What's the Sup Forums equivalent?
What's the Sup Forums equivalent?
The PS4
This thread.
Soyposting, obviously.
walking simulators and story games
Any and all video games.
Get a girlfriend you fucking losers.
I know a programming guy who started drinking this.
Then he took a bizarre interest in the MtF transsexuals in his peer group.
This, you whiteys should get laid lol
soylent is alright whats up with all the memes around it lately?
>literal soyboy
Bloodborne and Trap posters
stop drinking that shit before you start craving dicks
Sonybros and their love of shitposting and anal vore.
This to be honest
What the fuck is soylent, shit looks gross
Weak scrawny nerds are making fun of other weak and scrawny nerds who hold opposite political views from them. I know, the irony is astounding.
The 2DS
Walking simulators, duh. Storyfags also count.
>never had soy in my life
>still crave dicks
What now?
Who /almondbro/ here?
We’re all low test betas simply for ever posting on Sup Forums in the first place desu. My New Years resolutions are to do no fap for a month and to gradually ween myself off of this place.
Start drinking as much soylent as possible, maybe it works in a circle
what's wrong with appreciating dicks?
Yes you have. Go look at the ingredients of things in your fridge and cupboard.