So, Sup Forums, how's your SL1 run going? I just drained New Londo, killed the Gaping Dragon...

So, Sup Forums, how's your SL1 run going? I just drained New Londo, killed the Gaping Dragon, and now I'm going to move down to Blighttown.

You have done a SL1 run, haven't you?

>You have done a SL1 run, haven't you?
Nope, I only play 2d games cause that's all my pc can run.

No because it seems super pointless

My Pyro Flame is at +9 so far, balder shield at +4 and the elite knight at +2

>Every SL1 run ever for me
>Reinforced Club, of course.
>Fine up to O&S, get sandblasted a bit but eventually focus enough to gudington my way through it
>Four Kings, want to kill myself
Other than that I didn't feel any of the fights were significantly harder mechanically, mostly just stamina management.

Finished back in early December

>centipede demon is a cunt

did that years ago

I still remember the demon firesage somehow being the hardest boss during sl1

I could barely stand to play the game enough on my first playthrough, can't imagine wanting to play it again, especially with a limited ruleset run like that.

I did one back in may. Its not even that much harder than a normal run. Pyromancy is overpowered in dark souls 1. A max pyro flame with red tearstone, bellowing dragon crest, and crown of dusk buffing it obliterates every boss in seconds. No matter what level youre at.

My sl1/low level runs brought me the most fun and unique weapon to my attention in any souls series (and since then i couldnt replicate it in any other). The giant blacksmith hammer. That baby hits like a truck, is cheap and easy to upgrade and has that awesome jumoing lunge attack as r2 attack combined with huge range and really good stagger that weapon maybe extremely powerful tool but unfortunately overlooked and therefore, only existing in the first souls game.

I am currently finishing my No Deaths run (Except for mandatory death at Seath). Did you finish it, scrublord?

NG ornstein killed my run

besides that, it was fun

>He doesnt even know how to skip the seathe death
>Calls other people scrubs
Kill yourself you human garbage.

I went on an SL1 Run last year but never finished it.
I got stuck at Manus and Seath.

Got tired of getting 1-2 shot by every boss.

Is there a way to make SL1 viable WITHOUT doing fire/lightning reinforced club+pyro? It's a bit depressing to think everyone who does it has the same build

You can beat the game with anything you just have to get good enough to not get hit.

I did Sl1 runs a couple of times and it really feels like the intended way to play the game. You're actually forced to use different gear in order to beat everything. In a normal run you can just bruteforce your build through the entire game.

Well yeah, by that logic, you would clear it naked with the straight sword hilt or w/e, but it wouldn't be a fun time. Damage output still matters, especially during 4 Kangz

I stopped briefly to replay Bloodborne
I don't know if it's the stakes being higher or what but I've no hit every boss in less than a minute so far. Hell, the gargs went down in like 20 seconds.

>reinforced club/battle axe

>forced to use different gear
>There's like 10 weapons you can even wield, and most of them are shit

Beat SL1 and dropped all my equipment after killing Gwyn and started a fresh NG+ and beat the too. 4kings is done with a RTR.

Look at your options. I think you can use the starting axe of the pyro, giant blacksmith hammer, club/reinforced club. Consult mugenmonkey if in doubt

I've always wondered if there were a small group of devs at who intentionally made it so that these different kinds of challenge runs were viable in DS or if it's all just coincidental because of how the game works/plays.

i wish there was a remake of DeS with all of the terrible parts like 1-2 or flamefucker or dragon god reworked

What's wrong with Flamelurker?

>with the super-optimal pyromancer stats
get back to me when you do SL2 cleric

he's a difficulty wall, an exhilarating fight to be sure, but he should have been at the end game rather than 2-2
he also has a couple of hitbox issues that make him more frustrating and a couple of exploits that make him easy to cheese

oh god

>if it's all just coincidental because of how the game works/plays

Probably this? It'd be tougher if they didn't make elemental damage/pyro non-scaling off of stats. Aside from that, the game prioritizes skill over loadout. A bad player in full Havel's or whatever will die quicker than a decent player with a shitty club

>not using based Hand-axe

My only issue with Flamelurker is that they lock the ability to make boss weapons behind him. Otherwise I think he's great.

>mandatory death at seath

Yes, when the game came out 6 years ago, faggot