Why is it so reddit

Why is it so reddit

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Why is it filled with so many fucking trannies. Jesus.

leave the reddit discord then you faggot

Because you're in a reddit server

When everyone outside looks at the with disgust, where else are they going to get attention?

I recently went to the Oneyplays Discord. It was cancer.

That says more about the Discord channels you join than it says about Discord as a whole.

rip Filthy Frank

You're fucking cancer for watching youtube ecelebs you 15 year old faggot.

Same reason why this board is full of faggot trap lovers

filthy frank was a retarded attention whore faggot anyway

>Why is it so reddit

>than it says about Discord as a whole

There's your Discord as a whole, Redditor.

Still no priority speaker support, useless software until they get that fixed.

Mine is full of furries and alt-righters... I thought this was a gaming chat space?

>reddit color
>reddit-style clean logo
>redditor numale devs
>leddit memes beneath the loading popup
gee I wonder

Paid digital distribution such as Steam or GOG is the reddit of game distribution.

>I still use mumble

is discord really as hot as people say it is because I hate change but it's fucking impossible to get people on my server for basic shit like voice comms during rmmo raids

anything that has an alias attached to users always turn out to be shit. they are all autists looking for power grabs. the same thing goes on here when you see tripfags going around.

I joined a Sup Forums discord once to play videogames, underage facebook memes, attention whores trannies who posted pics of their ugly mug, greentexting, Sup Forums /rk9/ memes, and a shitton of furries but surprisingly the furries were the least cancerous of the entire group, played Killing floor with a few of them good fun

Other than the cringey maymay loading text, the developers being fags doesn't affect me, so why should I care?

discord is good to talk to randoms.
i still use mumble for the homies though

You said Discord as a whole wasn't Reddit, I proved you wrong. You then moved the goalposts.

There is never 1 tranny in a guild. They always attract more of them.

There are no Sup Forums discords and there never will be. Any and all of them are made by retards who only come here for shitposting and being le cool anonymooze.

Does anyone have a comfy Sup Forums server I can join and lurk in

That wasn't me, but Discord as a whole, to me, is some memeified loading text, then just talking to me friends. Just don't join channels that are filled with Reddit, then Discord as a whole will not be Reddit.

>server i'm on occasionally holds events or servers for games
>actually had fun while playing minecraft
>it's not a huge community either
i usually like to spew my rants about discord, but this was the only time i enjoyed myself on there

You should look up the definition of "as a whole".

This lol so randumb XD aesthetic is the one of the main reasons I hate going on discord with certain groups, other than that it's okay for people that don't know how to set up a teamspeak server.

>Sup Forums
Choose one.

I'll one up you, one of mine is full of furry alt-righters who are also trannies. They're pretty cool guys.

check my 5