Steam prize thread: fight for your gift edition

Street Fighter V edition

Europeans only. Will need at least 8 dudes. FT2 elimination.

Get's a 10€ steam game of your choosing!

Add me:

saw you couple days ago
Happy New Year senpai

i am in niggo

OP is legit, he actually gifts games.


aoe2 next time?

im in

brick will take this

Isn't SC;BW better since it is free?

never played it
also i assumed Sup Forums owns aoe2

bumpin for interest.

I also assumed Sup Forums owned Rocket League. Only got two players.

Already got 4 euro players. Need another 8 at least.

same people will join because the rest dont have the game

sign me up

cfn: broski

gift me game, I'll join

I need you to add me so I have the steamID in order to send game and to join the current chat group with the other players.

>tfw you don't have SFV

Sure, what's your steam id?


Wasn't there some new SFV version released soon too?

Nah, you're thinking of Arcade Edition which will be added around 15th of January.

this is probably bait but give it here

>Cant add, communication between the user and me has been blocked.

Did you block me? lmao.

Still spots open?

come on, one more

Its starting

Good luck to everyone playing

will there ever be one of these for americans? sounds fun

DO you have ten bucks to spare ?

Then make one.

They will when I start sleeping weird. Also what said.

I already made 5 threads. 3 of them were successful.

i saw the sf4 one couple of days ago, keep it up buddy, this is nice

Do you mean game?
I think most people just have SFV/4 here.
Alternatively something on fightcade as thats free.