Other urls found in this thread:

Stop discriminating against males

Stop acting like women don't have rights

Stop shaming male hobbies.

.t MRA neckbeard

VR chat disintegrates gender barriers since you can use any avatar anyways.

It's funny to occasionally see something that ends up being too progressive for these people.

women should be locked in cages until they learn to behave right

Stop molesting nigga and we don't need to make the thread.



Are you fucking serious? Its not even real, why do women like making beta males miserable?

This looks like some random blog with 10 readers. Fuck off, jew.

I would love to see them all thrown in a star trek world where they have literally no excuses and would have to all survive on their own merits.

Anita Sarkeesian claimed Wolfenstein 2 wasn't progressive enough. The entire left side of the spectrum has gone completely batshit. You're better off thinking of them as subhuman and not giving them the time of day.

how is this any different than teabagging in multiplayer games

Pretty funny, pretty sad. Block/mute all women.

That just validates their existence. Refute them calmly with logic and evidence. They'll cry like retards about it and everyone will see how retarded they are.

I thought nu-star trek sucked? (or at least after the first couple seasons) is it good?

In a perfect leftist virtual world you wouldn't be allowed to do anything

>a world more beautiful than i could have imagined

and that's how i know she didn't actually play vrchat

>Year 2118
>Android girls are all over the place
>They are banned because WOMEN don't like how they're stealing men away from them
>WOMEN are more concerned what a virgin male is doing and how he likes to spend his time rather than worrying about actual issues
>WOMEN are going to remove rights for Android women because they don't like Android women

It'll happen, screen cap this and post it in 100 years.

Get the fuck out, what'd she complain about? The fact that you play as a glorious Aryan pretty boy?

>VR Chat
>a world more beautiful than I could imagine
Is this bitch serious?

>The entire left side of the spectrum has gone completely batshit.
>You're better off thinking of them as subhuman and not giving them the time of day.
Zero self awareness as always.

she might have a shitty imagination guys, calm down.

>>To be honest, the ramifications of this are already apparent, as Japanese developers and publishers are already flocking to the Switch to make new games for the system.

At which point they block you, ban you, or get the "unbiased people in charge" (their friends) to drive you off the platform (all while they cry about net neutrality showing themselves to be fucking hypocritical subhuman scum fuck, yet the average normie doesn't view it that way.)

I didn't even bother watching it. ToS, TNG, DS9 and Voyager. I knew it was going to be shit since its inception.

the problem is dudes keep accepting their acts as genuine rather than a constant facade because they want to do them

>make space where people can freely be who they want to be and do what they want to do
>go into that space
>get outraged people do what they want and it looks like they do something I don't like

>Refute them calmly with logic and evidence.

^ meant to quote that

Nigger, trump Is giving the internet to large corporations. There is no future for the internet where will you post this.

But it's ok because Reddit and liberals wanted net nuetrality

I honestly don't mind this

safe spaces aren't safe dude, just do your own thing.

>Into a world more beautiful than I could have imagined

it would have to be

>implying they don't ban imageboards like Sup Forums and forums before
they will take over the internet, raid us and destroy our home
screencap this

she was being truthful, she's not smart

>speak to them
>or ignore them
Just ignore them my main man. Soon they will all be 30. The white ones will kill themselves and the black ones will be in prison. If Sup Forums ignored them this board would be 3% better.

>slider exists that determines how close someone can get before they wink out of existence for you
>turn it to the lowest setting and let someone grope you
>make a crypost about it

I hate women so fucking much

nice hysteria

Not like if I wasn't in a position of authority I wouldn't tax the Internet into the ground. Plenty of politicians out there who think like me. Probably a better idea that this shit is handled by corporations rather than government I never had trust in. Really, corporations probably have had a more positive effect on my life then any government worker has. I even think of specific instances. Can't say that about a police officer, Judge or senator.

literally virtual rape

>randomly click on a time

>Stop acting like women don't have rights

You mean agency.

This article is from over a year ago by the way.

>police officer

Are you joking?

