Have you played videogames with your girlfriend in 2018 yet Sup Forums?
Have you played videogames with your girlfriend in 2018 yet Sup Forums?
My what?
I need to make a goal of getting a qt gf to play videogames with by the end of this year. if i fail I'll probably just switch to 2d waifus n be lonely
look at that fucking man child with his bingbing wahoo! machine. And in a fucking public place at that. And look at those hands? This kid has been chugging nothing but soy milk since the day he was born. Im fucking KEKing HARD
Was this supposed to be funny?
Confirmed for having a chode
Started the year by finishing Jubelius on bayo 1 with her. Surprised she did so well at the combat, better than my first time round that game
we played mother russia bleeds through the midnight countdown, took a moment to recognize the passing of the year, then continued to play until around 230 AM. man that game is fucking fun
straightfags need to get out of my board
no one wants to date me i cannot do anything about that
My GF sucks ass at every game. She can't even play Snipperclips properly. SNIPPERCLIPS.
what's she playing?
>just turned 21
How fucked am I?
Clearly a game where you don't have to look at the screen
I wish I had a girlfriend
the fuck is Snipperclips
Yes, we've been playing through Yakuza Zero together! Shit's comfy anons.
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Yeah, I played Quake Champions with her. Still trying to teach her how to strafe jump.
Lewd as fuck.
What kind of a weird mix of foods is that? Fruit Mentos and regular salted chips? That doesn't go well together at all!
strafe jumping is cheating
What makes you say that?
Nice blogging normalfags threads.
Late bloomer probably. I didn't get any of that until I was 22. I'm 25 now and I've slept with four women.
Nice vidya post yourself, sport. Wanna toss the pigskin around with yer old man?
>tfw no cute japanese gf to play crash team racing with on my ancient ps2
Yeah because blogging about your 3DPD whore is totally video games related.
Get the fuck out you cancerous sack of shit normalfag.
no one has ever shown a for sure no doubt interest in me and i wont even risk it unless im sure
never undock your switch
it could save your life one day
I'm a reclusive NEET at the moment, and I honestly feel way more concerned about not having a job than I feel concerned about not having a girlfriend or a social life. I don't dislike people, but I just feel way more bored than I feel lonely.
No one give a shit.