Anybody can say BB is better. But it takes a real man to admit DS3 has more replay value.
Anybody can say BB is better. But it takes a real man to admit DS3 has more replay value
Stop making these threads, you fucking retard.
You mean pointless grinding to get +2 and +3 rings locked behind NG++ for no reason whatsoever?
I can't even bring myself to run through the first quarter of the game again because of how fucking boring it is. How they thought putting 4 giant hollow people + yellow/orange filter areas in a row is beyond me. How sad is it that the first and one of the only good areas of the game was blighttown 2.0
How? DS3 sucked so much I had no drive to replay it at any point. The only Souls game that's happened to me with.
Both of them don't have replay value though. Only souls game that has actual replay value is DaS2
>How they thought putting 4 giant hollow people + yellow/orange filter areas in a row is beyond me
Are you talking about Bloodborne or DS3
>playthrough DS3 once and trade it in a week later
>playthrough BB 3 times
BB is actually the first souls game I played through multiple times just for the singleplayer experience and not just to invade/duel.
you talking about das3? glad I'm not alone there. With all souls games, I replay them at least once a year completely. Dark Souls in particular is no problem because it still has that creepy and desolated atmosphere, even after such a long time of playing it. Dark souls 2 has a different atmosphere but a shit ton of different buildsyou can try and it has no cancerous environments early on. Dark Souls 3 is really weird, the rusted & forgotten look of everything in the start puts me off and I can rarely play more than half an hour or so of the game. I havent even played the DLC yet despite owning it from the season pass which I apparently prepurchased before release (I was surprised to find out, since I had forgotten about it)
Both games are shit. Play Dark Souls.
Dark Souls 2 has the most replay value
Which one has better enemy variety?
My first play through I absolutely loved DaS3, and in subsequent ones I realized I only enjoyed the boss fights, and every time I got to a new area I just thought "fuck, not this place again". The only area I liked in DaS3 was Archdragon Peak and that still had those obnoxious manserpents.
DS3 easily. More theme variety=more enemy variety.
2 objectively has the most replay value, so there's that...
>fighting fire with fire
The difference for me is quite clear
Ive platinumed Bloodborne in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before and having gone in blind.
I never bothered with DS3 or any other Souls game for that matter, due to how inherently easy Bloodborne was.
Pic related.
my least favorite thing about every fromsoft game from DeS onwards is how everyone who plays them fancies themselves fucking experts on the entire series. Oh, this is shit and thats shit and my favorite game is goat, and your favorite boss is garbage blah blah
dont play the game, uninstall it you boring twats
dont dont about things you dont like. talk about stuff you do like. twats.
Bloodborne has some really bad areas. Yaharghul is really fucking dogshit with all the red respawning enemies and nightmare frontier violates my eyes.
welcome back 10daysAnon, I've missed your autism
Dark Souls III is the least replayable Souls game for me. Which is saying something since DS2 is barely playable in the first place.
should I get the DLC for DS3?
what's a good dex build? I started with mercenary and those dual wield swords
>quoting rich evans, the biggest brainlet to ever play vidya
God I just love the stream of VTM Bloodlines where him and Jack bitch about having to play it the whole time
it takes a real ludo connoisseur to realize they're both trash compared to DkS1.
Wrong, Dark Souls 3 is shit and Bloodborne is great, Bloodborne has way more replay value ergo.
fucking clown
Nightmare frontier is the only unique areanin the game, followed by Cainhurst. What are you talking about?
simply untrue, both are great games but Bloodborne has far less content all things considered and it's bosses have virtually no replay value. No one ever thinks 'I really want to fight amygdala, rom and micolash again!'. Champion Gundyr on his own has more replay value than most of bloodbornes bosses.
But DaS3 has literally 0 replay value outside of build autism, and even then not playong with medium armor and a straight sword puts you at an immediate disadvantage.
Pleb detected, and I'm afraid it's inoperable.
I know I’ll get shit on for saying this but I like AoA+TRC better than OH. They’re both great great but the former is just more memorable.
Don't bother, Dex is worse than usual and any weapon that isn't a straight sword is just bad.
Armor doesn't matter in any souls game lmao.
Absolute shit taste. The only good part of DS3 DLC is the first half of Dreg Heap, before the fucking swamp. Did we really need 2 more swamps in that DLC? Jesus
what's OH?
I'm doing two characters, one that I'll use with my friends (a STR or STR/DEX build) and one that I'll use to play solo (I wanted to try a DEX build)
any suggestions?
