Other urls found in this thread:
>he thinks Sup Forums is kino enough to watch the wire
Accept no substitutes
*gets shot and killed by a 10 year old*
Yes, noone on the second biggest board has ever watched one of the highest rated tv shows.
>people that worship rick and morty
>watching the wire
Except that literally nobody cares about that shit but braindead crossposters trying to get replies?
There's way too many black characters for Sup Forums, so most would have to stop every two minutes to shitpost about that
>*whistles high ho the mario*
I just imagined Omar saying "bing-bing, motherfucker" and now I'm dying
Sup Forums has some amazing the wire threads
you're obviously a faggot and a new friend on Sup Forums. threads on the wire here are great. they are infrequent, though.
Omar you best roll out, We're up in here with a mac-11
Is that Chalky White?
i went to high school with more intimidating negros,
>he thinks the wire is worth watching
As always, Sup Forums are pedophiles with the absolute worst taste
I thinks not, Gospić. I thinks not.
I want this fucking coat
I can't find anything like it online
thanks for making this easier user
Where the games at? Where's the games, Sup Forums?
Where's the games? That's all I wanna know.
Season 2 fucking sucked and killed my desire to watch more.
"I’m sayin’, every Friday night in a thread behind Sup Forums, we rollin' dubs, you know? I mean all them boys, we roll til late."
"Shit posting game, right?"
"Like every time, Quentin he'd fudge a few gets, play it out til the pot's deep. And he post his Stoner stuff and run."
"What, every time?"
"Couldn’t help hisself."
"Let me understand. Every Friday night, you and your boys are posting video games threads, right? And every Friday night, your pal Quentin… he'd wait til there's good vidya discussion and he'd post tripfag shit? You let him do that?"
"We'd catch him and sage his ass but ain't nobody ever go past that."
"I gotta ask ya: If every time Quentin would shit on boards and run away, why'd you even let him in the game?"
"If tripfags always shit up the boards, why'd you let him post?"
"Got to. This Sup Forums, man."
that omar bullshit felt like i was watching anime
Good thing you didn't get to 4 and 5, 2nd season is unironically one of the better ones
Fuck you, Kenard
Television is all stupid, scratch that. Film is stupid. I'd rather just watch webm/gifs then go to a movie, whatever the subject, genre or production value. Anime and animation are shit to, don't think you faggots get a free pass.
same thing for past couple thousands years, it's all shit. This planet would look different if it wasn't all shit.
The best one was where that one faggot posted a picture of himself watching it with fucking subtitles on.
obviously gw1
look at the shit people come up with
it's perfect
Imagine being this retarded.
Holy fuck do you just watch e-celeb youtube videos all day or something you fucking cancer?
No, hobby videos, music performances, lectures, etc.
In that case carry on
how does one become this jaded
>that robe
Mace Windu?
more like mace dindu
Try the trash
What's the wire of loli?
It's been years and I'm still mad about how they wrote him out just like that. I mean, I sorta understand their thinking, probably wanting to show that even the biggest badass can get taken down like a chump in real life given some unfortunate circumstances, but still, it just didn't feel right.
Music is shit as well, just as any other art form.
Lectures and other "useful" material is bullshit too, you know. What's the fucking point in gaining knowledge when you know you're gonna die one day and it'll all be gone with you.
>Watch Season 5.
>Get to the final episode.
>Remember I didn't see O in the last couple of episodes.
>Get spoiled when googling "What happend to O".
>Realize that I skipped an entire episode.
And to think I stayed spoiler free all those years...
sauce me up my dude
bless ur soul
happy new year brother
That is really super. How'd a nitwit like you get so tasteful?
Happy New Year
May your days be filled with loli
No other game comes close.
hes a homeless guy famous for having a fashion sense
As rough as the video game industry could be, we had us a community. Nobody, no victim, who didn't matter. And now all we got is microtransactions, and predatory motherfuckers like EA. Makes me sick, motherfucker, how far we done fell.
>crime drama
Hehe, poor niggers living in the slums. *cries in white-ethno-gated-community*
You have objectively poor taste
Can I get a quick rundown on this show?
i hated it at first too because of the union stuff and them not focusing on barksdale but in retrospect the dock workers and the unions were so much more entertaining than the political bullshit in season 3-4-5 that 2 became my favorite (or maybe tied for first with 1) season out of all of them.
sopranos is still better though
>sopranos is still better though
I felt the same until I rewatched The Wire.
i just rewatched it 2 months ago, and i usually rewatch the sopranos every 2 years. sopranos still edges it out imo. i miss pre breaking bad television. now every "serious" show has le pure evil protagonist
How does Mad Men compare to Sopranos and The Wire?
not even close to as exciting as either but they're different genres
Damn, is there anything same caliber as those shows?
I feel like, until recently, most TV shows don't dare to take any risk.
The antagonist is always a white guy, or maybe a Russian. There's token minorities who can do no wrong. It's so predictable and everything just blends together.
Not trying to make the argument that it must be the evil jews/marxists/etc, just that TV networks are afraid to step out of whatever has been established as the normal.
Luckily there are some gems still that don't follow these rules. Mad Men, Breaking Bad, a lot of HBO shows.
And now we have more risky shows like Black Mirror thanks to Netflix not needing tame shows that will rate well on a Thursday night.
To sum up, I'm really glad the world of TV has been shaken up by first HBO and now Netflix.
Work in the industry, trapped more like.
This cannot be argued. I am 100% correct.
I think Mad Men lacked in the plot department compared to those shows you mentioned. Characters are really great, though. It's really worth watching.
Is that the Wire?
I keep hearing how amazing this series is but the first episode is so boring I cant even finish it.
When it gets good?
Was Namond our guy?
I thought Japan didnt have homeless people.
They have a job for everyone there.
Daniels was
Fuck no. He actually taped into his potential
it's probably not your kind of show, there are no explosions
There are dysfunctional people all across this entire planet, that's why it sucks and you should lose all hope.
>When it gets good?
When they get the actual wiretap running. First few episodes are slow. But you can appreciate that after the fact since it fleshes out the characters.
Give up on life and end yourself.
Brother Sharp is chinese
i kept thinking the same thing for years but last year i put on the first episode and powered through, by episode 3 i was hooked
>implying we didn't
Thanks for an actual reply.
Theres always gotta be that autistic part of the fanbase huh
>think the gang stuff was overblown
>it's actually way worse IRL
what is wrong with blacks
>tfw you find out real life Omar jumped from a way higher floor than in the show
it's pretty funny that Simon had to tone down real life because he didn't think audiences would find it believable
How much of a time commitment is the whole series? Or at least up until the last season. I keep thinking that I need to rewatch it, but I don't have the time to bingewatch for hours like I used to.
episodes are 55 min or so skipping credits and I think it's like 12 episodes per season
There are 60 episodes, most episodes are around 50 minutes long.
It's always worse then the what entertainers can portray (or allowed to).
someone needs to autotune his courtroom speech
Then don't bingewatch like some millennial with no responsibilities or hobbies in life.
found the show a bit boring desu
wasn't bad by any means just didn't keep me interested past the first season, or pique my interest enough to influence me to return