ITT your favourite video game memes
ITT your favourite video game memes
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You know you could live with us forever...
We understand that you live on earth and you REALLY wish to live here.
How do I know? Because I've been watching you, silly!
You just have to thing.
I know this will be tough but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here!
What are you waiting for?
E3 in a nutshell.
God Hand comics. Why we don't do these anymore?
Maybe I've just grown tired of Sup Forums culture altogether, but I'm already fucking tired of this meme
nobody on nu-Sup Forums even knows what God Hand is.
I miss these why do memes suck now, just a frog shitting on someone's face wow
After rage and image macros were coopted by THAT website, everything that it touched was considered impure and could no longer be posted on Sup Forums.
>im already tired of this meme
stop drinking soy and youll get your humor back
Never heard of it.
People stopped making fun content when it started getting stolen and turned into Hot Topic shirts.
You have to be 18 to post here
>Soyboy memes
Good joke, user
i like the whole sony v nintendo meme with the WHIRRing and the soying
>1 game
Name it.
He has the money to start a development studio and get it made
Ricky bobby
Talladega Nights
It's some serious "_____ can't meme" shit going on.
Sonybros are driving it into the ground so hard before it even has a chance to take off.
Sorry I don't waste my whole life in video games you retards.
old Sup Forums made the best memes of all time
pic related
T. soyboy
This is actually my favorite meme.
Not as good as your last joke, please try again
See its just an easy way to insult people. No need to actually engage in a conversation, or even come up with a mildly creative shit post. Its easy for people with absolutely zero imagination to partake, see completely inane and lacking in any kind of creativity
Bioware is my favorite meme.
talladega nights isn't a meme dumbass it's a movie
talladega nights
Jackie Chan
nothing beats minecraft humor
I know what it is. It's just a new version of cuck, which was also trash
are you retarded?
its arguably the best ps3 game
>Sony shills trying invent some kind of link between Nintendo and SJW types really stoking the mental fires
Gamestop memes
its the ps3s best game!
your right user, but dont forget that "cuck" was thrown around one year ago and now its soyboy. just give it time and some other stupid shit will take its place. in the meantime bask in its stupidity
I like these
the greatest cucking in the entire industry 10/10
Get off my fucking website
Nah the memes have just gotten worse.
did somebody say soy?
oh fuck me i'm laughing
and crying a little inside
Trying really hard to force this shit, huh?
its not about SJWs, its about bearded nu-males who take pictures of themselves with a switch box,mouth wide open
What went wrong with Sony's first-parties?
it was funny the first few times, but now its getting out of hand
Me too.
Reeks of samefag.
This is the most "how do you do, my fellow kids" shit I've ever seen.
Begone, marketer.
This one was too good for this world
Doesn't it? Half of them aren't even the """"""soy"""""" smile they're suppoused to be in the slightest.
Still, I'd rather have the image being done with the video game characters than a fucking Wojack.
has a "series" ever been as cucked as bad as PSASBR? litreally, its the anthony burch of videogames
That and the fact that they all have unique filenames, and all the posts are 1 minute + apart.
The PS3 may be the worst console of all time. Granted, it got a little better over time, but what was Sony thinking?
Part of the problem is, it's being spammed every half hour. You do that and you make a something go stale real fucking fast. Like Girugamesh. It was funny for a little while, but then you started seeing threads not just daily, but hourly. Eventually people just got tired of it and left Girugamesh to die. Didn't even last a year. It felt forced. You can't force something, it needs to develop naturally.
>made some of those soy memes for a laff
>some fag ends up posting them constantly everywhere
>most of the soy memes are just 2 second copy paste a switch over some face instead of being creative
OC is fucking dead, time to put xboxes in pictures of depressed people
What does the Switch have to do with soymilk?
I am going to screenshot your comment, print it out, frame it and put it on my mantle. Good job user
It's just a butthurt sonyfag (or a false flagger)
If people spam shit like this, will it kill the soy meme faster?
don't need no water let that pokey man burn
why edit it to make it less funny"
It would be a way to kill it, yes. Just get a bunch of people to make shitty facebook tier edits and you would effectively speed up its death.
not "this switch is what true nu males strive for"
>HIRAI: [Frowns]
>IWATA: [Continued laughter]
>2 ultimates
>Not 3
What are we, baboons?