This game is literally Dark Souls in a different setting

How wasn't Sony sued for this?

You can't copyright game design mechanics. If that was the case then Blizzard would sue every MMO for copying WoW.

you can just copy an entire game almost 'verbatim' if you just change all the assets, names in the story, etc., and some token game mechanics and it's perfectly legal. making an entirely different game that 'just' copies the game mechanics is obviously no problem.



how dark souls exist when Sony owns Demon souls?

>Its OP being not just a faggot but a retard faggot too.

Check my 9

>made by same game dev company

Why would they be? What you projecting isn't how the law works.

>Why would the devs who made Dark Souls sued themselves?

10 days platinum killed this game.

Never played it but won't after the 10 days platinum stuff.

>if you just change all the assets
turns out, most of the animations are fucking recycled from DS

>OP forgets Dark Souls is literally just Demons' Souls but with only one word in the title changed

Come on you were exposed last thread. Not gonna even bump this one.

But in replying you just did. Dummy.

U wot m8


>copying WoW.

How new are you?

> spot the winterfag

Shit nigga this isnt 2007

because I used the old name? That's what I called it since I came here

Why would Fromsoft sue themselves? You can't be this stupid.

the same people who made Dark Souls made Bloodborne you fucking retard.

You know what it means it has the same effect.

You embarrassed yourself lol

because it was made by the exact same developer as dark souls.