>But it's ok because Reddit and liberals wanted net nuetrality
This but unironically

As we've seen with the vaccination 'issue' the more you use logic and evidence the stronger they hold their ground.
Best to ignore them and be sure to inform those they attempt to influence

>Last week I was groped in virtual reality
Last week I wasn't groped*

Fixed that for you.

The inability to differentiate fantasy from reality is the first sign.

Both. SJWs like to roleplay that we still live in the 1950s.

Not saying they don't, Just saying I never experienced it or seen it directly. So I don't put much value in them. Well, at least not as much as I would put in a corporation if it held the same function.

She honestly deserves it. People who take experiences like trying VR or playing a video game or walking down the street and lose the experience by spending the entire time trying to write an article about anything sensational deserve to have their avatar molested in a video game.

bootlicker detected



The ISPs will still be overseen by the FTC and FCC, they just won't have the direct, overbearing, competition-destroying control that Title II regulations provided.

We need to roll back the government regulations a bit further, too, so that the ISP monopolies are disbanded.

>roll back the government regulations a bit further, too, so that the ISP monopolies are disbanded.

I fucking wish, net neutrality was like pulling a fucking splinter out.

>27 post in
surprised it took this long

>will die too early to join lain in the wired

Consider saying "yes, sir" and "no, sir" to police. You'd probably have less trips to jail.

Who do you imagine he's literally molesting?

People get really fucking creepy in VR. It's like the new Second Life.

The problem is you should never have a corporation in charge of determining who has control over the internet. That sort of system leads to abuse and further class divide as only those who pay extravagantly more get priority services. Paying more money shouldn't divert electricity flow from poorer people to your house on a power grid because such a system should never exist in the first place. Furthermore you shouldn't be taxed on information access and freedom of speech. You say you trust corporations more than government but in most democratic governments there is a sense of transparency on what they are doing, there is no such transparency on corporations and many can and will try and break the law without any regard to consequences if they can get away with it undetected. e.g Volkswagen emission violations with automobiles.

VR is literally all dudes in animu grills avatar molesting each other.

Trying to steal a virtual watermelon?

Found the mansplainer.

>Guys look at what he's doi- never mind. Just stair at me.

Webm is more revealing than she probably intended.

i'll bet it's creepy, i don't even know your entire name and you can be anybody, show yourself



>A man having fun? Not on my watch!

He’s not wrong though.

>redwood city

south of san fransisco


I only grope women(male) in vrchat.

Fuckin this
>people can no longer be happy and do what they want in video games
>try to escape from reality to a different one with the hope of a freedom already lost
>those who snatched that freedom follow them to this new world/reality
Please let other people be happy


The only possible benefit to VR is being able to grope people without going to jail.

Prove me wrong.

Women already ruining VRChat, whelp, it was good while it lasted folks

>women are the niggers of gender
Does that make wutang a trans-nigger?

How would they know if the person groping them wasn't actually Superman on the other end?

You dodged a bullet. Fucking MUSHROOM DRIVE. TNG, VOY, DS9. We'll always have them.

should virtual rape be treated as actual rape so that it will be punishable under law? EU already cracks down on social media and treats cartoon drawings as CP


>Someone somewhere doesn't like something

IT'S RUINED!!!!!!!

>should it be treated as actual rape

This reads like a fucking high school english paper, what do these people learn in college?

>Brianna Wu

considering women get listened to because of vagina, yes. stay safe


Yeah, no. I pat the lolis heads with my vive, you have a problem you can block me.

Keep crying.

This is fake



>showing off your .22
Wanna know how i know the guy on the keft is a commiefornian?


What asshurt college girl made this? That doesn't even make sense. The man is still photographing objects while the girl remains a selfie blocking the objects.

>I wouldn't even fuck the corpse

jej. I'm going to say this at work

It's a good thing, I hope AT&T blocks Sup Forums again

>Someone somewhere doesn't like something then causing massive outrage and new rules being implemented that change the whole experience
Yea ruined

Anita's sugar daddy has left her to pursue more scams and she's beginning to self-destruct

She has started to use her twitter account to attack people and her tweets are starting to read like REEEE
