ITT gaming buddies

>ITT gaming buddies.
>pic related.

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He looks like he wants to fuck.


Fuck off, Jontron

>had a parrot as a kid
>used to borderline torture it since I was retarded
>still feel bad about it years later
I want a new one to redeem myself, do these little fucks like to be handled, as in like to stay on your shoulder or whatever after trained?

hes not wrong, he jacks off on my arm all the time.

cute GCC user

parrots can see humans as mates if they bond with them

Seems like a pretty cool little buddy, OP. What games does he like the most?

i would recommend not getting a hookbill if youre retarded, their bite is like staple remover.

>do these little fucks like to be handled, as in like to stay on your shoulder or whatever after trained
yeah, they like to play with hoomans


how do you even get mad at them when they're so cute


Birds are pure

humans fall flat lately, he fuckin hates any intensive shit he might be jealous.

I know this sounds retarded but can parrots actually imitate the human voice like they do in cartoons?
Can you teach it a specific phrase that it will actually remember?

Don't birds shit on all your stuff?

Yes and yes. Some parrots can even learn the meaning of words and form sentences

>tfw parrot died two months ago from alcohol poisoning

most parrots can but mine doesn't so well he can say his name but thats about it, hes just a pokemon at this point.

My cat would eat your gaming buddy.

I have those greencheeck conures they are pretty nice but fuck I hate it when he bites.

How does a parrot die of alcohol poisoning? Were you giving it alcohol?

he doesnt know how to fly so that helps, also you can just flake bird poop off after a few minutes.

cute bird, dude

what kind of bird is this


>flake bird poop

You are fucking disgusting.

Cute, is that a Raven or a Crow? How is it as a pet?

He watches me play games and then goes to sleep because he is a cat and does not play games

Why do so many birds puff up their cheek feathers sometimes? That looks so cute

If you really wanna redeem yourself adopt an old one. Some live long as fuck (55+) and often outlive their owners so there are tons of old parrots who need homes.

He learned to open beer cans at some point and developed a drinking problem; I should have put them in harder to get to spots

>Robo Hamster/Guinea Pig
>Robo is 2.5 years old and is very bloated and can be seen just bleeding from the nose randomly.

Fuck its hurting inside they're such gentle fucks and never bite like regular hamsters. Taking him to the vet apparently is rather pointless since he could die from the cold on the way there, die from the stress of just the visit and if that bloating doesn't go down it means he has a tumor or cist and operating on him and the stress of knocking out such a little guy in his condition could kill him

Feels fucking bad.

I have a tiel and he enjoys head scratches and playing with your hair.


>he's never been to a /wsg/ bird thread

Your parrot was an alcoholic
You should have taken him to an AA meeting.

b-but how do I train it and make it like me, don't they get too old for that?

jesus christ thats awful

Yeah, my family down in San Diego has a parrot who calls my uncle a motherfucker, dumbass and all sorts of other nasty things.

In Spanish of course.

isn't bird poop like crazy acidic or something? does it not damage your stuff?

Depends on the bird and how much stimulation they get. Parrots exhibit a pretty wide range of intelligence though. Some are dense and will one or two words there whole life. Some are smart as fuck and will, as another user mentioned, even learn to say sentences that they appear to know the meaning of.

>The first animal to ask an existential question was from a parrot named Alex. He asked what color he was, and learned that it was “grey”

I won't lie that is an issue. Some birds are better about rebonding than others. Again if you really are serious you should see if there is a rescue that deals with parrots in your area. Talk to them about your concerns. Organizations like that want to find birds home but they also don't want you to adopt a bird you'll bring back so if you let them know you are less experienced and concerned about that they may be able to find you a bird that's less of a problem child. Cause yea you don't want some poor creature whose constantly stressed and plucking feathers out of itself because it can't comprehend that mommy died 5 years ago and isn't coming back.

Holy crap that's cool
Maybe birds will eventually be able to translate the language of other animals for us

I mean he doesn't seem to be in any pain and 3 years is the standard max for their species of hamster. But its still a sad way to see your pet go. But when we pick him up hes not making any noises or trying to escape. I guess he probably is developing said things because hes old as fuck now. But still its never easy to say goodbye and i'll hold out hope possible the swelling with go down and he has months left.

