Have any of you fucks played King's Field Ancient City yet? This game is fucking fantastic.
Have any of you fucks played King's Field Ancient City yet? This game is fucking fantastic
>i'm playing the dark souls before dark souls, better make a thread on Sup Forums about it
I never mentioned Dark Souls you fucking retard.
>FromSoftware game
>fucking fantastic
>How dare you talk about video games on MY video game board!
It is though. It's like what Oblivion should have been if it had good gameplay.
I wanna finish King's Field 2 but that framerate is annoying.
I still don't trust you.
The game literally moves at snails pace, I don't see how the framerate is a bad thing. Also, increasing the framerate increases the speed of the game which completely breaks the gameplay.
Because I don't like it when I'm turning and my turning speed suddenly changes? Shit like that. The problem isn't LOW framerate, the problem is how variable it is.
Alright then, you have a point. Are you playing on an actual PS1 though? I've played that game on a PS3, PS Vita and on PC and I believe they all ran at a fixed 30fps though the Vita went to single digits in the graveyard area near the end of the game.
Emulated on PC. Maybe you're thinking of 1, I dunno, that one was more stable from what I remember.
It's obvious that's why you decided to play it you blithering idiot. You're trying to fill up your hipster points.
No, I'm talking about the third game which is the second in the west.
Ah, I see. I was talking about JP 2.
I only played that one on the PS3 which runs the games faster than usual and I didn't finish it. Now that you mention it I should probably go back to it sometime.
I think this was the first ps1 game I ever got when I was a kid. Some skeleton near the start fucked my shit sideways and spooked my shit into not playing anymore.
Might have been other game with a similar aesthetic but I think it was this.
>posts a youtube thumbnail
Have YOU played it though, fiend?
I played the 1st King's Field on a PS1 emulator a year ago and there's no way in fucking hell anyone could enjoy this game unless they're feeling nostalgic.
Stop playing poorly aged games because you wanna feel cool on Sup Forums.
I'm playing through it for the first time now. I just cleared the refinery and finally got the blacksmith to go back to his workshop.
I played through some of it but my save got deleted or something. I've been meaning to get around to it again but I think I'll play through all the other games a second time first
>being a casual
anything else you wanna add?
>hurr I play shitty games so that people I'll never meet will perceive me as hardcore even though literally nobody cares
Good job proving my point.
>being this jaded
>lose perspective on reality
>transpose your insufferability onto a stranger
Just kill yourself at this point. I'm not even memeing.
I'd rather play PS2 Wizardry games, to be honest.
I routinely replay old PS1/PS2 games and have to adapt to tank controls or other random shit because the industry wasn't a boring homogenized mess yet. I play games from that era for the first time that either control like ass, have a bad aesthetic, have bad music, or have goofy gameplay.
And I find more enjoyment out of them than whatever abject suffering you seem to desire getting from them.
>he doesn't like armored core
absolute pleb
can you point to them, im a pleb.
Armored Core Master of Arena is god tier.
>being too underage that you think king's field is only known because of dark souls
how about you stop projecting kid
King's Field 1 (JP) is probably my favorite game in the series. It is hard to put to words what I enjoy so much about it. I suppose that it may be how the game forces you to take it slow and also the joy of finding hidden passages in the game. The first in particular is pretty good because you can hear the skeleton attacking from an area nearby you without any immediate idea where it is coming from.
I played King's Field 1 because I own King's Field 2. I find it fun to see how smaller developers and series change over time. I like to compare the controls of Armored Core and King's Field and to see how Eternal Ring and Shadow Tower adjust the King's Field formula.
It's a good Soulslike title.
where i can get it ffs
I only played Shadow Tower Abyss from earlier From games. King's Field is on my backlog as of now.
Way out of your jurisdiction, Detective Phelps
But Metal wolf was shit. What's the point in the score counting the destruction? It's a worse Otogi
Yeah, played through it a while ago and enjoyed it a lot. It's a very relaxing and strangely addictive game, same as the rest of the series. Shadow Tower is more interesting but it's too stressful, could never just kick back and enjoy it.
When is Kings Field VR coming out?
I played it because I enjoyed Souls games and wanted to see what else the devs have done, what's the problem with that exactly? If anything it's more abnormal to not be curious if you are actually interested in games.