How do you feel about games getting announced 3-6 months before release?
How do you feel about games getting announced 3-6 months before release?
Good. Gives less time to the media to hype the game.
This man shares my vision of how to make fun games so I will support anything he makes.
new devil may cry?
Good. It lessens your expectation and potential disappointment.
Kojima once again showed his game too soon.
Avoids disappointing news of project cancellations, delays, and dumb rumors about vaporware
New Devil May Cry featuring elements from the Dragon's Dogma series.
New IP.
I'm tired of his lies.
Nothing he releases now will sate the hunger he gave me.
Is Itsuno the new Todd Howard?
Even 6 is too much.
I really like how bethesda announces games.
Hey fuckfaces here is a trailer, it’s out in three months.
Sony and square enix are the absolute worst.
too bad bethesda doesn't make good games
DOOM and Dishonored 1 have been their only good games in like 10+ years
I love this man but I wish he would stop jerking us around. I just want to know that DMC is still alive.
I am really curious if the rumors are true that it will basically be dmc combat but with a dark souls like level design.
Would probably piss a lot of people of if done wrong.
>Kingdom Hearts 3 teaser shown in 2013
>Game not coming out until this year
>FFVII Remake Trailer in 2015?
>Game not coming out until PS5 launch
>Literally anything Sony ever shows off
>Games come out 2-4 years later
Final Fantasy Versus XIII was probably the best example, but yeah I totally agree with you.
S-Sony always wins right lads?
Sony never loses but that isn’t the same as winning
Sony lost last generation
>I love this man but I wish he would stop jerking us around.
He's probably as if not more frustrated than us not being able to so say or show anything but that's how it is otherwise you risk retards going around screaming about things that will probably change or get better over time and then give the game bad press.
Dragon's Dogma 2.
Screencap this post.
You'd be hard pressed to find DMC fans getting angry over more open/interconnected level design, most thought latter games were too linear.
If they make it an ARPG there will be a collective meltdown though.
Japs sure love that word "climax" a lot.
If it is DD2 I feel we would have heard some more buzz about it by now.
Someone's holding a gun to his head telling him to shut up.