Happy new year user!
How did your Hoshido New Year summons go?
Happy new year user!
How did your Hoshido New Year summons go?
I got a very nice NY Camilla, I think that's all I really want from the banner.
I got a bunch of 4* units. Perhaps the most noteworthy was another Jagen for Fortify Cavalry. Rather unimpressive overall.
I got Camilla, but with a crappy IV so I'm still rolling.
Also want Azura
>got Charlotte from the Legendary Hero banner this morning
I think I've luck shitted harder on this banner than any other. Shit IV's on the Charlotte, but I got a neutral Elise, Bride Lyn for foddering dazzling to Elise, and a -HP +SPD Gunnthra
Uh, I never said you could wear that
Now hand over the parasol. Seasonal costumes are for Awakening and Fates characters only
Pretty damn well
Lyn got a spring bride alt though
Lucky fucker, been trying to snipe her but got pity broken by her because no green orbs to summon on
I have 2 Ayra's though so she is fodder anyway
Rate my new Fliers team. Still working on stuff, I need some suggestions on skills, but damn are they already fun to use.
>-atk +res New York Azura
>scrounge of 20 more free orbs
>-def +res New York Azura
Happy New Year.
>tfw getting -Spd INNES'D twice
At least I got a BLyn, Sigurd, a -Spd Gunnthra and I luckshitted a +Spd -Atk Airzura on the NY banner as well which is pretty much everything I wanted except Elise for cavmemes.
I got a Cecilia on my free roll. I wanted Azura but it's karma I guess since I also got Gunnthra for free. I'm hording my orbs.
tfw i pulled on my alt account while half asleep and wasted like 10 orbs on reds and missed a green pull while trying to snipe that flying dancing bitch. Never pull while tired and distracted user
33 orbs to get Airzura
Got Katarina with my freebie. Feeling good and saving for anniversary.
>How did your Hoshido New Year summons go?
Shitty, thanks for asking.
>two Azuras with bad IVs, a Sigurd and a Chrom
Not too bad, though it's ashamed my best Azura was -atk and Chrom is Chrom. At least if there's a weapon refinery for Falchion I have good IVs for him.
Pulled a 3 stars, this banner is boring and I'm not rolling for it. I'll try to get a Lyn after getting the arena orbs at least.
So I've been thinking of making an armor team but I don't know what I'm doing:
Is this a good team?
How do I decide which unit wants which movement skill (pivot vs swap)?
I don't have any armor march fodder, is it worth running this team? I was thinking maybe replacing one of them with Tana for guidance movement.
Which units want the ward/fortify armor? Do they stack with each other?
Use a second Fortify Fliers so Corrin benefits from that extra 12 damage. TA on a -blade tome is unnecessary; go with Fury or Darting Blow if you don't have a Hinata.
Needs about 4 armor buff skills in the C slot. Armor March and Ward/Spur Armor
Without Armor March I'd probably just turtle up with full Wards and Swap on everyone.
Cutest troubadour.
I have them but not armor march. Which unit would want armor march when I do get it? Tharja?
And BK/Chrom would get ward/spur armor?
Swap is if you want to ward stack (only spurs/goads/wards stack, hone/fortify doesn't) since it allows you to move the units around in tight areas easily as well as making it more annoying on arena defence. Ward stacking is generally what people use on armours to make them more obnoxious to deal with.
As for pivot, that's better for mixed teams in lieu of/alongside guidance if you use a flier since it allows your armors to creep up but with armour march it can cause some scares when an effie/BK/Hector is dropped in front of someone.
You want wards on everything if you don't have march.
Very well I got brave Ike and azura the best unit in the game that powercreeps every other dancer in around 50 orbs
Didnt roll because Im saving for the anniversary bait banner
Free rolled a neutral NYAzura and dumped the orbs I was saving into the b8% banner.
Got BRoy, a +spe -res Amelia and a bride Lyn. Wanted an Elise to replace my -spe one and Ryoma, but I'll take it.
I've only done my free roll and got Laslow, on the other hand I finally managed to get a Gunnthra so I'm pleased at that, even if it meant I missed out on Xmas units. I was under the impression that Gunnthra was going to be on the New Year banner as well, but I guess I was wrong?
