I just started playing this game in tactician mode

I just started playing this game in tactician mode.
Any advices or hints?

Grab a refund while you can and save your money for pic related.

make the skeleton man a thief and steal everything you can get away with in fort joy. And when you feel good about yourself sav and go to the beach and fight the 3 large monsters there, one of them drops a really nice item that can carry you through most of the game.


Reminder that Necromancy and all physical damage gets bonuses from Warfare. Not a bad idea to get the level requirements for spells/abilities then pump into Warfare.

Idk if they 'fixed' it but Rupture Tendon and Chicken Claw is a great starting combo.

Steal literally anything you can from Fort Joy.

I cannot believe obsidiots are still this asspained


Skip both and replay Morrowind another couple of times.

Pillars was shit and you should feel bad for thinking otherwise

>any year

Yeah ok Schlomo

>being such a numale that you still defend pillars of shit just for epic retro game fan cred

I would understand if the games were actually good but they're terrible.

>Any advices or hints?
If you're not a brainlet you need to handicap yourself in order to make the combat interesting past first 5-6 levels.

This actually OP. Good taste also.

Yeah as soon as I got a level 10 summoner it just became broken, let alone 2.

that's like your opinion lmao

You don't even need summoners in order to make the game easy.

2 lone wolves are too strong.
Group of 4 people is still too strong, especially if you optimize for one type of damage (physical/magical).


Two people, both lone wolves. One a two handed tank and the other a crossbow ranger. Focus on knockdowns and fuck magic. Congratulations, you just steamrolled the game.
Pick Fane as main and Lohse as copilot for the maximum plot experience with the hardest bossfight.

> two handed
> not throwing shields everywhere

We posting screenshots?

Oh god I wanna see a webm

Playing DivOS for the first time, are any of the two big mods essential or should I play vanilla?

Game bugged out with the explosion. I wasn't the host so guess there was too much data to go through the internet to the other two players. We set the forest on fire.
And only took a third of the troll's health.


play tactician mode
honor mode = tactician with instakill mobs and anything other than tactician is too easy and makes the game tediuos
dont worry tactician is pretty simple if u focus on CC