What did Nintendo mean by this?
What did Nintendo mean by this?
they want the soy audience
That's fan art, not Nintendo's art.
>Sup Forums is suddenly gay
What happened?
You're gay. Admit it.
its not gay if it looks and acts like a woman
not gonna lie I fapped to this doujin
>treat man nipples like tits
they are not the same thing, do you know it ?
>its not gay if it looks and acts like a woman
It is, actually, since the person's biological sex hasn't changed. Just because you act like something you aren't doesn't mean you are that thing, but go ahead and desperately try to justify not being a faggot.
Making women wear male clothing and men wear female clothing is fun.
Why are you acting so surprised, isnt OOT like 15 years old?
20 this year, actually.
nah he's right, its not gay if she says she's a woman. traps aren't gay
it is 2018, the millennials are starting to become old enough to post in here.
If it's an actual woman saying she's a woman, obviously it's not, but if it's a man doing the same shit, it's gay. Just own up to it, m8.
>draw a male body
>put on a female head
He deserved more, than mindbreak doujin ;_;
>male body
where do you find men like that?
there's being gay and then there's wanting to fuck men. i would fuck this boy, which by definition is gay. however i wouldn't fuck buck angel, who is literally just a man with a vagina. if i did fuck buck though, it technically wouldn't be gay.
you gotta separate 'wanting to fuck men' and 'wanting to fuck things with penises'. i propose we invent a new word so as to avoid confusion in the future: 'Gay' refers to those who want to fuck men, whereas 'Rad lads' refer to those who just want to fuck things with penises
thanks for reading
>tfw no Nintendo soyboy bf
I'm not
I want to kidnap Link and make him crossdress and forcefeed him soy
Seriously what the fuck is a soyboy
who /radlad/ here
I'm pretty sure there was even more
Kys fucking faggot.
These ultra feminine men don't exist though.
Some Sup Forums retards think that soy has a ton of estrogen in it and eating it makes you transgender or something, except they don't believe in transgender people because they don't understand science, so you're not transgender, or something. Not only is it completely insane, but soy is in fuckin everything, so I guarantee those people eat soy too
The latest in hip ways to dismiss people you don't agree with. Also see: cuck
Do people really still feel ashamed for liking men in the current year?
You should really stop denying your desires, the world is your property.
That looks bad though, he legitimately looks like he has a development disorder and childishly fat despite being a teen.
>Sup Forums gender studies
allow me to explain
my bf
Armpit looks awful and the highlights make his skin look bad and fatty
Sacrifice Prince
I bought him that shirt
That's you stop pretending
he is extremely exaggerating
_ ____ __ ___ ____ ____
I want to see him naked
How can women hope to compete with cute boys?
im not gay but twink link is hot as fuck.
Why the fuck this couldn't that be vanila. Why it had to be semi-rape mindbreak gangbang story.
Why can't we have anything nice
I ain't posting them ;)
You mean the faggot who drew this?
He looks like a retard in the game with that costume, ESPECIALLY since you are walking through a country filled with 10/10 high test sluts. Nintendo is mocking fags like you since the 80s.
I want Kuro to teach me sex ed!
They can't. Women are objectively worthless in every way. Boys are better looking, better people, better partners, and homosexuality is inherently more pure and right than heterodegeneracy.
Then he is irrelevant to me
Is this the same fag who posted himself 4/5 threads ago?
I recognize this phone
I know, but it's really funny.
Women really are only good for making babies. Some of them can be good mothers.
They've made their allegiance clear.
T. Soyboy
Its npy soy explicitly, it's Soylent, which in fact has a high consumption rate by numales and mentallyhandicapped-genders. The generalization sticks and fits under the blanket term soyboy.
>except they don't believe in transgender people because they don't understand science,
Taking some pills and slicing off your dick doesn't make you a woman.
if soyboys looked like this nobody would complain
This. Rad lad it is.
Objectively wrong in every way. If you want to fuck anyone with a penis you're gay. Not wanting to fuck Rosie Odonnel doesn't make you not straight, so not wanting to fuck Stone Cold Steve Austin doesn't make you not gay. Your entire post is retarded and makes no sense, and is nothing more than a desperate attempt to convince yourself that you aren't gay despite the fact that you objectively are.
traps are passable, it isn't gay until you hear benis flopping around while you're hitting it from the back. you either man up and keep pounding away or puss out and go home to cry to yourself to sleep in bed
I don't quit a game if I'm ninety percent done with it when there's a twist in the boss fights or game mechanics, faggot
It's gay. You're gay. The sooner you accept it the better off you'll be.
I'm a fag and I wouldn't fuck Buck Angel or anything that has a vagina.
What now
Man nipples can have their sensitivity raised to the female equivalent. Aside from milk ducts and areola size, there's no difference
you're gaay
Same. No homosexual would EVER fuck a roastie. Anyone who has sex with a gross cunt like Buck Angel is 100% straight.
I didn't say it wasn't gay nigger. I said if you find out a she is a he in the middle of sex, man up and keep fucking or be a pansy.
How does one achieve that? Asking for a friend of course.
this. closet cases are mentally ill and belong in death camps. proud fags are alright though.
There are no mods on this side of the chan little boy.
haha i wonder what his feet would smell like after a day of running in the wilds haha would definitely be a breath of the wild hahaaha when he removes his boots you know
Aha ikr i wonder what it would smell like if I opened your coffin two months from now haha when you kys for this post aha
Periodic stimulation. Having someone else succ them also works. Lastly there are suction cup-type toys you can use, but those will permanently increase nipple size as well, which most would find inconvenient
life sucks, I need this but with trap link instead of this slut
fuck a girl that smokes meth. she let me do anything and gave me a kink for damaged goods
>all the faggots
Why are you here?
>Draw a girl
>Call it a boy
Haha so ebic haha
trap link is a slut tho
>my girls look like this
wew, what are their numbers
Where do you go for your Lewd link fapfic fix?
>wanting girls that look like men
Faggot desu
>i want girls that look like girls
>mentally ill
>women with boys features
>not mentally ill
"Hehe, I'll make an obtuse statement that doesn't make any sense, that'll teach him"
>normalfag Sup Forumstard brought in by the election
Why are YOU here?
what the fuck is wrong with the gut area? Why is it split vertically down the middle like that?
>calling me a normgroid
how do you call someone who is only gay for 2D boys?
what game? that sounds like MGQ for me