the state of pc gamers
The state of pc gamers
David Stewart
Nolan Garcia
is that meant to mean something?
Brody Ortiz
if you weren't retarded you could decipher what it means yourself
Jacob Collins
Player Unknown is legitimately one of the most fragile sensitive snowflakes and should be shot
>...I...I created the battle royale!!!!....
Parker Phillips
That theres no hackers because they banned them all?
Hudson Taylor
>..t...this game is succesfull b-better hate it!
Cooper Wright
>banned them all
how naive are you?
Ian Sanchez
Fuck me, most of the player base are hackers.
Angel Ross
Well that's what happens when you let china play...
Evan Hughes
>Poorly coded flipped asset mess infested with chinese and russians has a lot of cheaters
Damn, didn't see that coming.