>(only spurs/goads/wards stack, hone/fortify doesn't)
Does that mean if I have a goad and ward buff active fortify will also work with them but not with another fortify?
>You want wards on everything if you don't have march.
Do teams usually run just one or two armor march? The only basis I have is from the dev map awhile ago with two armor march units.
She'll be on the legendary banner.
I want to continue playing this game but the last couple of 5*s I pulled were either shitty ivs and cuck 5*s
I go 2 armor march so I can split my team up if I need to.
I got my girl Azua on the free roll, but have still been rolling for her because I want to make her stronger. No merges copies yet, but got a 5 star Tharja in a session without green.
You don't have to have the best ivs and SSS+ tier units to do great. I use a -atk Reinhardt and still kill everything with him
But then you sacrifice the buffs, no?
How's my Camilla?
I don't care for any of the NY characters. I'm saving up my orbs for a potential Valentine's Day banner and if the characters there blow, I'll keep saving up.
>no more orbs
I'm not even mad.
Yeah I know and I still use them but it sucks how when you finally roll something good, ivs gotta ruin it somehow
I have two NY!Azuras but I feel like it'd be better to use one for Hone Fliers fodder than to merge her. Of course if you don't need it then that's fine since she doesn't really have anything else.
>Sup Forums unironically plays Angry Birds tier mobile game
I never had much respect for Sup Forums, but these soyboys? Truly disgusting.
That's just the minmax autism culture. You can always improve bad ivs with appropriate seals, skills and weapon refinements. You'll eventually get some perfect iv 5*s.
Honestly I don't even look at IVs anymore. Ever since I stopped caring about camping T20 I haven't bothered. It's made my experience so much better.
I have a Witch Nowi from before, plus I'd never sacrifice limited heroes unless I really didn't care, which I do in this case.
It lasts for 29 more days, my man!
What happened to New Year Corrin on the cob?
Goads/wards will work with alongside hone/fortify (e.g. a goad + a hone would be +10/+10 to the affected units) but hones/fortifies don't (e.g. 2 hones on the same unit will only give the initial +6/+6). Ward stacking is seen as ideal since it's +12/+12 defences on all units making your armoured team a slow moving tank all stuck together with swap keeping them clumped together.
That's an excellent question. What's the point of putting him and his wife in the game, but only her on the banner?
>complaining about steady breath
>Hoshido themed event
>only one true Hoshidan in it
>also includes fucking nohrian scum
>no Kimono Hinoka drawn by HACCAN
I will never not be mad at ISIS for this
the only fucking time where I could get a special version of my unpopular waifu and they force the most anti-hoshido bullshit into it instead.
Ah that's neat. Maybe I don't need armor march after all. Thanks for the advice, user.
What gets me is why everyone hates Camilla so much for this when Azura isn't really from Hoshido either and just got another version a few months ago. But then Azura is more popular.
feed to nearest dragon
Good, Hinoka isn't even as good as her retainers.
One has tits the other doesn't. It's that simple don't think too hard about it.
i finally got a camilla but -hp so she hurts too often. same summon pool i got an eirika -hp +def and steady breath so its aight
Camilla is also an actual character. Arguably the best written of the lords from Nohr. Meanwhile Hinoka is a non-character even in her own story.
Because Azura and Corrin are neutral, since they appear as playable units in both games.
Also because flier dancer
Camilla on the other hand is just complete bullshit.
Not to mention that Kimono's on big titted women look awfull irl
>mommyfag calling Hinokafags redditors
Camilla is as reddit as it gets.
>steady breath
>a steady breath anyone can get for free
You want me to be happy about pulling a Shiny Magikarp fucking retard.
>flat priscilla
delet this
reddit has a huge hateboner for Camilla though. There was literally a thread complaining about Camilla not even being from Hoshido.
>acting like getting 5* exclusive skills come by like nothing
>acting like only one unit wants steady breath
>not picking bow lyn for your free unit
lol, toss it out for feathers bro
user I like Camilla but this is some really obvious bait.
>Not to mention that Kimono's on big titted women look awfull irl
Who cares about irl though? For me busty women are about the only ones who can wear kimonos well, since otherwise they just look bland.
