The state of pc gamers

the state of pc gamers

is that meant to mean something?

if you weren't retarded you could decipher what it means yourself

Player Unknown is legitimately one of the most fragile sensitive snowflakes and should be shot
>...I...I created the battle royale!!!!....

That theres no hackers because they banned them all?

>..t...this game is succesfull b-better hate it!

>banned them all
how naive are you?

Fuck me, most of the player base are hackers.

Well that's what happens when you let china play...

>Poorly coded flipped asset mess infested with chinese and russians has a lot of cheaters

Damn, didn't see that coming.


>Dickriding something because it's popular

It's amazing how little dignity Sup Forums really has these days.

that’s the point. why announce that when it’ll persist forever

Fucking China.

*the state of China

Note that he didn't say anything about the quality of the game itself. What he's saying isn't wrong.

China isn't a state

Neither are pc gamers.

>implying words can only have one definition
the state of brainlets

the state of *china

>Calling others brainlets while not understanding this quote chain
How expected.

>misusing the quote function
based brainlet bro

>quote function


makes total sense to me. PC gaming is filled with unprincipled pirates, it stands to reason it would be filled to the brim with cheaters too.

>Mostly populated by chinks
>Chink culture revolves around cheating

Use the actual name of
In ten seconds or I will invoke JUSTICE upon you

Isn't this another activision for the greater good game? Insufferables are now playing pubg instead of your favorite games.

Meme arrows

>kill a streamer
>get banned
The absolute state of pc
