japs always design good looking fem-
Japs always design good looking fem-
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Literally the worst fucking guildmarm to date. Why do they make the women so fucking ugly when they try to pander to the west?
stop bully
She's designed for the western audience.
She looks okay. From a distance. Under certain lighting.
I'd fuck it
>they try to pander to the west
Answered your own question
probably because 99% of the females japs design are 3d anime girls.
not excusing the disgusting nigger women western developers come up with but come on, user.
looks like that ugly bitch rebecca chambers, mikami was right
She looks like Rebecca from Resident Evil but with a dopey expression.
>Pandering to the west.
Well, yeah. Mon Hun is big in the east but still hasn't hit mainstream here. There is a hardcore crowd for it but it's not equal.
Hence why they put 'world' and are going for a a PC release. This is another stab for the big markets.
>tfw no MHW on PC
but you can make total cuties with the female character creator, i have no idea why NPCs look so bad
I have no problem with her
She looks like the dopey sleep deprived not-standardized-waifu qt they were going for with ME:A but got an uncanny valley abomination.
Like, she definitely looks weird and kind of autistic, but not actually unattractive, and since its MH weird and kind of autistic is a perfect fit.
will the full game have an option to make her shut up? the intro to each hunt is fine but i don't need the constant reminders on how to play the game
I guess it makes sense that some workaholic monster autist would look more like the handler then the fashion idol we got in 4U. Not that realism really matters but whatever.
This desu. The fact that they haven't announced any release date other than "later" is really disheartening, and I just can't put as much time into a console game.
She's cuter this way.
handler is peppy childhood friend
guildmarm is student council president
Capcom has always been filled with westaboos, just look at Mikami and Kamiya. It stands to reason their character designs would end up heading in that direction too.
She isn't even the guild lady in this game.
She is your story mode character.
Like the Caravaneer in 4U or the Samurai/fishing boat guy from tri.
what's her end game?
What IS her endgame? Was she assigned to you or is she a friend or something? I haven't really been paying attention.
You already posted this exact same thread yesterday you shitgargling niggercunt.
desu she's still pretty cute, and even if she wasn't i'd rather have characters with recognizable flaws than everyone looking like indistinguishable sex dolls with different hair colors.
Nope, she's just a receptionist that was recommended for the New World Investigation party
she just happens to accompany you into the field since the NW is largely uncharted territory
I have no idea
This is some maximum shitposting you are doing with these shots. It's literally 2 frames (2x 1/60 sec) where she had this expression while talking.
Her eyes are also literally dirty in this scene.
Meanwhile on the switch
>some greasy neckbeards on Sup Forums think that this is ugly
good lord
save some for the rest of us you pure alpha males
I want to marry that handler
she's the one that give you the quests
>meanwhile, Ace Cadet 2.0 gets a cute assistant
I hunt monsters, not have them handle my quests
What's the new world?
She doesnt look that bad, its only that she went a bit overboard with the crack
She's cute you virgin autists. Not every female has to be a 10/10. I would totally eat her ass.
WTF Handler is that cute?
6/10 would impregnate and let her cook my dinner
this. You can stop any footage of her at any time (other than the end of that 2 smiles) and she will always look cute.
Fuck you she's cute
I want to hug her
>Japs finally make a female character that's not the same copy-paste animu character with different hair color
>when they try to pander to the west
"The west" likes ugly women.
they want the Western audience
Mikami hasn't had anything to do with RE since RE4 you dipshit
Shes cute fuck you guys
Could they not have redone this scene? Just a little bit? You'll be seeing at least a few frames of it every single hunt, you'd think they'd try a little harder on it.
I bet we'll get a free cosmetic guildmarm DLC somewhere down the line. If not guildmarm specifically, then another cute Capcom character
If 4U can do I don't see why World wouldn't
She wants the D
>tfw no autistic guildmarm gf
Waifufags ruin literally everything.
>have a decent conversation about a game's mechanics, music or story
and then the thread is filled with shitty screenshots of them doing poses in game. Mhw will be no different, for the first few months every thread will have posts like "QUICK POST YOU'RE HUNTERFU!!!" or ">tfw no [very specific thing] gf"
already happened during the demo, was kind of drowned out by weapon and casualization shitposting though.
I don't like being pandered to like that, especially when it's not accurate. That kind of settles it for me. I don't want to play the game which means I still don't need a nintendo console.
It wasn't drowned out, there just weren't enough customization options to appeal to the retards.
She's the one that gives you the story quests that you have to activate at the actual guild lady.
Just like the Caravaneer and fishing guy did in their games
But the demo only had preset faces
didn't stop them
That didn't stop people from spamming webms of the preset female's idle animations and shit
Weebs need to be banned from Sup Forums. I dont' want to see my favorite series die because of them.
What the actual fuck
Gotta get those (You)'s somehow
webms are great though
You don't do it for (You)s because they barely get any replies. You just spam them
>they look like monsters to you?
what did she mean by this?
>Japs were told they were making Monster Hunter World geared towards western audiences so they thought that meant they needed to make the women ugly like in western games
>if it looks remotely human it's bad
okay. have fun dying alone I guess.
premise of World's story is that a lot of monsters, especially elder dragons, seem to flock to this unexplored continent dubbed the New World
the research commission that you, the hunter, are part of, is traveling to this new world to investigate the continent overall, and specifically to get more information on the elder dragon Zorah Magdoros
That's what most female weebs look like
I come to video games for escapism, not to be reminded how horrifyingly ugly the women that share my hobby are.
Well they did say MHW was designed for Westerners
But user, they announced it will eventually come to PC.
your post should be
>tfw no MHW on vita
She looks like a cute tomboy, I don't understand why you guys are so freaked out about this?
We need more monhun lore. Just how much of the world is still unexplored at this point?
can you fucking read?
Don't understand why we can't design our own handler like we could pawns in Dragon's Dogma.
She's the absoloute blend of asian and white features of coarse she's hideous.
She looks like a DORK
A dork I'd pork
Weebs created Sup Forums specifically for weebs you fucking idiot.
I mean, honestly, the only difference I see is they have more realistic looking. I mean, realistic people are just uglier, they have more variety in aesthetic. No big deal.
Because we're in the worst timeline and for some reason everyone has to tippy toe around the land whale feminists
_ ____ __ ____ ____ cat
and he liked cross dressing and getting fucked up the ass by his feminist gf wearing a strap on. what's your point?
Yep, same reason every other /vg/ thread is straight up garbage. Waifufags need to hang.
>that conflicted feel when you want to get MHW on PC but also don't want to have to wait months for it after the console release