New Splinter Cell fucking when?

New Splinter Cell fucking when?


Not anytime soon probably. I don't mind, wouldn't feel the same without Ironside anyway. Shouldn't even have called the Blacklist protag Sam Fisher.

Ironside is overrated.

Ubisoft last E3 teased that new game might be happening. I just hope it won't become dedicated Spies vs. Mercs game.

They're probably figuring out how to implement their DLC policy.


Can't wait for a new Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell®, just look at what they made out of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® not to mention Tom Clancy's The Division® which has nothing to do with Tom Clancy but whatever

They're riding the Siege wave for now, I don't think they'll make a Siege 2.0 for now.

Tom Clancy had pretty much nothing to do with Splinter Cell since the first entry. Even books (all released after the first game) weren't written by Clancy.

why would you trust nu-Ubisoft? look at assassin's creed Africa, it will be like that but worse. let it go

>wanting another SC after Cucklist

Ah yes, Sarah Fisher. A Gay Black Muslim trannie super agent. Can't wait.

>I just hope it won't become dedicated Spies vs. Mercs game.

They would be pretty dumb to not do this after Siege was so successful. It would be a fun game, even if it's not what lots of people want

Gods you're not wrong

Friendly reminder that everything after Chaos Theory is shit

Blacklist was actually pretty good, even if it wasn't too similar to the 6th gen games.

I'm cautiously optimistic for the next one.

I own this game and can't remember why. I didn't buy it. I didn't want it. At some point it just was acquired apparently.

Xbox version of DA was supposedly really good.
But I'll never play it, what a shame.

Blacklist is an excellent game. I bet you can't even tell me why you hate it without meme spouting.

It is good. It has some extra stuff that could have made Chaos Theory better.


He is, he simply has a cool voice, that's why people love him, he otherwise didn't give a shit about the games.

>terrible animations
>terrible AI that works on a delay like potato
>terrible contextal controls (not even a manual jump or roll move, no splitjump either)
>absolutely awful UI with tons of text plastering the screen and objective maker you can't turn off
>simplified stealth with only two states and nothing inbetween
>surfaces don't generate different amount of noise dpending on material
>waist high cover wherever you go, highy encourages using the sticky cover and move to cover which turns you almost invisible
>overabundance of ammo and tools
>no interesting guard banter or interrogations, or secret stuff to find, highly disencourages stealth approach by not giving you a reward in form of actual CONTENT instead of pointless XP
>simplified movement system without different speed settings but instead assassins creed tier contextual climbing
>HUGE arrows with soundque showing you that somebody is looking at you and filling up slowly
>nighvision not used once, instead has sonar vision aking as x-ray goggles
>action sequences which force you into shooting galleries

i could go on, but I'm wasting my breath.

Actual ubi insider here.
They're working on it.

what a shit opinion, jesus christ
>cancerous cinematic shit all over the place
>terrible fps levels
>linear level design
>le mark and le execute as a core game mechanic
>mass effect style hub area because ME was popular back when the game was released
>extremely easy stealth in a """stealth""" game
just kys

Ubi is such a leaky ship, I believe this post.

How are you wasting your breath if you're typing? Are you so fat that merely typing makes you tired?

Blacklist was fucking terrible.

Way to turn a slow paced, atmospheric sneaking simulation into one of the worst offenders of modern casual "stealth."

Sam runs at the speed of a cheetah and can instantly 1 hit kill any guard he gets within 10 feet of. Enemies are individually useless, so they have to put 50 of them in a level for you to leisurely take out one at a time. Even when played as a pure stealth game it's boring as shit.

Remember when just 1 or 2 guards in a very cleverly crafted level was enough to be a serious threat? Remember when you crept through highly atmospheric levels where nobody was expecting Sam, delicately going about truly clandestine missions? The games felt like real espionage - hushed tones and smokey back rooms where analysts and bureaucrats do the real work behind the scenes. The atmosphere and gameplay was so good.

And even Sam as a character was so great. He was a cynical middle aged man doing this job begrudgingly because he was the only one who could. The world had moved on past him and he was struggling to keep up. But he was a sarcastic, cheeky little shit who would play games with the guards he took hostage and have genuinely funny banter with his handlers. He was so good. Now he's just generic action man guy.

If we can expect more Blacklist then let Splinter Cell die. It was shit, and you're shit if you liked it.

Tell the Siege team we love them.

They already know that.

Ubisofts is using Tom Clancys name for all their military games

There's a guy at Ubisoft trying to dissect nu-Hitman right now.

The next Splinter Cell is going to be a ripoff of that game, screencap this shit you know I'm right.

So Ground Zeroes+HItman+Splinter Cell?
That's the kind of game I want.

Done. I think you're right.

>tfw no next gen Grim

>Calls a VA overrated because he has a cool voice
>Not realizing the entire point of a va is to provide a good audio experience.

There's more to voice acting than having a good voice. Ironside was alright in the first three games, but after it (especially in Conviction) he was straight up trash, basically reading the lines with no effort.

The best run was one where you got past all the guards without ever being detected or knocking any out. I think thats the definitive experience, you werent supposed to taze or knock everyone in a level out and be proud of yourself for being so stealthy and non-lethal. The point is you were never there in the first place.

Conviction was good, mainly because the Rainbow Six Vegas guys worked on it.

The Clancy estate loves money. If my family could keep making money after my death simply by using my name, I'd be happy with it.

