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Obviously 2B you autist.
and I like all 3 of them.

how is kawakami a reddit waifu? don't they hate her because "EW A STUDEN AND HIS TEACHER!?"


Elizabeth from Bioshock.

>Implying anyone on Reddit still liked Nia after this

>He thinks reddit still means the site

Kaede is a good girl

I like that one doujin where she gets mindcontrolled into getting fucked on camera

Gonna need a link my good sir

you can't just say that and not post a link

Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong game. Kingdom Hearts 3's two years away.


I was lying about the camera part because I haven't looked at this in like a month but sure you spoonfeed-requiring fucks who can't even type in 3 tags



>He thinks that KH3 won't come out in 2018

>not fapping exclusively to the most diabetus-inducing vanilla of kaede and saihara

>people are actually attracted to furfag nia

It's not a question of 2b. It's about whether or not 2b.

Logic and reason don't work on trolls like OP.

Only reddit would waifu a literal prostitute.


also should be makoto

Take off Kawakami and add Makoto

Samus, Lucina and Elizabeth (Bioshock Infinite) are the holy trinity of cancer.

The final piece should be (You)

This, she's the only other forced meme girl besides Makoto, and we already have the teacher from P5.

My beautiful waifu Tracer isn't a reddit waifu. Fuck off.

>mistook this as a fusion thread
>thinking what would they be fused

off to the drawfag thread I go

Draw Aigis pls.

For a board that says it hates Reddit you fags sure do talk about them a lot.

how is nia reddit?

She's popular and OP wishes to fit in so he goes against the grain.