Sunset Overdrive

>Sunset Overdrive
>Sea of Thieves
>Gears of War 4
>Rare Replay
>Halo 5: Guardians
>Zoo Tycoon
>All 360 Games
>Soon all original Xbox games
>Cheapest console

I thought you guys said Xbox has no exclusives?

Other urls found in this thread:



It is tho.

next time post your wallotext without a frog and you might have a point but until then no bumps nor (You)s, dumb frogposter

These are console exclusive not full exclusive.
Nevertheless I really want to play crackdown 3 and I'm praying it's going to be as fun as 1.

cuphead isn't exclusive

How delusional are you?

Frogs aren't dumb, dumb anti frogposter.

>so many butthurt Sonybros and Nintenbros here

>this pajet shill who was posting all the new years eve
now thats dedication

>get gifted an Xbone X over holidays
>it has few if any good exclusives
>get Pubg free with it
>it’s colossal shit
>end up playing a lot of backwards compatible games

I mean the system overall ended up impressing more then I thought it would but it still has a ways to go. Visual quality though is pretty good though so I can’t complain. Just wish Microsoft hadn’t cancelled so many exclusives.

I mean it’s great to play

stupid frogposter

I am an xbox fanboy, and I still think you're fucking retarded.
>Sea of Thieves
Not out yet, on PC
On PC, unfinished on release
>Gears of War 4
>Rare Replay
A collection of existing games - the collection is exclusive but none of the games are
>Halo 5
Only the campaign is exclusive - multiplayer is the good part and is on PC
On PC, total shit on Xbox
>Zoo Tycoon
>All 360 games
A literal lie
>Soon all original Xbox games
Also a literal lie
>Cheapest console
Aaaaaand what do we have here? Another actual, factual lie.

I hate when something I like so much is so reviled, but I hate it even more when some dumbshit like you posts bait like this, KNOWING you're being a fucktard, just to make it look worse. Console war bullshit is fucking retarded, and you should kill yourself.

And if you're going to post pepe in 2018, at least have the decency to post actual pepe and not some MS paint redrawn bullshit.

>I mean it’s great to play

That’s weird I didn’t put that in my post.

Crossbuy :)

I don't know why, all microsoft has to do is make me a mechwarrior game and I'll buy their stupid fucking console.


I'm not dumb!!!

Why are Sony fans so afraid of the bone, v?

Okay now post 1 good game out of that list

>Exclusives existing in the first place
They started appearing because they were scared of the piracy bogeyman and then realized they can milk retards who buy consoles only for certain games

Halo 5 MP is not on PC, it's missing MM and warzone

Already got my Sea of Thieves pre-ordered

Hype af for Horizon 4 and Halo 6 this year

Cool, so, it's missing the worst multiplayer mode ever conceived and also the ability to have random 12-year-olds yelling in your ear about how you're a faggot whose mom they've just fucked?

Might need to check that version out now.

how come no matter which way you choose to play MS exclusives, Sup Forums will say "you fucked up"? Sup Forums hates both the xbone and windows 10.

Yeah man fuck matchmaking what a gimmick lol

Also warzone is goat

As delusional as you.

Still consider nioh, automatta, etc etc as sony exclusives, right?

>10 is the only version of Windows out there

>its just one mode and has 0 players bcs no one even knows it's on PC and the few that know are autistic windows store haters

>Sup Forums hates both the xbone and windows 10.
And why we hate them? Because they are 2 big piles of shit, especially W10 since its alternatives will get fucked in a couple of years.

>calling who have money a ''retard''

the banana split is for us, rafael

i'm a hardcore sony fanboy and i agree with him though

No need to bring inferior companies into this

Classic argument!

No, I don't. Not everybody here is as retarded as you.

>Its another Sonytendies get butthurt competition exists thread

literally all CONSOLEFAGS and i dont mean idorts or semi-idorts, dont want to play on pc period

if cuphead or nioh are on pc and a console they dont own theyll never play it

Sup Forums will do anything in their power to defend overlord sony. it's pretty hilarious at times when you're arguing with someone in a thread like this and they'd say stuff like "don't get an xbox because all the games are on pc" and then you could say fine ok i'll get it on pc then suddenly the whole narrative changes and they start suddenly saying "never ever look at all these exclusives that aren't on pc lmao pckeks btfo" etc etc.
basically they are doing everything in their power to not make you buy an alternate platform to playstation and will contradict themselves to achieve that goal.
the classic fanboy mistake.

Kinect killed Xbox

you're aware it's the only version of windows you can play xbone's "PC" ports on, right? you can't shit on the xbone for having all it's games on the windows 10 store but also say windows 10 is shit.


>Sunset Overdrive
also on pc
>Sea of Thieves
also on pc
also on pc
>Gears of War 4
also on pc
>Rare Replay
having to rely on old games to stay alive? not a good thing
>Halo 5: Guardians
the worst halo ever
also on pc plus even worse on xbox
>Zoo Tycoon
also on pc
>All 360 Games
again...having to rely on old games
>Soon all original Xbox games
wow this is so sad
>Cheapest console
also the worst

>also on PC
wrong. it's on Windows 10, in the W10 store
>the worst halo ever
wrong. its the 2nd best MP

Nah it's the best MP, actually

>better resolution

whos laughing now haha

You already made this shit thread, faggot.

