I just reported pic and link related, to Nintendo for copyright infringement

I just reported pic and link related, to Nintendo for copyright infringement.


They will now look at it and issue a takedown.

Have you done your job to help fight software piracy and Illegal ROM Hacks Sup Forums ?

Just hit up piracyscene@noa.nintendo.com

The Gaming Industry will thank you

Fucking idiot, once it's on the internet it's too late. Stupid fuck I bet you feel good about yourself when you didn't even do anything.

At least it will make it harder for those wannabe game dev's do distribute their game

feels pretty good boi

Might as well report every fan made game made in the last fifteen years since you're at it.

Thank you for telling me about this romhack. Looks fun.

Who cared? This post isn't funny nor that good of a bait. Sorry you are so starved for attention in real life that you resort to this shit

Why does the nintendo community do shit like this?

They're like fucking children, honestly.

why are you guys so angry. I'm just helping Nintendo here. I thought you like Nintendo Sup Forums

this is the single strangest phenomenon I have ever encountered on this site

Pirating is one thing.
Rom hacks hurt no one.