ITT: gaming buddies continuation

ITT: gaming buddies continuation.

gay dog

god i wish that was my pet

post birbs

husky or malamute?


My 5 is the only buddy I need



old pic of the other one

as a kitten she attacked my tv screen while i played epic yarn

this is her now

I'd have to ask my brother, but it's Yukon wolf with a little bit of gray wolf.

Not a wolf dog though. Those are horrible pets.

She's fucking adorable, user.


What kind of video games does this little dude like?

Mine when she was younger.


He's stuck

wait this is a real wolf?

One should not keep one as pet

heres mine

What birb should I get

He looks sad
>I wish my owner would stop shitposting and take me for a walk

He likes anything with a banging soundtrack. He loves bopping to Furi.

eclectus? really pretty

Pup with a cat.

>tfw you will never take his knot

this little fag.

I don't see any video games in this thread

Yup, he's a big guy.

It's a tamaskan. They're bred to look like wolves.


at my last place my bedroom was a closet

>Getting lewd thoughts with the dog

Godamnit, stop it boner

For you

I bet that causes some misunderstandings.



I play games with my lizer sometimes

kys fag

Oh! My mistake. There's a video game!

Trained to kill fucking nerds.

Got her from a wolf reserve so i don't think she's a tamaskan.

That cat looks severely offended by your choice in games.

A shame the cat has shit taste because DD is great


oh my god she's cute

he likes mario kart.

He likes watching action games