How did Atlus get away with this?

How did Atlus get away with this?

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Please correct your image. The first panel should be scooby doo.

part 5 anime fucking when

I want to understand king crimson's power

>I want to understand king crimson's power

have you seen the Futurama episode called "Time Keeps On Slippin'. It's like that except King Crimson is in control of the skips and has full control of his actions during the skip

That doesn't explain his usage of it during the Metallica fight.

You know NOTHING.

No-one knew about part 4 before the anime, so there was no-one to point out the similarities.

>implying P4 copied from JoJo of all things

Ironic weebs: When will they ever learn?


Unfortunately not in 2018 for sure.
Part 4 Director is working with David Production on a remake of Captain Tsubasa and rest of DavidPro are still working on the Monster Hunter Stories anime.
The director and lead artist of the Parts 1-3 adaptation don't even work at DavidPro anymore, they are working for Hoods on Drifters OVA series now.

tl;dr it's dead and even if it comes back it will look like shit since the people that mattered don't work in DavidPro anymore

King Crimson's power is to see and avoid fate while leaving it in tact for everyone else.

It's not that hard.

Then why don't people fall through the ground and shit? How come Trish was able to be disarmed during a KC usage?

Cause Araki keeps forgetting stand limits.
Same reason why Jotaro and Dio were fucking flying in part 3.

The first two entries in the series follow similar rules and guidelines, while most fans of the series forget they exist, preferring entries from 3 and onward they do have their own fanbases, though among them most people prefer 2 over 1

3 shakes up core completely and after a quiet protagonist summons his guardian spirit by shooting himself in the head, the story begins proper to defeat the main villain from the first story.

4 is significantly more lighthearted, no main party member dies and in fact, after the initial death of what people thought was going to be an important character, the only people who die are unrelated to the cast. After solving the mystery of the serial killer in their small town, the group mostly disbands.

5 features stylish criminals whose motives sometimes blur the lines between good and bad, after being betrayed by a former ally the story quickly reaches its end.

so it's a convuluted version of skipping time?

To be fair DIO could always fly even without a Stand because he's a fucking vampire. He's explicitly shown to both fly and turn into mist in Part 1. If anything, Araki forgot about most of DIO's powers because they'd make him too overpowered:
Time Stop -> Space Ripper Stingy Eyes
gg no re
As for Jotaro, there's a few panels that show him actually using Star Platinum to jump of bounce off buildings, but only a few and in quite a few he's just straight up flying without showing to have jumped/bounced off anything.

He can proyect himself into a few seconds ahead but is completely aware of each second that passes, which gives him also clairvoyance by default.

Wasn't DIO unable to use most of his Vampire bullshit due to JoJo's body fighting back? Or was that just some headcanon I overheard?

Headcanon, the only thing explicitly told that he's limited with is his regeneration and amount of time he can stop both being gimped by lack of Joestar blood which is why he needs to eat Joseph or Jotaro.

Was he gay?

It's literally just The Hand but with time instead of space. King crimson being confusing is the most forced meme in jojo, D4C's first reveal was way more mind-boggling

First think of Thoth. Remember how Hol Horse wasn't able to not kick the woman even though he didn't want to due to fate? King Crimson would've let him not do that. Also it's a punch ghost.

read the manga

Most Catholic priests are both gay and pedos.


You're right. Persona 1 did that.

Shinji was barely a party member for a month

>It's literally just The Hand but with time instead of space.
Also with a modified of Thoth built in, he can see with perfect accuracy with will happen in next few seconds, as in what will literally happen instead of of a caricature like what Thoth shows, but unlike Thoth it's limited to only a few seconds ahead.

>small-town kids solve a case of a mysterious serial killer with the usage of controlled beings that summon to fight for them
Youre the ironic weeb.

Nigger they copied it right down to the fucking corpse hanging from telephone lines.


>plays normie tier jap games but won't read normie tier manga
(You) are the ironic weeb

Honestly, they just all moved on, Part 4 didn't do anywhere near as good as Parts 1-3 did (especially 3) and even 3 was showing substantial decrease in DVD/Bluray sales during Egypt arc already.
They moved on to more profitable ventures for them as well as ventures they're not burned out on, the staff clearly wanted to work on something new seeing as the important people behind 1-3 left to work on Drifters OVAs while Part 4 staff is making fucking Tsubasa and Monster Hunter Pokemon clone for children.

You gotta remember that Diavolo have TWO stands in one.

