ITT: Games women will truly never understand

ITT: Games women will truly never understand

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So is Paradox Part 2 translated yet? I want to see the new foxgirls in some sort of comprehensible language.

Non-ironically all of them with some sort of depth. Same applies to everything, other people included.

>games that humans with healthy brains will never understand

I pity those fools



Tbphwyaf, I would play the fuck out of a game with a female protag who could get raped and knocked up by monsterboys and monstergirls with ovipositors

what the fuck

Never Ever.

If the monsterboys are shotas it would be alright.

I tried to get into it but I don't know, it feels like a Win 95 version of Kamidori.

I dont' understand it either, and I'm glad I don't. Gas all weebs.
Case in point.

>hurrdurr ive never heard about such thing as fetish
>hurrdurr everyone who is not dull, bland moron is mentally ill

t. vagina holders

>Forced shit snek waifu

It's shit


My girlfriend loves hentai games

and hentai

and video games.

Have a bromance with mechs of course

>what is part 2 ending, aka best ending

Actually one of the most overrated H games ever, and paradox is mediocre too, but its loud fanbase will chew you out if you say anything wrong

>Best ending
>It's just one scene
>Worst ending gets part 3

literal gayboy

>defending lose for CG trash

ayy lmao

But I'm a girl and I enjoyed MGQ.

literal fucking gayboy

Does Archangel Mariel show up in Paradox part 2?

same, I'm a girl and I enjoyed that game ;)

>Monsters rape and sometimes kill every male they see.
>Luka doesn't even blink
>Human says he killed monsters.

Girls(male) don't count.

Obviously didn't play paradox since you earn more scenes as a winner.

>implying women wouldn't be all over a game where you date monster boys and the main character is also a boy

It was a lot of people entry point into the genre, I still like it but fuck it's inferior to most eroge released in the recent years, another thing is that the game felt more like an adventure than most jrpg released at the time, still has a plce in my heart but it doesn't please my dick as much as years ago did

someone redpill me on this game

I dont wanna get party vanned for reverse searching it

Luckily I'm a girl (female)

Keep telling yourself that girl (tranny).

That bothered me a little bit too.

Explain why would a woman enjoy seeing a little boy getting raped by strong women.

I'm biologically girl, but whatever.

Post tits or leave

Any games where you get to fuck the godess? Can you do it in paradox? How's the translation?



My hand loves those too!

Trannies are not real girls.

It's a fetish. You can't explain that. I won't post tits nor will I leave.

>pick up the game because of the girls/monster girl sex
>stay for 80 hours because the gameplay is fun as fuck

You can do it in MGQ. You can do it in Paradox, or bang your mom and aunt.
A porn game should't have a boss theme this good.

holy fuck have you ever driven a car before?
get in your lane

I already played MGQ.

You can get Illias as a party memeber right?

I wouldn't want to see tranny """"tits""""" anyway. That shit's nasty.

more or less this although I blame this on the shitty writer being oblivious to his own shoddy fanfiction where monsters girls aren't bad, just misunderstood

I mean for fucks sake
>nearly all monsters prey on other sentient beings as a source of nourishment and its literally part of their nature
>Luka wonders why a Lion wont just hold hands with a Zebra and sing Kumbayah around the campfire

Luka's naivety and obliviousness really pissed me off sometimes


Your choice between Ilias and Alice. Illias gets you more angel sex while Alice gets you succubutt

Jesus I'm 15 hours into this game and haven't seen any secks yet, am I just slow? I think I'm at like chapter 4, I just killed the reaper anyways.

>girl (female)
sure you are sweetie

It takes its sweet time then wham you go full manwhore.

Perfect. Unless the angels are still inspired by Enoch.

But isn't just the menu translated?

strap in user, you're not seeing those titties for another 20+ hours, at the minimum. but once the floodgates open, make sure you have enough lube handy

Besides, it's not even about the sex, it's about the baller as fuck gameplay

Why is Hideri so smug?

it's part of his charm

It's almost as though Luka has some personal history and a strong grudge with that particular group of people and it wasn't the act of murder alone that set him off. Or that most of the game was about him coming to terms with his dissonant and downright contradictory beliefs until could find a solid goal to fight for through world experience.

Nah, that'd be crazy.

Because he's a girl.

Alright, I'm interested. I'll give this a go now.

I was referring to route exclusives. Ilias route means you get Eden+Lucifina+Michaela. Alice route means you get the OC Succubi by Shiki and Heinrich + totally not Black Alice.

As for the tl last i recall is story wise part one is done, and a bit into part 2.

There is consensus.

enjoy. It starts off a bit slow with VN shit, but oh boy, once it gets going it really gets going

I'll get it user thanks.

You are a lucky man as long as she doesn't like NTR

Emelita best girl

sorry user, I don't fuck children


Video games made before 2008 exculding the Sims.


Does it pick up at part 3?
I'm at the end of part 2 and it's just been dragging.
The only monster girl i've really liked so far is Alma.

I actually got my sister into NTR, I feel for her boyfriend

Fitting image, considering only underage brainlet posters like it.

Heh. I remember when I used to be like that.

Part 3 is just vore body horror shit, if you don't care about the story stop playing.

It isn't anything like Kamidori whatsoever. Have you only ever played these 2 gameplay eroge in your life?

Funny, I got her into incest just to get back at you. Hope your Thanksgiving was interesting, asshole!

>ywn go on a quest to introduce innocent monster shotas the pleasures of sex

One hentai game artist who's heavily into /ss/, vore, loli, and lethal succubi is allegedly a girl.

I figured most of them were girls, honestly. They seem to make the best art of that shit



>cucking her boyfriend with her little brother

rename my shit idiot

how is NG+? any recommendation on settings i should turn on or off for it?

make me fgt

My ex did too

Is it bad we actually watched hentai together and fucked like how it went

She was freaky but crazy in the head cause her mom

we both know you're the real fag

Any good /ss/ games?

say that to my face not online and see what happens ;^)

One Syota Kariyume on DLsite is pretty good

>She was freaky but crazy in the head cause her mom
you fucked up letting that one go, those are the best catches. That and ones with fucked up/non-existent fathers are primo

True, out of the main heroines at least. I really enjoyed foxy Grandma even though she toe'd my Urethra.

>She was freaky but crazy in the head cause her mom
That's pretty much a given. You want someone who is into weird shit, you gotta find someone who has a couple of skeletons in the closet.

I wasn't going to let her go

She honestly fucked that one up. We had life planned out until something changed her

Idk if it was her antidepressants she got on or the new birth control but she turned into a white girl stereotype vapid cunt. She used to be that black hair shy girl

College is a wonderful drug for ruining people