>isis is smart and will use nohrian hinoka for spring or something
Well Hoshido was the focus of a bad game and Hinoka was an afterthought made to fill a quota.
I feel nothing, at least the Camilla out now is finally not drawn by Shigeki and the Azura looks decent.
>Yandere is a well developed character now
>completly disregarding Elise
>even Sakura had more character development than Camilla
stop it
you should have been to /feg/ when Camilla got leaked. Boy oh boy was that a ride.
Stack Ward Armor and Swap. The rest should really be up to your discretion but I recommend steady breath on Burger King, vantage on Hector and vengeful fighter or Quick Riposte on Chrom.
Giving attack smoke to one of the distant counters or Tharja would be a good idea.
Switch Pavise for Bonfire or Aether on Hector and don't give him deflect missle, thats useless since he shouldn't be trying to tank Bow Lyn. Give that to Tharja instead.
reddit hates tharja and camilla, just like /feg/
really activates my almonds
No problem m8. You should note that the main uses of armour march are for convience in modes like TT since armour units move at a snail's pace without and the fact that with armour march the +1 movement allows armors to ignore the forest movement penalty allowing affecting armors to waltz through the forests which ups the surprise factor in arena.
The problem is that if you don't have 2 armour march users that one of your armours will be left behind unless you move in a T formation with the march user in the middle which can fuck up your arena defences. Also, it means that your ward stacking is reduced to +8/+8 on the march units and only +4/+4 on the units with ward. Essentially you're trading the surprise of extra movement for bigger buffs.
Elise is definitely not a well-developed character. I'd say in terms of overall character Camilla is about = Sakura >>> Elise > Hinoka.
What? I've seen a ton of people celebrating rolling her and lamenting pity broken while sniping reds. She's still a very popular character.
summ up the reactions please
How's my Azura?
100 f2p orbs, 80 on gunnthra, 0 5*, 20 on NY eve, got a +atk +spd Kagerou 5* so I suppose it's fine...
Steady Breath is more Useful than Distant Counter? News to me.
>+atk/+spd Kagerou
I'm jealous
Elise is my wife, but she's a pretty standard FE character.
>implying it won't be Ryouma and Xander with a side of Chrom and more Chrom
>still a very popular character
>most communities hate her guts
>Japan is enraged at her
>getting totally destroyed by Azura in the gauntlet
Got one as well, +Spd - Def. Now to see which A skill makes the most sense with her.
>a multiplier based gauntlet and one alternate unit in a mobile game instantly destroys all of her massive popularity that's been built up over the years
It is when tanking mages with Reflect Magic equipped. Countering from afar breaks the two-hit combo needed to reduce the 80% damage of the second hit, leaving you with a dead unit that dind't probably kill in one hit the foe.
look, Im a Hinoka fag, but even I am aware that she wont draw any dimes. Tomboyish looking DFC's arent in demand as bimbo turbo sluts.
Hoshidan new years was ISIS only reason to ever release a Hinoka special unit, and they didnt.
I just hope that NY!Camilla will be the lowest pulled unit from all the aviable units. If the data suggest that people got their Camilla fill, maybe they stop this Nohrian craze bs
>+Attack +Speed Kagerou
I need that, I'm on my way to making mine 5*+10 anyway.
>implying there were multipliers in the first hour
Would it be a good idea to replace Chrom with someone? I was thinking Effie for more colour coverage, but her kit is very player phase oriented.
Yeah I'm trying to use this team mostly in arena. I've been using horses forever but they've gotten stale and it's hard to get higher tiers with them now. Hopefully they'll make armor march more available in the future. Being limited to seasonals and Amelia sucks.
And what is the score at now? If this is all shitposting based on reddit and twitter with a single screencap of the gauntlet scores at the very first hour, then I don't know what the commotion is about, at least on here.
Can someone explain to me why people like to claim red is the worst colour to pull from? Isn't it a fixed 3% base for the focus unit? Why would your chances be lower of pulling them just because the pool is larger?
I got a New Year's Azura with +ATK and -DEF. Is that good? I've also got a regular ol' Dancer Azura.