King Crimson - Erases a portion of time

Epitaph - Can see into the future

It's about as simple as that. He can either erase a portion of the future where he gets hurt or he can simply erase a portion of the time taken to kill someone, thus leaving only the outcome and not the entire process.


Even by the serie's standard he gotta be the most gayest nigger alive.

Diavolo is so fucking unoriginal.
Both of his "two stands in one" are ripoffs of existing Stands.
King Crimson is Time-based Za Hando and Epitaph is a less vague but less far reaching version of Thoth.
Part 5 in general felt like a super shitty diet version of Part 3 with Part 4's second half homosexuality thrown in and jacked up to eleven.

>likes part 2 and 4
>1 was alright but hated 3
>every other jojo after 4 is apperently stand of the week garbage like 3

Don't forget the part where a body is discovered on a power line, main character is a delinquent looking motherfucker, and the villain is some horny dude who gets in trouble because he wants his dick wet.

7 isn't

I have Persona 4 on PS2 but I heard the Vita version is better but I don't want to buy those overpriced memory cards

Is the PS2 version good?

King crimson erases the effect of something while the cause remains in reality. For example, he will erase the effect of a bullet hitting him, but the shooter will still see the bullet shoot him.

This is a contrast to gold experience requiem. Which will outright nullify the cause and leave the effect if he chooses

>we'll never see the best part animated
It hurts. What are the chances of another studio picking up jojo?

Say did Part 5 get translated properly yet, and where is it uploaded.
I read part4&6 after SC's anime ended, but I held off Part 7 and following 8 because of Part 5.

why does every JoJo villain have a Stand with time-related abilities

He has two powers:

The first, represented by the little face on King Crimson's forehead, allows Diavolo to see ten seconds into the future, if everything were to occur normally.

King Crimson's true power is to move freely within those ten seconds, both in the more traditional sense of moving himself, and in the sense of changing the outcome of those ten seconds, as he can see the world like a series of still frames all layered on top of each other.

You shot him with a gun? No you didn't. That's what HE saw and what you thought happened, but he saw it coming, it never actually happened, and now he's standing behind you about to punch you through the heart.

He's even more fucking bullshit than DIO.

>I want to understand king crimson's power

The chances later died of cold I'm afraid.

It got translated properly last year, in full.

>still being a jojobrony

Valentine doesn't

He let DIO and maybe Vanilla Ice pound his holy hole, so at least bi.

>The chances later died of cold I'm afraid.

Why is King Crimson so popular in Japan. I've never heard of them outside of Sup Forums

Time is the most menacing villain of all.

Dirty deeds done dirt cheap is literally "Parallel universe travel" nothing very confusing

Too bad Valentine wasn't the final boss of Part 7, DIO with Za Warudo was, so your point is moot.


Phantom Blood is literally just Hokuto no Ken but the protagonist is less of a shit to people.

>kids solve a case of a mysterious serial killer

Pic related

>with the usage of controlled beings that summon to fight for them

That's every persona game tho

Most likely they'll make Part 5 in a couple of years. While it was great for a while, the animators got burned out, and you can really see that in Part 4 (Don't get me wrong, the animation was great. But it wasn't that good compared to the earlier parts). If they kept going, the animation would be like every other shonen anime.

Because an inspiration is different than a ripoff. I hate all these casuals the jojo anime brought in that heard about "some 80s comic book" adaption that now people think invented everything.

The introduction to D4C was confusing as fuck though. You can't say that if you didn't know it was parallel universe travel ahead of time you'd know what the fuck was happening.

There is literally nothing similar between Hokuto no Ken and Phantom Blood other than Jonathan's design and nothing else being based on Kenshiro.
Jotaro is far closer to Kenshiro.

How exactly is DDDD mind-boggling?

> ackchualy, valentine is not the main antagonist, only that shoved in characters who exist for 5 chapters is the antagonist

look i loved Alternate Dio but he wasn't the main antagonist and final boss at all, part 7 wasn't about the steel ball run it was about the jesus bones hunt ( but i really like how they haven't gave up on the steel ball run )

That's why he said it's first reveal was more confusing. At that time nobody knew what the fuck happened.

Part 1 Dio does not
Kars does not
Funny Valentine does not
Part 8 doesn't really have a clear main antagonist right now

I'm not referring to the stand itself I'm referring to the chapter in which it's introduced, read user

>Part 1 Dio does not
>immortal vampire

Every persona game takes influence from Jojo, they even directly pay homage to it in Persona Q. You didn't disprove him at all.