She's just Tris 0.5

Blacklist was so much fun honestly. Hoping for more splinter cell eventually

Half of these are flat out wrong so I'm just going to call you a faggot and address this one:

>action sequences which force you into shooting galleries
No. You can play the entire game stealth if you want.

Purest Version of Spy VS Merc

those years will never leave me but i will always long for those days

I miss those interrogations more than anything desu.

Not even trying, are you?
I've competed the game on perfectionist and know it in and out.

I think gameplay-wise, Blacklist is different but has merit in its own right. I played the original back in the day and I always felt it to be interesting but tedious at times. I find the faster pace refreshing, though it would be nice if they made the levels a little more interesting.

That being said, you're totally right about Sam, they ruined him with the latest game. If they make another splinter cell, I hope they don't have Sam and take it in another direction.Because old Sam is never coming back.

He's wasting his breath because he was expecting that exact empty reply, devoid of any substance. You fell into his trap, user.

I miss special agent bob and secret agent steve. :(

I wish they would re-release chaos theory with modern amenities and working multiplayer.

What are the must-play Tom Cuhlancy games?

GR1 up to maybe Summit Strike
SC up to CT

the part about blacklist i liked was their unique take on spies VS mercs
while i wasnt the biggest fan of it i liked specializing the merc to be speed melee type shit
i made so many spys rage quit because they couldnt handle being executed by a merc every single time

What the fuck is wrong with Sams face in this game? I can't play this game because I can't get over this weird fucking pout he's permantently doing.

Also GRAW I suppose.

The co-op for conviction was cool but the game itself was a disaster. Blacklist was much better despite its flaws.

I want a standalone Spies vs. Mercs game

Isn't AC Africa the best AC game in a while? I haven't played it and I know "best AC in a while" isn't exactly saying much, but I heard good things.

It's the least optimized Ubi game in a while so until that gets fixed I can't recommend it.

Best AC game so far is Black Flag.

So how was conviction and blacklist? I've heard they're nothing like the old games but they're worth a play, is it true? My pc is too shit to pirate so i'd have to buy them for console.

Blacklist was alright and it got too much hate here for what it was, but it still lacked some features that I considered key for a SC game. The lack of a sound meter and the shadow system being just "hidden" and "not hidden" sucked dick. This pic is a disgrace

The Black Flag team made Origins, I'd almost put it on par with 2. The only issues I had with it was Alexandria absolutely fucking nuking my cpu but that's it.

>The Black Flag team made Origins
ubisoft employs like 6 or 7 teams to work on it

Blacklist would be god tier with a movement meter.

Blacklist would be god tier with Ironside.

Conviction is shit. Blacklist is really good.

>Not even trying
Are you? Use flashbangs and smoke grenades.
What next, you're going to post the forced shooting section as Briggs?

Blacklist is probably the second best SC game. Conviction is a fun TPS.

here is a quote from you
>You can play the entire game stealth if you want

using flashbangs and smoke is not using stealth.
Neither are the plane shooting and FPS sequences.
There are several other foced combat missions aswell.
Are you pretending they don't exists?

>Michael Ironside will never ever voice Fisher again

Can they at least bring back good stealth games

that's not true though

We can use tunngle to set up a game of Spies vs mercs on chaos theory if you guys wanna play.

It is good. I’d say it was the last true splinter cell game. CT was still better though

>Should I kill him?
>What? No, no!
>They said I should kill you.

Nigga he's like 70 years old, even sam fisher is old as shit, 55 iirc.

nigga can still voice though


they can easily do what they did for conviction, and you know they can. Montreal had the right idea on how to do it, Toronto fucked it up. If its a new splinter cell game, it better be by Montreal, at least they know how to respect Fisher as a character, and make him even better.

I never understood this, why would they need the VA to also do motion capture? Isn't that what stunt men are for?

>inb4 its a online only game like siege

I fucking hate this meme-argument.

>Smoke and flashbangs aren't stealth

>Neither are the plane shooting and FPS sequences.
A 3 minute plane sequence where you're not even playing as Sam and a short mission as Griggs? Very nitpicky on your end, but sure.

>There are several other foced combat missions aswell.
Go ahead and name them.

That screen is bull. Even in CT you could step one pixel from a pitch black area and the guard would get suspicious.

CT>PT>SC>DA 6th Gen>DA 7th Gen>Conviction>Blacklist

>Eidos Montreal made the same excuse for not bringing back steve russell for Thi4f

What's the deal with western Stealth games replacing established voice actors?

does anybody want to play spies vs mercs over tunngle? there's a room set up called chaos theory VS that we can use.

i'd agree with this. I don't think 7th gen da is that bad tho

Why does he look like he's gonna fuck that guy doggy style?


CT > BL > SC > PT > DA > Conviction

Neck yourself

Sorry user, I’m too drunk.

I would put BL above Con, but other than that, yea.

You can fully ghost this part as well as other FPP section.
The chase scene is the real issue.

Yes, also hate the FPS section. It was a hamfisted attempt to showcase the mercs part of the multiplayer. But it was like 2 minutes long and doesn’t ruin the game.

i heard drunk chaos theory is fun in coop.

He seems to give a shit in interviews. He said he became interested because it was kinda non-violent. After Conviction im pretty sure Sam's killcount is triple digits so he didn't want to do it anymore

You people have too low standards. Or you're just casual as fuck when it comes to stealth

Most of modern Sup Forums is nothing but casuals, where have you been for the past 6 or 7 years?

Because you're gay.

I hated the FPS parts but they hardly ruined the game. There were 2 of these sections IIRC and they took 5 minutes combined. The game had bigger issues than an out of place FPS section.