Defend this, fromdrones
running away from shit instead of fighting it and dying, who'da thunk
bloodborne is still better and i haven't even played it
You fell for the memes, sellsword twinblades with bundles are the fastest boss killers and best general pve weps in the game.
No, DS3 is shit compared to BB.
There are dozens of trick weapons in BB while DS3 'weapons' are just reskins of each other.
DS3 is literally better in everything. But yeah, you need to own PC/PS4 and some long term souls experience to realize that.
Heeeere they are, triggered underaged cucks of Sup Forums. Fucking pottery
>replay value
>best quality bosses
ds3 is so good
I used to think 3 was best dark souls but then they nerfed my build in favor of single stat investment builds. What's the point of spending 30 more points in a quality build if the outcome is equal DPS to one that didn't.
Also the rebalance decisions late in its life made me drop it. But some things stay the same, like the Pike is the longest weapon therefore it should hit for less damage, in addition to its mediocre attack speed and high stamina consumption. Weapon Arts consume MP but are also parryable meaning not worth using. And the damage is the same as not WA. Two handing offers the least bonuses ever even compared to Dark Souls 2. Meanwhile R1 spam reigns supreme no matter how complex and different you try to be it goes back down to that. And roll, roll, roll, roll, gatcha you!
I have played every other Souls game, even 2, at least 5 times, with DaS 1 and BB both clocking in at like 15 replays. I have only played DaS 3 twice and any time I try to play again I quit at Undead Settlement because it is so god damn boring.
>absolutely 100% linear
>areas are all horribly uninspired and every single one has already been done better in a Souls game
>Faith and Int are worse than ever before (this is saying something)
>all weapons feel nearly identical
>game looks like shit, even ignoring DaS 3's inferior art direction the textures, particle effects, and cloth physics all bizarrely look worse than in BB
>literally nothing original in the whole game
>almost all basic enemies are the same flailing ass goblins
>gameplay is dumbed down to sub-DeS levels
Anybody that has played BB and DaS 1 and thinks DaS 3 is anywhere near as good is delusional and braindead.
>retarded and shit opinions
>Another false flag thread
Holy shit what a fucking retard
Then why did I play bb twice and ds3 only once? Ds3 was fucking boring.
>retarded and shit english
And yet I completely abandoned Dark Souls III after my third playthrough whereas I still play Bloodborne to this day.
lying isn't healthy, user
anime is literally just japaneese mlp
>Abyss Watchers
>good boss
god... I'm gonna be.. *gags*... god I'm gonna.. *pukes*... UGHHH!!!
I do, and I also still browse /bbg/ which is currently just as active as /dsg/.
>enemy has glowing purple eyes meaning he died to it last time and knew it was there
>runs from a rat clearly sees it chasing him
>fucks up the jump that would have landed him on the beams negating most of the fall damage
you could not fuck up more times simultaneously 100% deserved death. They have 10 molotovs for fuck sake. I actually makes me wish rats were capable of plunge attacks.
>all these knight type bosses
>haha i'll just respond to everyone, that way they'll all know I have garbage taste
Skip a bottle of Soylent today?
> soyboy using soymeme
>have shit taste
Found literal retard, bois
just look at that fucking collage, what the hell happened to the art design? It went from perfection and simplicity to generic WRPG looking garbage, looking at those bosses they just look like generic mush except maybe Sully, and some like the bat demon it's outright hard to even tell what the fuck you're looking at.
Miyazaki used to always stress the importance of elegance and beauty balancing the darkness and decay of the series, but it looks like he forgot.
doesn't change the fact BB is garbage, kid
what do you get out of this?
>anime reaction image
I did the exact same thing
Builds made#
>Demons souls:1
>Dark souls 1:10
>Dark souls 2: 1
>Dark souls 3: 3
>Bloodborne: 15
I had to delete a few sadly but bloodborne is so short and easy to run through to make builds it feels like dark souls 1. At times I would even go on an 8 hour binge just to finish a build because it's so fun to do.
But I will admit dark souls 3 single player has it's moments if you think of a good knight character to make.
getting BB platinum is easy a shit
Try pt for demon souls, then you can come and brag
Why did we gloss over the fact that Gael was just another dude in armor, for being the last boss of the souls series?
Isn't that the biggest piece of ammo you could give to a Dark Souls 2 fan?
Dude grind the skellies for an hour lol muh pure bladestone
Demon's Souls is easy to complete, I've got my second plat in a week
DS2 problem is not the amount of dudes in armor, it's the boring design and samey moveset. You can't compare Dancer for instance to anything on DS2 just because she's an humanoid boss.
