oh yeah hearthstone is still a thing



> Vengeance for Zul'Jin

Why do all trolls love him so much?

He's a champion for an elfless horde, probably plays on 1x rate vanilla private PvP RP servers

Just look at what happened with Sylvanas, he tried to warn us

why the hell are trolls and taurens still a part of the horde anyways? it seems like their reasons for staying are rapidly vanishing

Everything post WCIII is fucking retarded anyway, it's as wide as the ocean and deep as a puddle



the dungeon runs are kinda ok

Do I have to pay for expansion to play wow or can I just play the base game, never played it

it is specially okay because you can have fun with it, instead of "if you want to beat the boss, you need a specific kind of deck with the expensive cards, or you have almost to no chance to win, specially with every class

i mean yeah, thats the best part of it imo, it erases the pay to win portion of the game and you can just play away

Sylvanas has kept literally every evil deed of hers under massive wraps all the way from after Garry told her off in Cata during the Gilneas invasion to BfA.
The only racial leader who has a real beef with Sylvanas is Lor'themar, who's about two seconds away from ho tying her and tossing her into a pit of horny Worgen, but she's got a bit of a hold on him due to the Plaguelands being under her dominion.
Baine has his suspicions but nothing concrete due to having other shit to deal with.
Gallywix and goblins in general do not give any fucks whatsoever, so long as she keeps paying them.

Lorthemar was on his way out of the horde until Jaina started murdering every blood elf she could find

That was because of Garry though, not Sylv.
The Forsaken have a contingent of guards keeping Scourge pressure in the Ghostlands down. Plus with the Forsaken vouching for the Blood Elves to get them in the Horde in the first place, has their relations pretty strong.
Good move for Sylv since she got good press for helping her people out, but she also has Lorthemar over a barrel if he decides to fuck with her.

Came here to post this.

>until Jaina started murdering every blood elf she could find
and for good reason

>thread about shitty card game turns into lore thread

>implying that wasn't my intention all along

>tiebreaking vote to aid Theramore
>guy you sent to lend aid is a spy who gets it nuked
>tiebreaking vote having Jaina lead the council
>her first notable act is to murder and imprison your race en masse
Aethas is the fucking king of bad decisions.

>He doesn't know about /tg/'s Weekend WoW Lore Threads
/tg/ is already more fun than us.
She didn't murder all of them, most were teleported to Violet Hold. A few of the fleeing Sunreaver agents (who were trying to cover their trail and cut all ties) were, but most were simply imprisoned until Jaina calmed down and just exiled them after War Crimes.

He's a piece of shit, though.

>steal something
>blame it on jaina when confronting Lor'themar
>show him what you stole
>get congratulated
>this is all for Garrosh to go even further with power

how do you tablet game playing faggots even manage to find Sup Forums let alone decide it would be a good taste to post your garbage taste

So which WoW-killer did you jump on, user? GW2? TERA? TOR? Dare I say it, Wildstar?

I came here for /l/ and never left.


it must be sad when the only knowledge of games you have is wow-clones and hearthstone.

You can only buy vanilla+all past expansions in one bundle. You have to buy the latest expansion separately.

I haven't even played WoW or HS in months.
I've been on a MonHun kick lately.

>he said on Sup Forums

at night

First time I see his arm, it looks so weird

What does Hearthstone being a fucking awful game have to do with MMO's?

>I'm gonna be needin' da BIIG axe for dis!

Not like they can join the alliance at this point anyway.


Why would they leave? The only reason they still exists is because of the Horde.

>ho tying her and tossing her into a pit of horny Worgen