It's literally the perfect pet.
Comfortable as fuck to sleep next to.
Never makes a sound unless hungry, playful or if a newcomer is in the house.
Will bring life to the home, and the feeling that someone is waiting for you to come home is quite a nice feeling.

Kitten dies a few days ago. Feels fucking bad, I saw him lay down then I just poked his body then he didn't move at all. RIP bud, I will take good care of your siblings.

And some, such as Andrew Jackson's parrot, will curse so loudly and constantly that they have to be removed from your own funeral for disturbing the guests.

How can I become like the Duckman?

Sounds like he knew exactly what he wanted to do





shut the fuck up, /an/ threads are literally the only good thing on this board

and that cute face jesus christ.

fuck off to /an/ then retard

Look it up on [spoier]

>le no fun allowed
Fuck off rulefag, you're lower than the fucking janitors

Pure assholes

>every board should be like Sup Forums

I'm surprised how deep this one's voice is.

It's like when you move your muscles or your joints, they move it to move them and get some fresh air
Or if they're cold or wet, they lift all of them up

make yourself useful and go report some e-celeb threads

my cats 11 years old and I don't know what im going to do I have had him since he was a kitten

Yes, but they're high maintenance since they're basically mentally toddlers. If you don't have the time and will to give them lots of attention adopting one is an act of cruelty in and of itself.


Hey bud what are you doing with my cat?

My dog passed away in october, you'll be fine user, stay strong.
I like to look back on the great moments i've had with him positively, it really helps
It took a while, I was just starting bloodborne when I heard him syncopating on the living room floor, the feeling that washed over me was horrible, didnt even touch the game again for a while because it brought back memories, but eventually i beat the shit out of it and the dlc heh

>Have had my budgie for a couple months now
>Still hasn't warmed up to me
She sure loves that Mario Odyssey though, she's making that sound after a moon is added to your list.

I know what you're going through. My dog is almost 15. I've had her since she was 8 weeks old. I wish they lived longer and didn't get stuff like arthritis.

Pleb tier. Try ravens.

If he isn't sick then you're ok, they can live for a long time. My cat is 11 and has some issues but still is very much alive and kicking.

dont cats live to like 20?

ive had him 11 years, and before that 10 years without a pet I grew up with this cat man

damn that's spooky

make yourself useful and report this thread

I also have a budgie that I intended to train. Little fucker was so quiet that we thought he'd die of loneliness so we gave up and bought him a new budgie roommate. I wonder if other parrots are easier to train.

Cats are best gaming buddies.

I like cats.

It's pretty easy to potty train parrots, I just give mine treats every time he poops in his cage, and when she poops outside, I'll lock her up until she shows me an inside poop. She rarely poops outside of her cage now, and if shes riding with me around the house and needs to go, she'll make little chirps to tell me a dumper is coming.

>shits on your mousepad

he is a bigger cat not like fat but their life expediency on average is 10-12 years

i fucking hate cats
only limey nu-males like cats

I grew up with him too, over 13 years, its tough, but you'll make it

Tell your cat to stop copying my cat.

Nigga my oldest cat is almost 15 and still pretty spry.

Always dogposters who complain about cats

They literally can't shut up about it, almost as if they know cats are superior to their mutts

cool bird dude

im just so afraid dude its all I got I care for


Seriously. Very rarely do I ever hear a cat owner complain about dogs but EVERY SINGLE DOG OWNER shits on cats (unless they have both).

Budgies are strange. I had one which would freak out and bite me until I began bleeding if I as much as got close to it. I had a CD with some bird twitters, and he would go crazy and sing to the birds he heard when I played it. I felt sorry for him, but he was a bit of a retarded faggot.

Clean your keyboard user
their furshits all over it

My kitten enjoys jolly co-operation.
Tuxedo cats are pretty chill. 2nd only to Orange Tabby.
That thing is cute.
Looks like a soyboy that just got the new Switch.
What a cutey pie.

>Maybe birds will eventually be able to translate the language of other animals for us


You need to get another cat if possible. It'll give the older cat some company in its final years and it'll help lessen the blow when the first cat passes. It won't be so lonely for you.