This is a Sangheili.
Say something nice to him.
This is a Sangheili
Bork bork bork
You'll never get a game dedicated to playing as a Sangheili throughout the beginning of the Human-Covenant War, the Schism, and even Forerunner conflict
God damn it fucking hurts.
>There will never be another game where you can play as elites
hold me
Fuck off space nigger
I once played 16 player system link Halo 2 at a con one time.
I left with a crush on Sangheili's
I really do unironically love their feet
I like your hat
This but doubly unironically.
Something about aliens and monsters with 3 fingers and 2 toes I find really cute
Wort wort wort
I used to play as an Elite all the time in Halo 2 MP.
>TMW Killer Instinct creates more faithful Elites than 343i
We have very similar tastes, user.
"You ready for this, playa?"
this gives me goosebumps. i fucking love KI
My nigga Thel 'Vadam, he became KANG. The only thing that 343i did that I liked.
>that really well drawn image of the elite blowing a load into sarges mouth
the internet was a new and fascinating place when i was young, and i was not ready for what it would show me
>Say something nice to him.
Great taste in armor.
Easily the best alien design in videogame history, man Halo was so fucking great back then.
>not the other way around
fucking shameful, sarge wouldn't have it any other way.
Love me.
This. All that type of stuff back then has messed my sexuallity up.
It's quite something that the designs could be improved so much with just a few modifications. The Elite still isn't the best, but it's at least better.
Think we'll finally have playable Elites again in Halo 6?
I used to be like "REEEEEE FUCKING 343!!!" but after forgetting about it then coming back later with a clear mind I thought to myself, "Wait, how many people DID play/main elites in the first place?" Now i get why 343 dropped them.
I used to encounter 2 or 3 elites every few matches. Devs have included options that less people than that used before.
Options like? And its likely that those options are cheaper and take less effort to implement than making new models, animations and unlockable armor sets. The belief that elites have a different hitbox (which they dont) may have also contributed to their low population.