ITT: Favorite vidya tropes

ITT: Favorite vidya tropes.

>play (J)RPG
>at least 1 (READ: ONE) character that hides his power level, but is actually super powerful
(often the teacher/mc)

>early game
>most areas look happy and peaceful
the same areas look grim, sad, sometimes overrun by enemies
bonus points if there are bodies of some of the npcs you met in the area earlier lying around

>hero makes noble sacrifice to save the party
>morse song plays as you are leaving the area

Where the fuck is season 2?

it already started airing dummy


Still a week to go. Unless you count previews.

Nope first episode is out, already on streaming sites

Why do people pretend to like Overlord? Because the main character is a skelebro?

it's fun having a different protagonist in a fantasy setting for once.

>whiny modern NEET protagonist stuck in a fantasy world
This has been happening since Zero's Familiar, if not before.

Escaping imprisonment in general. You really feel for your character rather quickly.

>the cast of the game all come together to cheer on/pray for the main character/s to victory during the final boss

>extremely tough early boss that will probably kill you
Gotta feel the challenge early, since endgame usually is easy as fuck

He's a competent evil overlord; I like that.

Think again

He's not? He's a 31 year old salaryman.


Already subbed.

Is Season 2 of this supposed to be any better? People kept swearing up and down that it was different from other self-insert power fantasies but it was the exact same except the protagonist just happened to be a skeleton which didn't change much in the long run since he can disguise himself as a human or just wears armor and everyone still unconditionally loves him anyway. I also hater how in the first few episodes the MC is like "Oh I'm a Lich now so I don't have human emotions anymore" yet still selflessly helps people out and acts like a twat every time Albedo was throwing herself at him. Good ED song though.

Not really, just watch the first episode of s2 and form your own opinion.

You should try the Kiseki series. Only instead you have to try and guess which characters AREN'T hiding their power lever; because nigger, they all do.

The light novel is. The anime not so much. But that's the way of these things. Always read the manga/light novel it's based on instead of the anime if you really want to know what's what. They skip a lot of Ainz internal thoughts where he's basically extremely paranoid and later on probably going insane and also realises that Demiurge and Albedo are smarter than he is so is trying not to mess up. I don't see how you could get a self-insert power fantasy out of it, but that's coming from someone who has read the novels. I don't care much for the anime overall. As an adaption, it was pretty poor, honestly.

Hell, Ainz isn't even in the novels much in a lot of the recent ones as it begins to open up and explore other places. It's more a slow-paced fantasy world building series.

As an adaption, season 2 will probably be worse because of this, though. Get ready for Lizardmen fish farming, lizard sex, war preperations, enslavement, then the adventures of Climb and Sebas. After around volume 7, I felt like the premise seemed more like an excuse to have a somewhat relatable skeleton protag (although later on he seems more like the final boss and the other characters feel more like the heroes in some ways) and making dungeons and dragons references cause the author seems more interested in worldbuilding. But you can't do too much of that and have Ainz do too much internal monologuing, so that will probably never translate well into anime format.

Your telling me. This is just one of those series that is heavily overrated and I'll never understand why. It's gotta be the skeleton part, I don't know why people like that shit.