Devil May Cry

Went back and replayed through all of Devil May Cry 1 recently and it has aged liked fucking shit, while that isn't surprising considering how horribly outdated it is, especially in regards to movement, combat, and boss variety it really set in once I got Sparda and realized that it's a fucking gimmick weapon and you're essentially left with only two out of 4 viable weapons in the game with the subweapons not needing to be replaced once you get the grenade launcher as it totally outranks the others in any form of importance thanks to being able to roll out of the cooldown for firing another shot.

Also the fact that what should be an incredibly hyped up ending sequence is ruined by poor voice acting, a pace breaking space harrier segment, and an incredibly unengaging final fight with not just one but two shit segments in it being the space harrier segment and the sewer segment.

It's really amazing how far the genre went before it died but in retrospect I'm surprised it dug itself in when the first game historically speaking is so poor the only thing it has going for from an enemy standpoint are frosts, shadows, and shield lizards and the only engaging and halfway interesting boss fights are the angelo segments which in comparison to its peers later down the line, really is not that impressive which is sad as the others have held up long past their release unlike here.
Game should have taken some inspiration from Onimusha, which is ultimately the better game considering it does everything important better.

oh shit

Bayonetta is best.

>Went back and replayed through all of Devil May Cry 1 recently and it has aged liked fucking shit
I disagree.

I thought the combat was good, but the camera needed some improvements.

>it has aged liked fucking shit
wrong. I played it last year for the first time, and it's great

Butthurt Bayonetta fanboy detected.

People often have a misconception about how the creative process of game design actually works. Warren Spector once said that fans and critics have a tendency to shift all the praise (Or blame) onto just one person instead of taking the whole team into account.

Hideki Kamiya did NOT CREATE Devil May Cry. Capcom did. Platinum Games made Bayonetta. Just because Hideki Kamiya worked on both does not mean that he is the creator of both franchises, or even really worthy of acknowledgement or praise. In fact, the Devil May Cry games only got BETTER after he left Capcom.

Now that we have gotten this reality out of the way, let us address the fact that Bayonetta, from the ground up, was designed to be a ‘female’ Devil May Cry protagonist. Hideki Kamiya, upon seeing the success of the Devil May Cry franchise, created Bayonetta in response to this.

Yet curiously, Bayonetta could not hope to match the success of the original DMC. And it’s immediate sequel, Bayonetta 2, could not hope to match Devil May Cry’s first sequel, Devil May Cry 3. And I think it is safe to say that DMCV will destroy Bayonetta 3.

Considering these facts, it is safe to say the real talent was NEVER Kamiya, but rather the core design team at Capcom that have been working on the series from the very beginning.

Which explains the difference in quality between the two titles.

I'm a major DMC fanboy but you're probably right, I only ever use Alastair and Ebony and Ivory.

Dmc1 was more interesting for its resident evil layout than the story


This is why crazy is dead, this user

The story of Devil May Cry is quite possibly the most progressive in all of gaming. Despite how unappreciated it it, the portrayal of the brotherly love between Dante and Virgil breaks boundaries in that it shows that there is nothing wrong with a gay romance between brothers. It goes above and beyond what most games consider acceptable, and as a proud SJW I have always loved that about them.

Bayonetta, meanwhile, is rather similar to Nights of Azure in that it’s portrayal of lesbian relationships purely as a means to titallate and excite men. As a woman, I find it to be quite demeaning and ridiculous. No, I don’t look like Bayonetta, and I shouldn’t expect to.

That’s the problem with the character in general, I feel. She’s supposed to be a strong, empowered character, but all I see is a female version of Dante, catered to fuckbois who could never beat DMC3.

Maximillian dood tried streaming ninja gaiden black and hisnfirst playthrough of it about a month ago and was the ultimate casual jobber dying constantly, playing like ass just mashing buttons and constantly complaining DSP style, often with interjections about how much better the first Devil May Cry was.

Unfollowed him, unsubscribed from youtube and hid all videos from his channel in my news feed.

DMC1 was outdated garbage at most within the first 3 years it was released. The only two games that make the franchise even matter are DMC3 and DMC4.

