Hey guys, I'm starting my annual playthroughs of KOTOR I and KOTOR II...

Hey guys, I'm starting my annual playthroughs of KOTOR I and KOTOR II. I need some help coming up with character constraints for my runs. Therefore, I have come to you, Sup Forums, to give me some challenging and hilarious conditions with which to play the KOTOR games.

I'm taking suggestions for KOTOR I at this point, although I'll post back later for KOTOR II suggestions.

When I say character constraints, this is beyond class/gender/LS/DS choices.

For example, "You can select no damaging Force powers"
Or, "You cannot use a lightsaber"
Or, "You must always have Mission in your party"
Or, "Whenever you are given a choice to negotiate around combat, you must choose to fight, regardless."

Please help me, Sup Forums, you are my only hope.

I've been craving playing this again too.

Respect, I try to do it every year!

Currently doing my own run through.

>Blasters only. No blades or lightsabers

Fuck why is everyone playing this again i wanna go through them so bad but im going through jade empire first

Bro, how do you even get it to run on PC?

Excellent idea!

you get the gog version?

>Decide to get some mods for playthough
>Get mods that are suppose to improve character textures
>Installing one for Carth
>Didn't pay attention to what option I selected
>Team up with aging surfer dude Carth

Nah, I have the Steam version

I thought this was canon..?

how are any of these challenging and hilarious

they're either just boring or a mild nuisance

What would you consider challenging?

that wasn't asking you what version you had, I was telling you to get the gog version

Nope. Brown hair is canon. Though seems to shift between light and dark brown.

barring a runthrough with trash tier blaster weapons or stun sticks there's nothing you can do to make this game especially hard unless you just refuse to level up.

Only run with droids as much as you can. T3 as soon as you get him, and Tatooine is your first planet to get HK.

Interesting ideas, thanks for your contribution.

Truuuu, imma do that

Dual Wield blaster pistol light side guardian for Kotor 2.

Had a great time playing with this build. Feels great blasting down legions of bounty hunters, sith assassins and other types of scum using force-enhanced accuracy.

Never understood why the jedi didn't realize the potential in using their force powers to operate vastly more powerful weaponry than lightsabers.

Same reason the French figured knights were worth anything when the English started fielding longbowmen.

Is there a way to play KotOR in 4k?

get the gog version

Did an unarmed playthrough for both games, wasnt too bad but what user said is about right, the hardest part of the kotor games is making them legit difficult hardest ive made kotor 2 was having an exile sentinel with lots of int/wis but shit everything else and even that gets easy once you can craft some absurd shit for whatever weapon/armor you choose, not to mention force powers

Fuck off lindy



>look up beginner guide on gamefaqs
>its not beginner friendly at all
i haven't left the tutorial room and still feel like i fucked up

>Pretending Battle of Agincourt didn't happen
Patay went bad because the vanguard managed to hit the lines of archers before they were fully deployed and in position.

If the game feels hard at any point you can put it on easy and cruise through the game regardless of how bad your build is, but neither kotor game is especially difficult so long as you had some kind of build in mind

>woolie hasnt even left Taris in over 20 parts, 8+ hours in total

I swear to god if somebody gonna mention pazaak one more fucking time...

its more like not really understanding how useful the stats and feats will be in the longrun. guess i just have to do trial and error and will only know whats useful or shit after playing.

it is impossible to mess up anything for quite sometime. as long as you haven't raised your constitution to over 17 or haven't raised awareness or persaude there isn't really any choice you can make that is so suboptimal to be detrimental

if you wanna use guns, get gun feats, if melee, melee feats. Most of the feats will still be used when you get your jedi class later, as for stats the description is usually all you need to know. Really all you need to do is commit to some sort of playstyle and youll be fine, worst thign you can do is try for multiple playstyles as theres not enough levels for that

Grenade and vibroknife only

>I'm starting my annual playthroughs of KOTOR I and KOTOR II
Same here.

I'm gonna try and play though with no force powers on Revan

i remember being told to not go past a certain level before gettin the jedi jobclass thing.
is 1 handed lightsaber feats good at all? kinda interested in being tanky

tl;dr: STR is the best stat for melee combat, DEX is the best stat for ranged combat, you want good WIS and CHA modifiers for a not-wizard Jedi that spams force powers instead of fighting, Two-Weapon Fighting is incredibly good, Dueling is shit, heavy weapons are incredibly shit, blasters are pointless unless you're a scoundrel, Power Shot is a trap, Flurry/Rapid Shot are for scoundrels or someone wielding a single weapon, Power Attack is for TWF Force Speed users, Critical Strike is for anyone with a high crit range weapon but isn't spectacular.

the certain level thing is just for min-maxing the force powers you get when you reach the class change to jedi, its doable but wouldnt reccomend it for a 1st playthrough.

And yes single wield works fine and if you're looking to be tanky thats the best way to go with the dueling feat line

If you have access to Yavin Heavy weps break even with blasters after the 3rd starmap and pull ahead after the 5th

>HK47 talks about how he love to kill jedi
>people love the bot
>Atton talks about how he love to torture and kill jedi
>people hated him

>Letting a retarded nigger that can't tell left from right play games like la noire and kotor

thanks guys. ill start playing tonight after a cycling and booze run

>bought this on Steam
>won't run
>tried all the fixes
>still won't run


scout/jedi negotiator
basic blaster only(no two hands)
no jedi companions
no force powers
max your persuasion

Going to play this for the first time, what are the shit, must avoid skills / attributes / etc.? I notice that in games from that time (morrowind, deus ex) there's always a couple shit skills (mercantile and speechcraft, swimming).

He's not as fun.

Agincourt was a royal tactical fuckup on the part of the French, any decent commander would have turned it into a clear victory.
Longbows did not end the reign of heavy cavalry, what actually ended them were improvements in pikes and later the introduction of firearms

Honestly Agincourt is overrated, imho the Golden Spurs is a more significant french cavalry loss as it was the first time french knights suffered a crushing defeat against militia, while a longbowman was a highly trained very much non-expendable resource.

Dump points into Persuasion for max loot.
Let the other characters be skill specialists.

Lightsaber is a defense weapon

kotor 1 manages to make most of the powers useful in some degree or another, though throw lightsaber is probably the worst of them.

As far as feats go its the same deal, though obviously dont invest in blaster feats if you are using melee weapons and so on.

Started my third playthrough of kotor 1 before I play kotor 2 for the first time. Haven't played kotor 1 in years. Going scout > sentinel, not sure what kind of saber to use. I don't remember half of these sidequests on Taris.

Repair and persuasion are good skills for the mc
If you plan to use a lightsaber don't take melee weapons feat
Speed power is great in and out of combats
Get at least one offensive power
Lightsaber use dex or str to calculate attack bonus so you can focus on either (str also increase dmg and Dex increase defence)

Also pay attention to Balanced Weapon modifier. That offhand bonus is important.

Thanks guys. Think I'll play a lightsaber tank.

It's not a fucking mmo

>implying tanks came from MMOs