Yeah, but Xbox only did Kinekt because of the Nintendo Wii, so really, Nintendo killed Xbox.

Guess what use a fucking PC to have Windows 10

I mean, you're right about some of them, but come on.

Still makes me laugh that people fell for this shit fake out of total desperation.


>you use a fucking PC to have Windows 10
yes, but how many people even use the windows 10 store? they had to patch in cross play on gears 4 to play with xbone users because the game was dead as shit on windows 10, but active on xbone. for most PC users, if it's not on steam, it doesn't exist.

>Amerimutt meme for the Japanese concole

Who else bought Re7 on windows store for that comfy play anywhere crossbuy :)

No one did tho

They're not getting me back until they start getting Japanese exclusives (not on PC either) again.


you know the console is out already. you dont need to damagecontrol anymore pcissy


>exclusive games

>Sunset Overdrive
so shit it will never get a sequel.
>Sea of Thieves
water tech.
who cares
>Gears of War 4
neat, but franchise fans say it is the worst one
>Rare Replay
old ports?
>Halo 5: Guardians
the worst halo
12 fps garbage that is better on PC
>Zoo Tycoon
are you having a giggle
>All 360 Games
>Soon all original Xbox games
>Cheapest console

Ignore console war threads
Do NOT reply to console war threads
/vint/ showed that it's exclusively Brazilians making these threads, don't fall for their shitty fucking bait everytime

>dq heroes
>gravity rush
>world of final fantasy


Based Xbox poster doing gods work

>oh no i cant play tired franchise 4 and 5 what ever shall i do

Half of them is on PC bro, so not xbox eclusive

Remember what? The thing that every console manufacturer does at every trade show since the dawn of fucking time?

>sunset overdrive

stopped reading there. it didnt sell so good but the game was fun as fuck.


They count as PS4 exclusives, because there are hundreds of other actual exclusives on the console, so you'll end up picking these up with them too. When EVERYTHING is available on PC, you can just skip the entire console.

I was excited for Scalebound


>Same people who called Sunset Overdrive shit are jerking themselves off to licensed Spider-Man shovelware.

>they count as exclusives because I said so
>xbox games on pc don't count as exclusive, because I said so

Hey, mom, look! I posted it again, I posted it again! People awe gonna get mawd!!! hahahaha funny! Should I post the fwog, too????

>I'm a quivering retard
>that must mean you are too
GREAT thread user

The Xbox delusion in this thread is hilarious, I’m sorry Santa got you the wrong toy for Xmas

its coming back but no one knows when. it's been given to another company as the licensing and website were bought up half way through last year. we'll probably see it eventually but not before next gen.

Not a single damn person other than (you) has even brought up any of those games. It's just people calling OP out being a retard.

Why? PS4 has no games. Why would you want one of those?

I love my xbone!

You can because the games are also shit

So playing on Nintendo makes you a soyboy
Playing on PC makes you a lardass pirate who only makes petitions
and Playing on Xbox makes you pathetic because no games

And playing on Playstation makes you a Golden god because you have bloodborne

This is pretty much the narrative pushed by Sup Forums. I wonder why people say Sony has the worst fanbase?

>Abdul i have found a perfect to advertise our microsoft products on this cantonese nitting forum
>they really seem to love this ''pepe'' maymay, we should get our graphic team in New Delhi on it
>well done Apu, MS management might actually install a toilet now

at least we can all agree there is absolutely no reason to own any console this gen and pc reigns supreme as usual.
100% of all the xbox games on on pc
90% of all the major ps4 games are on pc
the switch has only 2 good games and one is already playable on pc

>the games are also shit
don't even bother with your "it sucks because it has no cutscenes and story" shit from the last thread.

the stats don't lie


Still more then Xbox

Not really. Xbone even had SSOD before Bloodborne dropped.

But hey, enjoy those chalice dungeons I guess

enjoy having no sequel :^)

>Still consider nioh, automatta, etc etc as sony exclusives, right?





Things you forgot OP
>Halo 1-6 in 4K for Xbox One X just because
>All big boy releases will also be on PC because they still want there games to be enjoyed by as many as possible
>Got rid of the Kinect
>4 new games with Gold every month that are actually good
>Crossplay with Switchbros and PCbros
>Original Xbox games being upscaled to 4k for the X just because
>Best controller
>Not making any games exclusive to the X to not burn any people who were early buyers
>Best looking and running multiplats (watch some autist post some game made by norwegians that nobodys played disproving this)
>Doesn't support any weeb shit besides the big boys like KH3 and FF15.
>Funded GOTY 2017 entirely with Cuphead
Sure I'm missing a lot, but the Xbone stopped being a meme console years ago.

Pc is the worst fanbase though. Im like 80% sure that all shitposting comes from a pc only crowd. Sure seems that way since it always comes back to "muh emulators" and "muh 30 year old exclusives".


>>Doesn't support any weeb shit besides the big boys like KH3 and FF15.
and that's why most of Sup Forums, inluding myself, won't buy it. everyone knows japanese games are superior. i think that 360 had enough weebshit like to be a great console, why can't xbone have it too?