>more linear game
>more replay value
that's funny
Abyss Watchers, Champion Gundyr, Nameless King and Dragonslayer Armour are incredibly standard
reused designs from DaS 1
just generic armor with red hood and beard, wow he looks like santa claus. I said Pontiff is the most original though, he's easily my favorite DaS 3 boss.
>demon's souls make 6 builds just to see how shit works
>dark souls 1 countless builds on 3 accounts get past anor londo on nearly all of them
>dark souls 2 make a dozen builds just trying to figure out what feels right. Most of them stop before Harvest Valley
>dark souls 3 make 3 builds to try to see the most amount of equipment and shit
>bb like it the most but only make 2 builds because it's so long to get to the fun shit.
>Abyss Watchers standard
I need a break
>reused designs from DaS 1
gwyndolin and ciaran
>Save states
have you ever played DaS 1? Aldritch is just the top half of Gwyndolin stuck onto a literal blob of shit and Dancer looks almost exactly like Ciaran. Dancer is especially ridiculous because they never acknowledge this in the lore.
Yes, it's just another boss that rips off Artorias' moveset. Dark Souls III does it way too much, they even ripped off his intro cutscene.
Artorias ripped off penetrator intro cutscene but you wouldn't know that, PCbro
Maybe one day you'll be able to play it.
you right
Who fucking if the design has similarities?
DS3 has some unique boss fights, look how Dancer moves or Nameless King riding a fucking wyvern
Aldrich is a gooman who eat Gwyndolin
Gael possed by the dark soul
Soul of Cinder is the manifestation of everyone who linked the flame once
Friede has 3 phases, which one complete diffrent, one of them a duo with a giant dude tied on a chair wielding a bowl.
Abysswatchers, a royal rumble with flaming swords
how this is generic or standard?
of all the souls games, one or more will really click for you and you'll get a ton of action fun out of the world and combat of the game.
and the best part is it's completely subjective
Why did Dark Souls 3 players bitch and moan about Halflife3, when Old Monk was beloved by Demons Souls players?
The amount of butthurt over that boss was crazy, the opposite of what Namco Bandai must have been expecting. They even nerfed the summoned boss' HP and abilities to help the nasty loud whiny shitters who come in fours at the boss.
3 has its problems. I recall beating a host once and his phantoms in that fight. He later came back at me with a broken weapon that was later "fixed" in a patch. He had the audacity to spam dung piles at me after basically cheating. I hated the feeling. Invaders are supposed to try and stop the host, but Dark Souls 3 allows the host to act worse than the invaders in many ways.
Agree user. I replayed DS3 about 6 times. I finished Bloodborne once and can't bring myself to play it again.
although to the thread's topic, i've only played bloodborne once but im sure that's cause i can't just veg out while running bosses and listening to podcasts as easily.
im not goldfacing here obviously but on that point alone, i'd get more time out of bloodborne if there was a pc version
>broken weapon that was later "fixed" in a patch
If this is the weapon I'm thinking of then you're an omega scrub for complaining about whiners and then whining about a trivially easy to counter weapon.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
I never actually played the game, I just read that somewhere
>replay value
Pick one.
my mom didn't even suck that bad the first time she played
>replay value
>in a game where only straight swords are good
Now there's my chance to ask, it's been over a year already since I lost my physical BB disc. I heard savefiles from the vanilla game don't work with the GOTY edition, so if I were to rebuy the vanilla edition from the store and redownload the DLC, would my old USB savefile work? Starting all over at this point would feel like playing through it for the first tiem again...
WOW! youre really cool user!
Profane Greatsword Charged R2.
Originally I killed him and his band of phantoms, repeatedly golfswinged him up into the air with the Dark Souls 2 Greatsword greatsword.
Then he came back with a weapon he knew had a broken charged R2 at the time and waited for his goons to stunlock me and hit me for 200% intended damage. That was the pre-nerf Profaned Greatsword. It was later fixed in the next patch to match other greatsword charged R2s like the Astoras. So I have no clue why'd anyone would use it nowadays but back then I understood why and it was dirty.
This was after the twin UGS was nerfed. I even tried out the post nerf twin UGS and could still do the full combo with my build so that didn't affect me.
Halflight. You can become the boss instead if you are a Spear of the Church. A covenant unlocked by killing Darkeater Midir. So yeah, its got a casual filter just to join.
Threadly reminder this is the faggot who farmed for days to get insanely overleveled, and multiple anons have posted saying they still blew him the fuck out at all times. Kek.
but BB isn't better user, it is just an average soulsgame