Why is FFXV so hated?

Is easily one of the best FFs

It's better than 12 and 10-2 at least.

I want my fucking hard mode

Because it’s popular. Most manchildren on Sup Forums get all their self worth from playing le secret club video games, so popular games are automatically shit.

Thinking of replaying it later in the year. Is the Lv.1 KH2FM-like or is it tedious?

>Because it’s popular
it flopped and was reviewed pretty poorly actually

XVkuns extreme autism completely ruined this game for Sup Forums like 2 years before it was even released. Also it was pretty disappointing, still enjoyed it more than X-2 or 12 though

Dogshit combat, open world garbage, original release is basically early access with tons of DLC whoring and cross promotions.

>better than IZJS/Zodiac Age
Retards like you are why can't have nice things.


It's a bit better than FFXIII, but that still doesn't make FFXV Boyband Adventure a good Final Fantasy game.

Tedious, your damage output is still pretty high thanks to weapons and food but you'll be going down to your gray health way too fucking much and will spend most of the time on the menu drinking potions
I also tried a "no new weapons nor attack upgrade nor attack food" run and i found it a little more fun since i do think the enemies dies way too fast, but it's still not ideal

Because it took 10 years to release and was a gigantic letdown for the amount of time it took to make.

Because it's one of the worse FFs and was released as an unfinished pile of shit.

Noctis is the worst FF protagonist ever

literally the exact opposite of FFX-2
boyband roadtrip simulator

It's better than all the other FF X games, but other than that it's pretty bad in comparison. It's just so painfully mediocre and non-offensivee

Yes if the only FFs you played are post-X poops

That's disappointing, I still have the DLC and best boy Iggy to look forward to at least.

Shallow combat, terrible writing, awful implementation of open world, overall it feels like a shadow of what Versus had the potential to be.

Well if anything i'd say even a regular replay at this point would be worth it if the last time you played was at launch, the off road Regalia, 10 hunts at the same time and character switch did elevate the game a lot to me. Although i'm the kind of dude that just likes to go fuck around doing hunts, story is still shit and a playthrough rushing through the main bits wouldn't be exactly that much better

Noctis is the new Lighting.

He's even in Itadaki Street, jesus

Why are they dressed like that in a tropical area?

As a roadtrip/friendship simulator it's actually pretty great, the foodporn is amazing and the world is even pretty atmospheric. Unfortunately that's all it has going for it. The combat is pretty basic button mashing with the occasional consumable spell, the protagonist and story are all bland if nonexistent at times (Remember to buy FFXV DLCs, Movies, Noctis Cameos, and Pornographic Films for the FULL story!) and the time it takes to get from point A to point B is long and boring enough to the point where you start to miss random encounters from previous games.

Tl;Dr FFXV is a great game if you don't have friends. Otherwise go play the MMO or even 10

In any case it's better than 13 l m o a

FFXV characters are shit too

cause it's not on PC yet

once it's on PC it'll have its second coming

Real people aren't exactly the greatest either.

I beat this game twice and I still don't understand how combat works fully or how to use magic without killing my whole party.

>pull the party to you with Regroup
>roast the monsters with magic
Or you can customize the magic to heal your party instead of killing you.

Funny and sad how XV threads basicly don't even exist or die right away without the fanboy autist

they're beter than Noctis