First game you played in 2018

>First game you played in 2018

One piece world red


Also Nami make me hard as fuck

Bump guys

I haven't played anything yet I'm not sure if I should do melee or soul calibur 2, I'm thinking melee

8/10 It's alright.

How good is World Red?

>peaches skirt lifting up
Gosh I wish I can see her ankles

Good game

Not counting testing the porn game I'm making. Dark Souls 2, playing co-op with my brother.

It's an average game

But if you like One Piece like I do. Then it will be fun

I'd been waiting to try this out.


You can't do that unless you have two consoles

I was trying to 100% Sonic Colors Wii, i got all the red coins but then i found out you get nothing from getting S rank on every act, i won't bother

I actually came to pic related before. Melee was a god send for me.
Is he testing the game as well?

Running through the game together seems fairly co-op like to me. I mean, you have to play through each area twice, but I don't really mind that since the game is so easy with 2 players anyways.

Nier. Just got it and I'm enjoying the OST and story so far

Resident Evil Zero...some backlog trimming and it's pretty damn good.

Mario Kart

San Andreas. With Helena.

Faster than light, 2018 starts pretty comfy

Gundam Versus

Bout to play Xenoblade 2

Pic related

This, getting the tokens
Fuck farming gems tho, holy shit, what the fuck were they thinking?

This gem

I remember when I was still in high school this girl I liked had on shorts and converse with no socks, my dick was so hard for that entire class I kept staring at her ankles

This one.
There is nothing better than bombing enemy team.

Got the day off figured I might as well get back to it

Xenoblade 2

I actually forgot that game existed
Hands down the most forgettable game

It's a monhun clone, for the true OP experience get Unlimited Cruise or Pirate Warriors 3

>Most forgettable game.
>Somehow wins IGN's people's choice.
>Somehow still has active general.
>somehow managed to gain new blood during christmas sale

Depending on how servers pan out, it'll either die this year, or last good 2-3 more years.

Diablo III

Completing speed challenges in this desu.

Pic related unfortunately.

I just got it my N64 and was checking to see if the carts still work.

Fuck you Tonic Trouble is Ubikino, still long before they fell to shit

Playing games you made doesn't count.


My young cousins came to visit me and first game he wanted to play was pic related.

I'm sorry. It was ok as a time passer, but not a fun game. Like a shallow Kingdom hearts that focuses around equipment and cultivating mechanics to make traditional RPGs look streamlined. After that it's just a shallow beat-em up. Robin and Franky are horrible to play as. The coliseum mode is too repetitive after a while, even though it looks cool.
I'd give it a 6/10.

Game was only 6 euro.
Usopp is even worse

I'm getting used to playing with Robin. Just need to stay back and get attacked by faggots

Unironically Sw:tor . I'm doing the prologues since I've never done then before. It's okay

Hey man, I got mine for 8 bucks too.
There's an event mission where you have to beat the Rob Lucci fight with Robin. I couldn't do it without overleveling her, she's just too slow and has shitty attacks.
I find Usopp to be decent, but boring. He's a lot easier to play as when you have partners who will get the enemies' aggro.
Luffy>Sanji>Brook>Chopper>=Nami>Usopp>>>Zoro>>>Franky>Robin for me. Wait until you get to play as the bonus characters.

Was mid game when it turned midnight. I don't even really enjoy the game, but my friends are fucking addicted

First two hours of VC3.
Kurt and Gursurg are cool dudes.
Spanish Guitar on any OST = 10/10

A single round of tf2. I didn't wanna punctuate the year with any other game.

Too bad teek died after only a couple games, I was looking forward to a little more fun with them.

Morrowind Multiplayer


Warning: after the first few hours, it plummets in quality.
The train segment and first hour in the subsequent area are amazing but it doesn't last.

And IX.
