Get mad

>get mad
>throw controller because its a piece of shit
>controller breaks

why dont people make rubber controllers that dont break when you throw them

see if mommy will buy you one of these, OP

That's how they design things in mental hospitals and group homes, user. Not the adult world.

Try controlling your anger instead of breaking things because of a children's game, you pathetic manchild.

>getting so autistically mad that you have to throw stuff
They desing that kind of stuff at mental asylums, maybe you can get help there

Disgusting normalfaggots

>OP doesnt repress his anger like a beta
>Soygoblins come out of the woodwork telling him hes mentally ill

Disgusting ape. Your iq must be lower than your shoe size if you can't controll your own emotions, more so over a video game.

>plays video games
>isn't beta
pick one

>can't handle losing so breaks shit

Normalfags are the ones that do this

You need to learn how to laugh like a madman when you get angry.

careful, dont make him mad! he might slap his computer over again!

Why don't people not throw their controllers?

>play game
>game is shit
>still play
My first and last rule about games:
If im not having fun then i won't play it anymore

But user playing video games IS a mental illness remember?
Specially getting so mad you break your own things, it's like the literal definition.

>Controlling your emotions is "repressing your anger"

Yeah. I'm sure all those non-beta successful people in the real world have regular anger outbursts.

>throw rubber controller
>bounces and breaks tv

>he doesn't have absolute control over his own emotions and conscious experience

Because not everybody experiences tardrage

Suppress all feelings and just be a passive loser like the rest of us.

See user, the problem here is you are throwing the controller because as you say, it's a piece of shit.

You don't realize you are the piece of shit.

If you get so angry that you need to hit things to make the anger go away, you need to see a psychiatrist and take some of those meds that chemically neuter your higher brain function you disfunctional retard.

top sign of a tired gamer, you need a break. Go kiss a girl faggot.

How do I know that youre a domesticated faggot

Is it really that far fetched to think that successful people get angry?

how about stop having tantrums like my two year old nephew,and not throw controllers?

Everyone gets angry. Everyone gets upset. Everyone gets sad. The key is knowing which emotions you let out when. It's appropriate to FEEL anger, but if you are smart you have ways to work through it other than acting like an ape and tossing things around.

Tardy need dipey changed?


>what is the president of the united states?

Exactly my point. When was the last time you saw trump get upset at a question someone made and start throwing things at the person? Or because someone said something negative about him run up to the person and punch him in the face?

I'm sure he gets angry often and has a hard time controlling it considering other traits of his personality, but he doesn't show it that often in public or it would harm his image, even if people know it deep down.

Dumb stoiccuck. Id bet you'd ask for permission to cry after i swirlied your head in a toilet.

I don't recall him losing his temper in public.


What a manchild. I'm stoic because I don't release my emotions in outbursts in public? I don't even think you know what that word means.

I can feel sad and cry over something that happened, but also be smart enough to do not do it in a work environment where it would benefit no one and just cause complications. Then again, crying in a social environment sometimes IS a smart idea, for example a woman trying to get sympathy over something. Of course, you don't understand any of these subtleties. To you it's "BOOGA I ANGRY I SMASH"