Fight scene in The Last Jedi

>fight scene in The Last Jedi
>think about how we'll never get a good Star Wars game with open battlefields, seamless space battles and land combat intertwined

Fuck it hurts lads. I still play classic bf2 to sooth the wounds.

Star Wars is garbage anyway. People could easily take the things that are good in Star Wars (Lightsabers, space magic) and put them in a game taking place a in different setting that's not shit.

Try that Mount and Blade thing.

I do still play it every now and then. It's just so clunky now.

Agreed about the second part

But the battles were absolute trash in TLJ. To be expected from Disney, though.

Butterlord soon

I agree fellow goyim, BASED RIAN did a great job

poor mark, at least he can still be remembered as the best joker

Yeah in 2025

reminder that mark changed mind about the movie

Ahem, what is bomber scene?

The things that are good in Star Wars are the characters and their relationships with each other. Han Solo, Lando, Luke, even C3PO. It's one of the reasons the Disney movies fall so flat - none of the characters treat each other like family when the entire series is about being with your family on a ship in the lawless frontier of space.

what fight scene in tlj? they were all bad

space battles would never be good.

Yeah because Disney came over to his house with tasers.

>the entire series is about being with your family on a ship

Absolute retardation?

is star shitizen still gonna be modable? if so we might get some cool star wars mods for it in 2030

>open battlefields, seamless space battles and land combat intertwined

This is specifically what I wanted, AND specifically what I did not get.

and it will only require 128 gigs of ram

Correction, he never said the movie was bad, He's been complaining about his Role in it since the beginning but never shat on the film itself. He's defending it now because Disney is expecting him to defend their asset regardless of how they treated him during filming.

>10 knots
Schooners and brigs regularly make 12-13 knots

Han was a shitty skipper

People don't care about Han Solo because he can make the kessel run in less than 12 parsecs. They care about him because he's a sexy scoundrel badass who has unbreakable loyalties to all of the other main characters.

Luke isn't distraught over Obi-Wan Kenobi's death because now he can't be trained as a jedi, it's because they shared a genuine familial bond.

Vader fucking kills the Emperor because he couldn't stand the sight of his son being tortured.

The entire series is about family. Which is why a character who doesn't need anyone else to succeed like Rey feels so out of place.

>a character who doesn't need anyone else to succeed like Rey feels so out of place
Very good point. She feels oddly too independent, feels somewhat forced.

>the year of our lord 2030
>not having 5 tb of ram


You don't know how much I wish that Bioware before it became absolute shit would make a good Star Wars game without EA's micro-transaction claws in it.

I mean they think they're super deep with their alignments, so they probably wouldn't be able to screw up the light and dark side right?

>tfw you have actual grievances with the movie
>tfw when your family just says you don't like anything and just say you're looking for stuff to insult.

Fucking Leia man.

>about being with your family on a ship in the lawless frontier of space.

So Cowboy Bebop?

I am convinced Autism Wars is the absolute worst piece of shit to ever hit the entire entertainment industry.
The amount of sheer autism it has spawned since its inception is seriously unbelievable.

Politics and media taught everyone that you can use you gender to deflect or launch any criticism more than ever, you bigot.

He never hated TLJ, he hated what they did to Luke's character. Which literally everyone agrees with him on, they treated Luke like shit in both 7 and 8.

>>think about how we'll never get a good Star Wars game with open battlefields, seamless space battles and land combat intertwined

they literally just made two of those

Not everyone.

Mark Hamill's opinion doesn't matter. The creators are taking the character in a different direction. Luke's change is meant to show that everyone can change, and it's very possible for someone to NOT remain hopeful forever.

hammill couldn't even stay in character the whole movie he turned into the trickster when he burned the gay tree

good character interaction and development is part of what made Star Wars interesting even if it was simple


>le autism maymay

nobody's opinion matters as long as the movies make money

I'd rather have a PT era game made by Platinum.


Nice argument.

Disney doesn't care about PT anymore. At most it would be based off the Obi Wan movie, but a general PT focused game is definitely never happening again.

Many people who enjoy Star Wars do in fact have a form of autism, user. Probably most Star Wars fans have it.

[citation needed]

Actions speak louder than words.
Star Wars has been a pool of autism ever since its creation. "Le han shot first lol!!!" is just one of the many, many, many examples of unfiltered autism that have surfaced and have been around for decades now.

