Just bought this. It's gonna be my second isometric RPG after Fallout. Any tips for a beginner?

Just bought this. It's gonna be my second isometric RPG after Fallout. Any tips for a beginner?
Playing as a paladin on medium difficulty

>not Icewind Dale or Baldur's Gate series instead

Cypher class is best class.

you played fallout 1 and now you're going for poe?
instead of FO2?


Itz shit and full of trannys play Ultizurk instead, it's much better and free from trannys!

Why the fuck does my rig overheat while playing this within two hours

everyone on Sup Forums is retarded about this game. ignore 90% of posts, they just cannot stop themselves from saying completely retarded shit

great game, wish there were more like it. i just finished it and am currently in withdrawal. i've been trying to get by with baldur's gate.

because you shouldn't leave a toaster on for 2 hours

Divinity Original Sin, and the sequel that just came out