Forcing an RTS as e-sport garbage whilst it has zero tactical depth, interesting mechanics or room for creativity...

>forcing an RTS as e-sport garbage whilst it has zero tactical depth, interesting mechanics or room for creativity, creating one of the most boring e-sports there is

What did Blizzard mean by this?

How wrong could one post be??

What do you think of co-op mode?

Sadly they ruined WoL with bad map design, big army deathball and OP stimpack, protoss units.

Despite this WoL was the best part of SC2.

co-op is comfy though

How can one man have such stupid thoughts in a single head?

Imagine being this incorrect.

How can anyone prefer moba, it's so boring to watch. Literally one map across 9 different games.

what the hell lolol

bronze butthurt??


back to containment cancerfags

>Personal attacks instead of arguing against my points.

Thanks for proving me.

Pretty much this. In BW you'd have shit going on all over the map. SC2 pro scene is
>Wait for early harass
>Game is basically won or lost after early harass but sometimes someone manages to pull through
>If early harass doesn't end the game, just watch two players bang rocks together for 20 minutes throwing mutaling, MMM, and stalkers at each other.

People blame this on the fact that there's no max unit selection anymore, but I think that's wrong. SC2 is fucking boring because Blizzard balanced it around those three unit compositions, rather than balancing it around making every single unit mean something like in BW. This continued into the other expansions. Void Rays were great but then there was no point, build stalkers. Swarm Hosts were great but then there was no point, build mutaling. They added a bit more depth with stuff like the mothership core, but every single game was just going to end with "who's better at banging rocks together and getting their deathball the biggest."

Yeah moba are clearly more entertaining to watch, fag

But best thing about SC2 is its watchability, probably the least fun game ever invented except for SC1

>tfw ywn bw btfo gg wp no re

Played WoL from beta and then into a little bit over a year after launch. Final rank was Masters 1v1 Zerg, Masters 2v2 Random.

At the end of the day, the #1 problem with the game was the maps. The maps were clearly intended for short games; I firmly believe the design goal was to keep every game under 15 minutes, presumably for the sake of watch-ability.

Terrain being borderline unstoppable was also a big problem for at least 6 months after launch.

So when playing sc2 I'm having fake fun then?


I wish you fags could form a real argument. The game offers tactical creativity but not as much as it should for being 2017+1. They ruined it by making it esports instead of making it fun.

Maybe it's a regional thing, the community when I was playing during end WoL made it almost impossible to have fun. Nobody is a good sport, if you win legitimately, people fly bases away or start sperging out over chat. I wasn't upset when Blizzard started releasing games without chat or chat disabled by default, people can't be trusted to not be fuckwits

lol you think too high of yourself

If you ignore the e-sports aspect, there's plenty of fun to be had, like how co-op is a blast.

Esports in every game is fucking cancer. People have forgotten how to just fucking enjoy games now it's all about muh ranking bullshit.

I love just trying out new things even if it risks me a loss. It's fun to experiment with the unique units. Co-op is addicting as hell though, because I can just wreck shit with special OP units.

>I firmly believe the design goal was to keep every game under 15 minutes
I think they mentioned after BW that the average game was about 15 minutes and they thought that was a great time and wanted to cram more shit into those 15 minutes which is why SC2 is so much faster starting than SC1. So yea, I believe you are correct. Sad how comparatively boring 2 is to 1 even at the pro level.

That happens in every online game especially in matches played in low league, I'm diamond now and it's very rare to find such people but anyway you shouldn't let yourself be bothered by such things.

By the way receiving hatemail can also be considered part of the fun.

remember when Boxer showed up to GSL with some neat little build with fast drop ships with those flame vultures and scvs?
that was special

WoL was fun.

I really don't understand how you can prefer SC1 over SC2, do you actually play the game or just watch them? I can understand that sc1 might be a better game to watch since it's so hard it's interesting seeing how the pro players play it but actually playing it is another thing.
Everything you do is a chore and the game is more about fighting the UI rather than the opponent, I mean come on you can't even change hotkeys, sure it's an old game so it's excusable but that's why SC2 is better, it's more user friendly and modern no need to spam APM just to start producing marines from 4 barracks at the same since you can't simply select more than one at a time.

WoL had an okay story and okay mechanics.
HoTS had a terrible story and better mechanics.
Couldn't be assed with LOTV because the story is generally what hooks me in, even if there are even better mechanics.

>zero tactical depth, interesting mechanics or room for creativity
Wrong, sounds like you're just awful

BW is fun to watch pros play

SC2 is more fun to watch how bronzers trying to imitate pros.

Only a third of campaign is free

>create an RTS with some of the most varied and deep mechanics and endless room for creativity
>some faggot makes a map reducing your game to heroes dumping spells on each other and farming levels for 2 hours
>it kills your game and genre in general forever
What did Blizzard mean by this?

You get the complete multiplayer game for free and multiplayer is the main aspect of the game so yes the game is free.

>Warcraft 3
>Varied and deep mechanics

>I played WoL 8 years ago, let me tell you about the state of the game in lotv
The thread.

>The majority of the playerbase abandoned ship after WoL ended up being a shitshow with half the depth or excitement of BW.

You have this problem because nobody plays anymore, and thus doesn't care.

This thread is now about Forged Alliance Forever. SupCom is still the best RTS to this day.

I will forever hate Blizzard for what they did in SC2. I waited 10 fucking years for it and it has been the biggest disappointment in videogames for me.

WC3 was disgusting and an eyesore

SupCom is great. I just wish there was a fix to the AI slowdown issue.

stutter step is ridiculously stupid, for me that the perfect tight formations everywhere ruined the game, the whole thing is just too slick.

>the perfect tight formations everywhere ruined the game
Would be unfortunate if something rolled up and exploded in the near vicinity of such a tightly rolled up ball of marines.

*stims away

Wc3 has roughly a gorillion times deeper than BW/SC2 when it comes to mechanical depth.

>tactical depth, interesting mechanics or room for creativity, creating one of the most boring e-sports there is

Wait till' you play their other "e-sport" games.

Banelings are faster than stimmed marines on creep. In fact, terran bio is in sort of a poor spot right now.

>Wc3 has roughly a gorillion times deeper than BW/SC2 when it comes to mechanical depth.

this is the most objectively incorrect thing I have ever read on this website

wc3 is unironically starcraft for people who cannot keep up with mechanics.

They took the good part and made it its own genre

here's a (you), OP.

you're wrong though

I think you're confusing mechanical depth and speed. Doubtless Starcraft is a faster game, but most of its speed is wasted on puddle-deep shit like wrestling with shit UI. If anything, SC2 is a testament to how shitty Brood War formula really is, because Sc2 is just that, Brood War with a fixed UI. Warcraft 3's UI is nearly perfect from geto-go and instead provides the player with actual depth in decision-making.