It's January already, where's the announcement of the Disgaea 3 PC port...

It's January already, where's the announcement of the Disgaea 3 PC port? The second one was announced in August 2016 and came out in February last year.

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Too busy with Asagi's game

NISA is too busy shitting themselves trying to fix Ys 8 otherwise Falcom would go with XSEED again.

Disgaea 1 only sold because of dude dota skins lmao. Disgaea 2 had none of that and it flopped. NIS quietly cancelled porting Disgaea games to PC after that, focusing on the Switch.

Falcom will likely go that way anyhow due to this massive fuckup. And something tells me NISA won't want to work on a series that requires them to put effort into the localization thanks to fans and the company alike demanding them to do so.

It's actually really sad that it took this long for a fanbase to call NISA out on their shit and force them to do better instead of just gobbling up their usual subpar localizations.

People have been shitting about them for a long time, it's just that Falcom is the only company that cared how they look outside of Japan.

Woah...I didn't know we had a NISA representative posting on Sup Forums! Mind posting a [source] on all those [projections]?

I'm not the one port begging for an almost 10 years old PS3 game, for one.

>Posts benign shit
>Gets called out
Nice projection buddy, and great sources.