What are some games that are like my harem animu? No VN please

What are some games that are like my harem animu? No VN please.

i wanna pimp out earthchan for money and resources




well now it would be 2018, who cares

I want to bully earth chan

Jerk off in the woods and cum on Earth-chan!

I want ironic weebs to leave

Can you guys stop shitposting and reply to my question?

>earth is 2018 years old



Why the NASA shirt? Is earth a fan of NASA?

>Earth is 'dying'
At worst humans are offing themselves. The planet will always be around.

>tfw I got tricked into watching Umaru
I wish I could go back and spend that time hammering my balls instead

>doesnt get the joke
>better obsess post
what went wrong with euros?

Reddit treats NASA as some sort of deity so naturally they'd put it on their Earth interpretation

this bitch will be consumed by the sun in a few billion years so who cares what humans do in the interim

>not making earth-chan a titcow for the mother earth analogy
Weebs have shit taste as usual.
It gets humans off her, she's probably all for it.

What is the next ice time for 500? What is the sun fucking dying for 1000, Alex?

"Always" is a long time...

Can't we just nuke Americans? I bet it will solve like 56% of all problems in the world.

Ironic weebs haven't watched FOTNS, they just meme about yelling NANI

Isn't most pollution from China?

She's flat because the Earth is flat

>someone made a waifu to make more people talk about earth's situation
>it worked

What if everyone tried to do this?
For an example, what if a vegan artist made a waifu to tell you that eating meat is a bad thing?



why the fuck would it be a bad thing

persona 3-5

China is making most of our shit, America is producing, what, iPhones?

>lofi hip hop radio

Guilty as charged. Also this

americans still produce the most pollution per capita

Vegans are insane subhumans

>literally no other before and after images of cosplay qt's looking worried, followed up by a picture of them after taking a beating

I'm thankful for this one bone I've been thrown, but I want more.


Also record of agarest war, even though you'll HAVE to choose one waifu in the end to have babies with.
No babies in persona, so go ahead and fuck all of them


the meat industry is pretty unsustainable + resource intensive

>ironic weebs
I get your point but calling them "ironic weebs" and defining some of the things as what "ironic weebs" watch would be incorrect. They're just normalfags that are trying to be the casual gamer but with anime.
I'm not saying its ok though.

the future is either plant based "meat" or growing meat in labs

look up how much fresh water California spends on vegan avocado/almonds shit

Are Europeans retarded?

Can't wait for space colonies so we can just harvest planets and move on to the next one

just spam lolis at them, that gets them to fuck off quick

>americans don't know basic knowledge

Valkyria Chronicles 2
I played through the whole game because the gameplay is actually pretty good but damn, the story elements and characters were a mistake.

that's also unsustainable, yes

Yeah, which is why the image just shows that specific scene

>grow plants to feed livestock to eat the livestock
>grow plants to eat plants

which of those sounds more efficient to you?

>Futurespaceweebs make a cute anime girl for every new planet

>not making earth-chan a titcow
Sun-sensei is a titcow since she nourishes everyone else you brainlet, you're worse than weebs

>record of agarest war
I know OP is a complete faggot and should kill himself, but recommending aggarest war is taking things a bit too far.

"be self-sustainable" sounds the most reasonable to me.

>Makes fun of weeb games



Why would the Earth give a shit about ice time,

Why does she wear the nasa tshirt

>grow meat, get good nutritional value but it's terrifically wasteful
>grow plants, waste less but get shitty nutritional value + incomplete proteins

Bug protein master race when?

i only played the first one. the combat was fun. The story and writing were completely retarded, but OP DID ask for a game that's 'just like my harem animus' so it should be right up his alley


Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a good new one


This is now a loli thread

>get good nutritional value
>muh incomplete proteins

sweet jokes user, I can tell you do a lot of shitposting over at /fit/
either that or you're full-on Joe Rogan broscience level

???? What. There's like one love interest and the MC outright friendzones one of the girls.

If you want haremshit, pick up Persona 5. Blank slate bland MC, tons of cute bland girls to suck your dick.

>we want Asian audience the post


yeah persona is another good one


asanagi pls

Some people are so stupid.

That's not working anymore user. They will go "hurr woah lolis kawaiiiii i want to pet them!!! dont lewd the lolis >:(!!!!!!"
I usually spam prostitution loli porn at them to piss them off.

I have had a huge passion for space ever since I was just a lad.

These Solar System weeaboo dogshit disgraces actually piss me off. The planets are meant to be seen as huge, mighty entities in the dark void of space, full of wonder and mystery, and a community with undying love towards the solar system was born. But now, any fucking time, and I repeat, any FUCKING time you mention any planet by name, some fucking shit-for-brains posts one of these failed Syrian abortions, and the topic is derailed into that dumb anime bullshit. What's fucking worse is that this shit is going so mainstream, that you see all these fucking normies say they always loved the planets and stars when they just joined because of this atrocious fad.

I hate this degenerate bullshit so fucking much, I'm honest to god shaking in rage. Every fucking time someone posts these abominations, I want to fucking die.

Fuck you.

how can you be on the internet, better yet Sup Forums and not understand irony? blows my mind

cheeky cunt's got more personality than all persona protagonists combined (except Maya and Tatsuya)

Would you say you're LITERALLY SHAKING

I don't care if this is tumblr. This is cute and you can't stop me from loving her.

My dick went diamonds. Wtf I love earth-chan now. is it prostitution?

Thank you for confirming that our work is not in vain

You should add VRchat to this image. Weebs are all over it now and always memespouting hoping they make it into epic youtube compilations.

I like Nasu's Earth-chan. It's a shame he forgot about her.

Maybe she'll be allowed into FGO one day

If you believe this there is n hope for you. Climb the highest building so you can see the horizon/proof the earth is round, then kindly jump off and kill yourself for being that much of a stupid hick.


And yet no one makes this point about girl gamers. It's almost as though Sup Forums has some sort of agenda.

boo hoo you roastie bitch go cry how Sup Forums was mean to you on twitter

they shouldn't just leave they should probably kill themselves

You're getting awfully emotional. Are you somehow triggered? Maybe you're just too emotional to be rational, I mean men am I right?



Fucking Shad.

>likes to impregnant virgins
Who is he? I like him.



Jesus, friendo, I was just explaining the joke.

It wasn't the weebs that took it over. It was the usual twitch and YouTube audience that started to create unfunny and annoying memes and the fact that it now has a desktop mode.
Sup Forums has had a massive change over the past 5-7 years and that's something that can't be denied. Sup Forums and Sup Forums are slowly becoming the worst boards on the site because of the amount of hate and fucking shitposting that constantly happens without actual discussion.
I wouldn't say Sup Forums has an agenda against women, I'd say that Sup Forums and maybe Sup Forums. With the overall amount of shitposting and posts that make no sense, it's getting hard to tell.



>makes fun of weeb games by being a weebgame

Who gives a fuck nigger? A good steak trumps any vegan shit.

I have a strong desire to kill that faggot in top right corner. Is it okay?