I find it fun, though I agree the space harrier part is fucking shit. Thank God Kamiya didn't put QTEs as he planned.

dmc2 is fun

Yeah, I really do think that DMC fans are uber casuals who think they're hardcore. The early 2000 version of the 'Dark Souls is so hard' crowd.

Daily reminder that "cuhrazy" faggots are the cancer that's killing japanese action games.

He didn't actually plan that right

>Yet curiously, Bayonetta could not hope to match the success of the original DMC.

Considering Bayo 1 not only reached similar critical acclaim as DMC1 (while curbstomping the rest as well), but also dwarfed the latter in overall quality alone, you might wanna do another fact check kiddo.

>And it’s immediate sequel, Bayonetta 2, could not hope to match Devil May Cry’s first sequel, Devil May Cry 3
>Anywhere above dumpster fire status

I'll give you DMC3 tho.

>And I think it is safe to say that DMCV will destroy Bayonetta 3.

At least out more effort into hiding your severe autism, i also love how you forgot to mention the mediocrity that was DMC4 which Bayo1 alone objectively takes a river-sized piss on (and that includes the core combat in which 4 was quite lacking on compared to 3).

>Butthurt Bayonetta fanboy detected.

>Assmad DMCuck detected.

>IT's first sequel DMC3

It clearly says that DMC2 does not count.

>sales = quality

jesus christ kill yourself

well that's convenient

If DMC2 was allowed by Capcom higher ups to be finished, it would very much be better than Bayonetta 2 as well. However it was rushed to market without fleshing out all of its unique elements.

DMC2 is DmC tier. It does not count because Capcom higher ups fucked everything up for the creative team.

well that's convenient

if they ever do remake the series from its roots, i hope dmc 2 gets fully finished. So much potential.

Except DMC2 perfectly proves you wrong.

>DMC1 = Kamiya + Capcom
>DMC2 = Capcom but no Kamiya

Directors are incredibly important. While obviously they're only as good as their underlings, FINDING good underlings is itself a skill. Good directors surround themselves with good talent. Of course Capcom was lucky to have Itsuno who brought his own vision to the series. The best games have strong visionaries behind them.

DMC2's problems had nothing to do with being "unfinished", if anything it has more content than DMC4. They just didn't know what they were doing, and the higher-ups demanded that the levels be arbitrarily bigger. Adding more time and resources wouldn't have done anything. Unless maybe Itsuno was allowed to scrap the original project and start over.

All DMC2 needed was for its combat to have been functional. That's it. That's ALL it needed to be better than Angel May Cry.

Definitely. It's bad, but it still gets way more hate than it deserves. Still better than shit like Flying Swallow Black or God Hand it's a piece of shit.

Oh boy now we have dmc2 fags, that's new.

So this is the power of DMCuck delusions

>All DMC2 needed was for its combat to have been functional

Easier said than done. How are they supposed to do that when they don't know what they're doing and are getting mismanaged? Like I said, directors matter.

>That's ALL it needed to be better than Angel May Cry.

You live in a different reality.

Do me a favor, before you make a thread like this again, go actually play DMC2 and Bayonetta. Because your memory is failing you badly. Actually pay attention to what's happening on screen this time.


No QTES, Dante doesn't talk, minor focus on story, strong unique atmosphere, badass as fuck, great callbacks to the original. "Devils Never Cry!"


QTEs up the ass, brain dead combat that is impossible to fail at, gaudy, feminine visuals and sound effects. Sexualzing a child. CUTSCENES THAT NEVER FUCKING END, lame enemy designs.

Bayonetta continues to be the gift that keeps on giving.


>Sexualzing a child

I agree also saved for shitposting

I played it 4 or 5 years ago on PS2 expecting to hate it but no way. It feels kind of like an adventure and I really like it for that. I even liked the harrier segment. Not as much but yes. And it’s cheesy probably on purpose. It fits with the over the top everything much better than 2 does.

>sexualzing a child
I have no clue what you’re talking about. Also a lot of people like the attitude of Dante. You’re just upset that Bayo doesn’t cater to you. Which is fine but it’s no reason to be upset. You can skip all the longer cutscenes but I’ll agree that PKP is too easy to get by on. And the QTE filled scenes are a real pain.