck, you weren't kidding.
japanese woman just wanna fuck little girls too
The same guy is on there are least three times. And a lot of them don't even have beards, just stubble or 5 o'clock shadow.
>I don't even know why that shit bothers me
I could take a guess.
Go ahead
I'll beat him to it, because he thinks you're a self-conscious soyboy.
Nice memetext newfag
You're a faggot.
Its like we're back in middle school.
trying this now
Don't do it, it creates mustard gas
It's in their blood.
I hate SJWs as much as the next guy, but could we cut it with the soyshaming? It's really immature and kinda racist, considering how many POCs are dependent on soy products because of lactose intolerance.
You're both right, but I don't see the relevance. We're on Sup Forums. I don't do the dumb grin.
spend more time working and less time taking a piss
I don't pay you to post pictures of yourself
t. SJW
Fuck off.
>I don't do the dumb grin.
>posting 2 equally shit developers
I guess you’re staying fair
I don't eat soy-based products, either. I'm convinced no one actually does. This meme is dumb.
You're a bright one aren't you
Why do people make memes at all? It's because most people on here have too much time on their hands and want to make some kind of impact on the community, no matter how small or shitty.
>but I don't see the relevance
1. Someone posts an image making fun of soyboys.
2. You overreact to it and claim that you don't know why.
3. You describe yourself as a self-conscious soyboy.
And you don't see the connection between those points?
you leave jack patillo out of this you hear
I don't do the weird expression, so the picture isn't making fun of me any more than it's making fun of you.
>I'm convinced no one actually does.
There's no group that's more detached from reality than anti-anti-SJWs.
>It's an anti-anti-anti-SJW episode
Give me a fucking break
Shut up jack, close your mouth, and go back to being the worst member of a dead gaming network
>the playstation face
That question goes through my head every time i see a thread about how pixel women aren't ugly enough.
>No reply in over 10 minutes
He got taken over by his inner soy
>It's an anti-anti-anti-SJW shill
Go back to... uhm, where you came from.
>This meme is dumb.
Perhaps you should go back to Pleddit
If they told you there were Sup Forumsideogames here
They lied to (You)
I assume the only reason why he isn't part of the collage is that no one's quite sure if he's indeed male.
Christ, did you really need to pack your post with as many shitty meme buzzwords as possible? Add in (((Jew))) while you're at it.
100% this. We need AIs developing games with cold careless efficiency for what the public and shareholders want
>Could you, like, quit it with your toxic meme culture, guys?
Someone may need to take over, this is turning my stomach a little.
This is literally the meme 2018 needed.
Anyone who gets assblasted at it instead of finding it hilarious needs to go back to plebbit.
I tried doing this face and I realized they're doing something I can't do. Their bottom row of teeth aren't showing, it's like they're tucked or something. I can't do that.
Is this a sign of submission or something? Or like a "I won't bite your dick when I give you a blowjob" kind of face? I can't wrap my head around it.
t. rasheed
Jokes on you fags, I never really learned how to smile with my mouth open anyways. Even teeth closed showing feels awkward as fuck.
>I tried doing this face
Sure m8
Let me open Photoshop
Just for U
I think it's a byproduct of a generation having been raised on irony/"ironic" self-expression, sort of a post-hipster expression of joy.
Its actually nintendo face.
It's not ironic when they're doing it though. It's just how they think they should react maybe?
That's what I meant. The expression itself isn't really ironic, but it's borne out of a culture that habitually took "ironic" selfies.
OH god it's real. fucking redditors