Do it

do it



Wolfenstein3D (that I remember)
Medal of Honor Allied Assault
Resident Evil 4
Street Fighter V

Can't remember, first game I owned was Wipeout 64
Banjo Tooie
San Andreas
Tough, but I'd have to say Witcher 3

Super Mario Bros
Fallout 4

warzone 2100
Battlefront 2 (2005)
Titanfall 2

Unreal tournament 98
Unreal tournament 2004
Team fortress 2
Titanfall 2

Abe's Oddworld
Legacy of Kain series
Witcher 3 i guess?

Sonic the Hedgehog (Master System)
Red Alert 2
Kerbal Space Program


gran turismo
fifa & nfs
the last of us
uncharted 4

>date of birth
go fuck yourself
>first game
either some power rangers plug and play or super mario bros or duck hunt
>childhood defining game
call of duty series
>adolescence defining game
dark souls series
>current favorite game
i dont play games enough to keep a favorite

hello underage

Super Mario Land
Pokemon Blue
Twilight Princess
None, I don't play games anymore.

prove it faggot

user MW2 came out 9 years ago

the chances of you not being underage are 0.27%. the odds are very much against you

>8 years old when ut04 came out
>adolescence defining

I played the fuck out of UT04 from 2006-2009.
In case you can't tell, most of my games were handmedowns or older games that my dad had beaten/gotten tired of.

>First game
Asteroids (my moms a beast at it)
>Childhood game
super smash bros melee
probably Oblivion
>Current fav

Pokemon Blue
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
Fallout: New Vegas
Zelda BotW

Lego Island 2 for the GBC
Rayman 2 or Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
Mother 3
Mother 3

>Date of Birth: 1991

>First Game: Pugsy

>Childhood Defining Game: Probably either Megaman Battle Network 3 or Pokemon Yellow

>Adolesence Defining Game: Resident Evil 4 or Halo 3

>Current Favorite game: Not sure really, I don't really replay anything. Maybe Dark Souls 1, or Landstalker.



Jak and Daxter 1
Ratchet series
probably the witcher 3


>first game
mario kart 64 (bundled) - first owned
top gear - first ever played
ocarina of time
>current fav
hard to say, but bayonetta, dead space 1&2, metroid prime, mario galaxy and mw2 are up there

Now that I think about Max Payne probably wasn't the most suitable game for kids but oh well.



Not anymore gramps


Are you by chance gay, bi, queer, or wish you were more feminine?


ha triple gay

triple gay

Everyone born in 2000 is going to pretend they were all born on January 1st. I don't believe it.

and there's NOTHING you can do about it

Lego Racer
Rayman 3
Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast
Batman: Arkham City

Crash Bandicoot
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
If mods count then Call of Chernobyl
If not Stalker Call of Pripyat

It was normie-tier and it was on Sup Forums

Ninja Gaiden (NES)
MGS2 Demo But actually ZOE

I'm a grill

Super Mario All Stars
Yoshi's Island
Mass Effect 2
DooM (Switch version at the moment)

2000 :^)
Pokemon Platinum
Pokemon Emerald
Final Fantasy V
Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey

Sorry pal, but unless you were born 18 years ago from today you need to leave



Of course I was user why else would I be here? I'm a law abiding citizen with the ability to vote. Would I lie to you?


>Gunz The Duel
You fit in alright

lol get outta here old fart

go to bed gramps


You and I aren't too different.



sly 2. surprisingly didnt turn me into a furry
new Vegas
endless space 2 or baldur's gate

>Pokémon Blue
>Pokémon Blue
>Pokémon Heartgold / Halo 3
>I do not now have a single favorite game

First game ever played was Bart's Nightmare on NES. First owned was Yoshi's Island on GBA.
Paper Mario, Sly 2, Pokemon Diamond
Okami, MGS3, Skyrim
Mother 3

My Nigga

Some odyssey game I don't know the name of
Ultima Online
>Adding my 20's cause fuck you
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
PlayerUnknown's Battleground

Pokemon Red
Halo 3
Kingdom Hearts 2: FM

Fuck it, I'll play. Sup, mellow mikes?

Doom 2
Donkey Kong Country
Team Fortress 2
PUBG, going to try and find a new favorite game with everything I got in the Steam sale though

Super Mario World
Fallout 2
Fallout 4

euro truck simulator 2 should also be on current favourite game, but w/e

Haven't tried that many new releases so I just went with Mega Man 3 as my favorite, I rarely bought games as a kid so I would just play a bunch of shitty flash games that I somehow enjoyed. Now that I know how to emulate, I appreciate having quality games that I can play whenever I'm on my PC and Mega Man 3 happens to be one of my personal favorites on the NES

Did that possum get a switch for christmas?


First-timer: Dungeon Keeper (didn't understand much, but enjoyed it anyway) GTA1

Childhood: Neverwinter Nights, Commandos (MP1, MGS1, Unreal03)

Adolescent: Thief DS, Splinter Cell - something about gaming I started hating around mid naughties and on.
Googling 'games from 2008' makes me depressed.

Current: All of the above.

what is your problem?


I love Splinter Cell so much though...
Why don't they make prober stealth games anymore?

no but you're about to get a fist for new years. So shut the fuck up

DK Country
Gran Turismo 2
Armored Core Last Raven/Vice City/Drakengard
Kerbal Space Program

oooohh shhhhiiiiiittt earthworm jim


dont remember, tiberian sun was one of the first i played
red alert 2, generals
runescape and battlefield series
league of legends, Fallout NV

I feel that feel, hombre. Even that same series has fucked itself beyond all recognition. I like games like Styx and even Dishonored for pure stealth runs but I miss tacticool espionage based stealth.
(MGS does nothing for me because I'm not a tasteless jap who likes retarded stories.)


I fucking loved it so much, I still thank my brother for keeping all his old games and consoles and handing them down to me.

>all these 1999/98 fags


what's this face trying to convey?



>haha look i posted "le caricature face" am i cool now reddit?

1998-2000 FAGS BTFO

This is the current state of Sup Forums. Boring, no true tastes or opinions of his own, just parrots what other people like in a desperate attempt to fit in.

t. 1997

Everybody you listed is in the 1998-2000 range, hardly old enough to be considered manchild-tier. Perhaps there would be concern if they were a decade or two older

That's the millenial face wojak, implying that this board is now filled with millenials

could you be anymore bland?

>popular games are popular
This really fires up my electric pulse that travels down the axon until it reaches the synapses, where it then causes the release of neurotransmitters. The synapses are extremely close to the dendrites of the target neuron

It's the nu-smile.


Mario Kart(SNES)
Majora's Mask
Kingdom Hearts
Gundam Versus

>Implying 1998 babies are more faggy than a 1988 manchild