Here's hoping she gets visits from some ghosts to help reduce that.

You do realize that being obsessed about something for a long period of time ISN'T a "symptom" of autism? People with ASD tend to be interested in something for short lengths of time, before moving on to something else.

Long term obsession is just being a garden variety neurotic.

>PT era

>Not wanting to hack and slash droids/clones by the dozen in a Star Wars version of MGR

PT settings like Coruscant, Cato Neimoidia, Mustafar, Naboo, Mon Cala, Ilum, etc. are way more interesting than most of the OT and absolutely better than the ST

>tfw no Star Wars game with For Honor like combat and animations

kys, nothing from the PT is good

That movie was garbage.

>Han Solo, Lando, Luke, even C3PO.
Thinking that Star Wars stories need these characters to be a good story, is the same mistake JJ Abrams made. Knights of the Old Republc proved you could experience a Star Wars story without directly referencing the OT cast members. Despite Disney’s seeming desire to break new ground, they continue to be tied down to the past, while also destroying it.

you sure convinced me with those hot opinions

sooo... basically another One Piece movie?

a somewhat visually engaging scene that makes no sense?
like why do they need specialized slow bomber ships? why not drop bombs from x-wings? why do bombs fall in space? why can't they shoot the bombs from a distance? why does the empire put up with obvious stalling in the form of your mom jokes instead of instantly shooting poe down?

The Last Jedi is the Dark Souls II of Star Wars. It's fucking shit, but give it enough time and people trying to be contraction will start claiming it's a hidden gem.

Nothing in Star Wars makes sense. The prequels tech is more advanced so it's all absolutely retarded.

Oh I thought you were talking about actual autism, not chan user edgelord meme buzzword thing-to-label-people-I-disagree-with autism.

it's easier to ignore dumb shit like that when the movie is enjoyable to watch

They'll come around when they rewatch the OT.
Hype can't handle coming into such a clear example of how the ST falls short

She doesn't really succeed at anything in TLJ. Well, nobody really does.


>meme era game made by meme developer
Of course you would.

Most everything but the writing is. The worldbuilding was pure kino. There's a reason the golden age of star wars games was 1998-2005.

>Disney has a legal team comparable to that of some first world countries
>and they've been used time and time again for frivolous and petty bullying
>implying they weren't the cause of an Actor suddenly doing a 180


It will be the reverse.
People in the mainstream are claiming it's great right now, but in time they'll be saying they always hated it when the numerous flaws become saturated in the public consciousness.
Just like with TFA

my empire of dirt

Han's ship is actually slow. It's nav computer however, is so advanced, and he's such a risk taker, he charts routes close to dangerous celestial bodies, running the risk of being pulled out of hyperspace by a star or black hole. Because of this, he can outrun star Destroyers, which take safer, but longer routes, even though they're still faster in how fast they move.

Probably around the time the Plinkett review comes out?

>People in the mainstream are claiming it's great right now

Yeah because they all got paid off by the mouse

Tbh that would be the logical step up from Jedi Academy combat. I played JKA multiplayer for years and I get a similar vibe from FH which is why I am still playing it despite the balance being absolute cancer and dedicated servers coming one year too late.

>Poe parks right in front of the dreadnought to make a your mother joke
>the turrets that are designed to take down and have shown in the past to decimate fighters can't hit Poe because he's "too small".
>Poe takes down all the turrets and calls in bombers that nobody noticed until they were right next to
>what was the point in taking down all the surface turrets if the bombers immediately get shredded by TIE fighters anyways and are made up of paper and loses 3 from a stray TIE crashing
>Dreadnought fired upon the base before the fleeing cruiser that has every major leader the Rebels have
>Carpetbombing in space

I will let you down. I will make you hurt.

Critics love it but audiences hate it, even Youtube literally whos

This. I went in expecting a shit movie with a few decent setpieces, but more importantly, an excuse to eat nachos and popcorn. I came out of it content, feeling good about it.

The rest of my family hated it, and they loved TFA and Rogue One. It's been what, two weeks? And they haven't stopped making fun of it at all.

TFA didn't need the Plinkett review (which was mostly shit). It was more the fact that MaRey Sue and the fact it was a beat for beat OT ripoff were so utterly undeniable.
Given how disappointed RLM seemed this time round, the Plinkett review might be better this time, but things like Luke's character assassination and the nonsensical Hyperspace Ram will do the work long before. Hell, it's happening already.