You don’t play as girl characters do you?
You don’t play as girl characters do you?
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I used to but if this e-celeb is telling me to stop I guess I better!
Only in single player games, online I'm a guy
>asmongold gets catfished in wow
>makes a video on a 'controversial' topic because he is irrelevant and warcraft is along with him too
>retarded literal who streamer has a dumb opinion on something
People are free to do whatever the fuck they want, and you're free to hate what they want to do. You're not being strongarmed into interacting with someone.
you better
Stop being a casual
>insecure guy calling others weirdos
>be me
>Make a troll female
>Join Guild at like 20
>Gunna run SFK with guildies because might as well
>Join group
>The leader is like "okaaaay guys behave we have a GIRL in the party ;))))));)))));D
>I'm like no dude, I'm a dude
>My too was even named after Juan Manuel Marquez, my favorite boxer
>They're all like oh okay
>Get a pst from the leader
>He's like "you don't have to pretend that you're a dude if you're gunna feel uncomfortable ;))) it's okay you can tell me"
>I'm like no nigga I'm a nigga
>We finish SFK n like 35 minutes and decide to run it again
>He's like "I'm glad you stuck around for round 2 ;))"
>Decide fuck it, I'm a girl
>Convince group leader I'm a female, turns out he has a main and i he's the guild leader
>Gives me access to the guild vault
>I send him nudes I got from the net
>Take a fuck load of gold from the vault
>Make a new toon, send him the gold
>Delete this too, and sent the Guild Leader a picture of my dick
>>Delete this too, and sent the Guild Leader a picture of my dick
can I see it?
Faggots btfo
he's right
it adds to the immersion
back in 2006 majority wow nerds played a male character to be the bad ass heroes they had in mind.
look now, everyone is a female char in a slutmog. even "top raiders"
>i take advices from my god that bangs his head on his desk daily and has bleeding teeth
Whos is this? I hate his tranny goblin face.
Blizzard doesn't care about immersion, why should we?
I have a herpes outbreak ATM so no
Well someone seems secure in their sexuality.
i agree with him
>Play video
>Metal music starts playing
>Stop video
This guy is a manchild.
isn't that the autist that went on a rampage for not getting a pet or some mount shit?
Yes I do, and no e-celeb is gonna make me stop.
I never got mistaken for a girl online despite using girl characters either, where do you all people meet those retards?
He is old Sup Forums personafied
>Old vee
No such a thing
I play as male characters to avoid unwanted attention
The only people who play as girl characters are pathetic virgins who want to fuck their characters, and the other people who play as a girl are disgusting faggots/trannies
So should girls only play female characters on any vidya they play?
Different guy.
>Neck beard faggot who STILL plays wow while listening to Linkin Park and curses a lot has an opinion
Wow I will take him seriously for sure.
probably thinkin of this dork
true autism
>Literally REEEd
Disgusting behavior.
>13 minute rant on retarded topic because he got catfished like a retard
In WotLK I played a female human priest. I felt uncomfortable playing with people because many thought I was actually a girl.
I didn't like it, so it's been exclusively male dwarves since then.
He's right if you can create your own character.
Refusing to play tomb raider is just autism.
Well? Did he really stop streaming forever?
Did he actually or you're just being reactionary?
What a fucking autist. Also NOT videogames.
And why being unable to use half of the character creator isn't autism?
Not likely since he just answered a question from chat
This guys been around for ages. He still plays in his mom's attick or whatever it is. Literally done nothing except play wow for the last 10 years.
Oh God my fucking sides
>Delete this too, and sent the Guild Leader a picture of my dick
People should do whatever the fuck they want, who cares?
I personally will play as male if I can because I'm not mentally ill, but I will play as a girl if I have to. I play with plenty of dudes with girl characters, some of them are more mentally well than others, but it's just normal at this point.
did you watch the video? you can play a girl char but don't try to excuse your gayness with some minute shit like spell animations
How is it gay if my heterosexual desire to make a girl character with a nice ass and a slutmog is what's causing me to make a girl char in the first place
Kill yourself
sure thing fagso
yeah sure thing fag
Doesn't this dude play a few female characters himself?
Because according to the autist, you MUST self-insert and role-play your character and you are can't just separate your actual self and your videogame avatar.
What's the difference if you play as female or male model if they dont have different powers?
Am I supposed to know who this is or why his opinion matters too me?
If you play WoW then maybe
If anything it's ironic he calls others weirdos when he eats moldy shit and other disgusting stuff
Why would you assume that every person with a female character is female, and vise versa? That shit is pretty basic knowledge.
it was a joke, he browses Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Guys should never play as Cammy or Laura wtf? Are you gay or something?
E-Celeb or not, he has a point. Stop being closet faggots.
>someone actually thinks this is sexy
You're damn right they do.
That would be cruel. Playing as a pretty girl in online games is a big part of nerd sexuality. It would be like castrating a normal person.
That nu-male soyboy is joking, you retards.