Actually Part 4 did better than Part 3

Part 4's simplified art was due to change of staff, director and art director as well as lowered budget and not really because of burnout.
The best talent left to work on Drifters with Hoods, which is why Drifters looks great and is more or less literally manga panels except animated with how good the art is, just like the Hellsing OVAs.
Part 4's new director and art directors wanted simplified style to go with lower budget that would be both easier and faster to draw but also easier to animate, which is why Part 4 anime while substantially worse looking was definitely way better animated than Parts 1-3.
Frankly I prefer faithful art over animation so to me it looked like trash, but that's just me.

>D4C's first reveal

Design maybe. It’s about vampires in Victorian horror. It’s action Dracula with gays instead of women.

>time related

> Steel ball run took 7 year to end
okay so maybe we are gonna see the end of part 8 this year
i like this part.. but it being in morioh and all that is pretty boring..

Part 7 > Part 5 > Part 1 = Part 8 > Part 2 > Part 3 > Part 6 = Part 4

The saddest thing is that nothing about JoJo is actually original.
Part 1 is a straight up ripoff of Bram Stoker's Dracula with some Hokuto no Ken thrown in.
Part 2 again more Hokuto no Ken ripoff.
Part 3 is Hokuto no Ken ripoff now featuring Carl Gustav Jung's personas from his Red Book (no, JoJo did not invent them you literal plebs)
Part 4 is where JoJo actually stops being a blatant knockoff of older, better works. For better or worse.

It’s all cleared up fairly quickly IIRC

Alright thanks guys, I'll start reading again

uh? you sure it wasn't because post part 4 Araki style changed heavily so they preferred to use the new artstyle from mid part 4 ASAP?

Part 7 = Part 4 > Part 5 with new scans > Part 8 > Part 2 > Part 1 > Part 3 > Part 5 with old scans > Part 6

>summoned thoughtforms with incredible powers unique to the individual that are linked to the Tarot, only those that possess this power can see these thoughtforms
>small town in Japan becomes host to a series of bizarre murders that a small group of friends (mostly students) has to solve
>villain is a misogynistic serial killer
>corpse found draped over power lines

>out living your mortal enimies
>not time related.

1 > 7 > 2 > 8 > 3 > 4 > 6 > 5

How the fuck was Kira a misogynist?

The anime doesn't look like late Part 4 style, it has its own distinct style that frankly looks like none of the styles used in Part 4 manga, though I can agree that it is definitely closer to late Part 4 style than anything else but the fucked up color palette and unnecessarily changed designs ruined everything.

Guize Purseowner 4 is totally not a Part 4 JewJew ripoff I swer on me mum

After the first reveal
During which it is very mind boggling

> mfw we're never getting a good Jojo Game
a Steel Ball Run racing/survival games would be nice

Epitaph and King Crimson are the same stand, you couldn't use king crimson without epitaph. It's more like Killer Queens numerous bombs.
>king crimson is like The Hand but for time
Wrong, King Crimson's ability is more about Diavolo's manipulation of Fate rather than time, it just has the side affect of time skipping since fate plays out in time. Diavolo uses Epitaph to see into the immediate future, then in this future he sees he is able to use King Crimson to change what he sees, to "break" that fate, everyone else during this time unconsciously carries out their actions as they were fated to, but they don't remember, the consequences for everything beside Diavolo remain (the blood drops, the water being passed, etc.).

>Epitaph and King Crimson are the same stand, you couldn't use king crimson without epitaph. It's more like Killer Queens numerous bombs.
I put it in quotations for a reason you goddamn retard.

Kira and Adachi both only killed bitches and whores

Part 2 is best JoJo.

Joseph Joestar 4 Life

That doesn't really make Kira misogynistic.

Some designs were more simple compared to the manga but Angelo looks a lot better in the anime, also I really liked Toyohiro design.

Don't try to make logic out of part 5 stands. Gio Gios stands ability changes like 5 times through out.

Neither is Adachi, but the similarity is there

>Carl Gustav Jung's personas from his Red Book (no, JoJo did not invent them you literal plebs)
>Despite being nominated as the central work in Jung’s oeuvre,[2] it was not published or made otherwise accessible for study until 2009.
Explain your reasoning

But a better comparison would be that both of them are serial killers that target women.

Stroheim is much better.

The ending of Part 4 is really disappointing.

With Kira having time powers, and Josuke able to repair stuff, Araki should have go with Kira going back in time for killing Josuke as a child, and Josuke going after him fucking up all his attempts with Crazy Diamond repairing the time

Would have also mean The guy from Josuke took his hairstyle was actually himself from the future instead of some random guy

Only good thing of Part 4 was Shigeki blowing up

of course