Why aren't you forking Chocolate Doom and making your own game/mod?

Why aren't you forking Chocolate Doom and making your own game/mod?


Because GZDoom is a better base to building mods, especially with stuff like ZScript

Unless you're happy with dehacked

What's the point of Chocolate Doom. Seriously, there is like a hundred of source ports.

>you will never be assblasted as Graf Zahl was to Lilith.pk3

But I am OP
Didn't expect that

vanilla compatibility

zscript is shit. gzdoom sucks.

even gdcc based scripting doesn't offer the power of modifying the sourceport's modules directly and chocolate doom is the best base for that.

because i use prkino+

What does "forking" mean?

>using a source port that hasn't been updated in 2 years


>needing to update perfection

Forking is taking a project or source code, and much like a fork in a road, leading it in a different direction than the source is going with your own updates and inputs.

But I make my own WAD right now user.

Doom modding threads are the comfiest threads

Looks comfy. I'm interested to see where you go with it.

because I don't want to blind myself
what are the best mods for changing the enemies, with new ones that are INTERESTING

Complex Doom
Colorful Hell

Who's your favorite modder, Sup Forums?

DoomRL Arsenal Monsters

MetaDoom brings enemies based off other Doom games, where some are obvious, but it also has the Doom 3 spiders climbing the ceiling and some great Spider Mastermind sprites from the author of Doom Delta

Kegan is that you?

fork yourself, buddy.
i have better things to do.

How do I do that? What do I need to know?

how to program in c

Because there already is Crispy Doom, the best fork of Chocolate Doom.

That's it? No assembly?

>the virgin crispy doom and the chad chocolate doom

ask ur mum

Is there any proper VR mod yet for the vive? I remember gz3doom had support for the Oculus dk2 but haven't played in a while.

You take the initial code of a project and make a copy for yourself. That way you can create something different while not fucking up the master for everyone.

Moar chad gifs???

Who was in the wrong here?

Not anymore.

chocolate is only good for running doom in the linux framebuffer

>hurrr i move gun left and right
Why do people like this shit again?

>moving your gun left and right is a bad thing and people should not play this game because of it

>Why aren't you forking Chocolate Doom and making your own game/mod?

Because I prefer FPS games were skill aka shooting, aiming and jumping/movement is actually important, not vanilla doom where everything autoaims for you and the only movement is strafing around enemies.

why are you losers playing regular Doom? I thought the only people who played OG Doom played Brutal Doom?

>Chad overreacts to any of the virgin's pathetic attempts to fight
>He just does it to make things seem intense before delivering the first and final blow

Kill yourself

The movement in doom is more important than in any other shooter that isn't quake
And you can add a reticle in gzdoom, 3d shooting, and disable auto aim for the tedium of "aiming" if you really want it that bad